Nine Heavens

Chapter 803: Tears Demon Seven Wolves

Chapter 803: Tear Demon Seven Wolves

When Liu Qianlang heard it, the salary of this recruitment was really attractive, but the premise was that he had to die. I have a pity that I am an ordinary person, I fell in love with the mortal world without discussing it, and I am destined to live in this life.

So he laughed and said: "Haha, at first glance, you are an ignorant tribe. What age are you now, and you still have thousands of mansions and villas? It's not as big as a mountain in Langyuanmen, Cangshan Mountain! My Liu Qianlang Is it the kind of person who can be bought with more than a thousand mansions and villas?"

"No need to talk nonsense, I am very busy, I have no grievances or enmities with you, I will take my Yangguan Road, you will cross your Dubu Bridge, we will not violate the river water, and please respect the tribal army to make way for this Fairy in the past."

"Hmph! I really don't know how to flatter you! Wow! Why does the Tongfeng Emperor have to talk nonsense with this kind of bird man? He should be hacked to death first, and then he will go back and cleanse his soul!" Seeing the six wolf brothers coming, he burst into tears. Mo Yilang regained his arrogance, turned his head and cried out to the emperor of Tongfeng tribe.

"Hmm!" The emperor of the Tongfeng tribe agreed when he heard it, and the twisted melon was not sweet.

So he nodded and said: "Woo! If that's the case, please trouble the tear demon seven wolves to do it! But be careful not to break his primordial spirit, or you will have to waste the dark tear demon fruit to repair it for him." Emperor Tongfeng shouted.

"Deling! Woohoo! Hee hee ha ha!"

The tear demon seven wolves cried together in response to Emperor Tongfeng's words, and then suddenly turned their heads to look at Liu Qianlang and laughed angrily. Immediately, they rode their horses into the air, kicked up the dust and sand all over the sky, and waved their bright maces one after another, howling all the way over.

Seeing that Liu Qianlang was officially showing her skills in front of the beauties, it was time for the beauty to smile. She turned her head and glanced at Princess Jiu who had grown to sixteen or seventeen years old, and shouted: "Hey! Princess Jiu, don't worry, grow up slowly, I'll be done here soon!"

As he spoke, Liu Qianlang chose the most wild and beautiful way of attacking, charging into battle, clamping his feet, jumping up on the dark horse, and instantly killed the seven wolves of the tear demon at the same place. Every time a sword is struck, it is determined that the posture is good before acting.


"Clang clang!"

The Nine Princesses of the Tears Devil Kingdom are beautiful and slightly frowned, with fluttering hair on their temples. Looking at her beautiful eyes, she can only see the sky in front of her eyes. Qianlang kept bursting out bright red light curtains in the center of the Tears Demon Seven Wolves.

To say that the tear demon seven wolves are not ordinary Taoists, they have been cultivated in the yin and yang realms for hundreds of millions of years, and their strengths are all the creation of more than thirty ghosts and fairy rings. Yong, even crying and laughing, roaring like thunder, and even his momentum can scare a lot of people and ghosts to death, how could Liu Qianlang win so easily.

The Nine Princesses knew the strength of the Tears Devil Seven Wolves, not only began to worry about Liu Qianlang, but also reduced the frequency of looking in the mirror to zero. After all, the other party is her benefactor, and although her body is still relatively fragile, she cannot provide him with Help, but it is still right to be anxious for him, so Princess Jiu's face became a little pale, and a pair of bright red eyes watched the development of the situation closely.

The battle scene of one person and seven ghosts is really spectacular. Liu Qianlang performed well, but the nine princesses don't need to worry. I saw him suddenly screaming, and then saw seven bright red sword rainbows slashing at the tear demon seven wolves at the same time.

Seeing the situation, the tear demon seven wolves screamed strangely in fright, their bodies were all on one side like lightning, although they barely avoided it. But the Ming horses under them were miserable, and they were chopped down one by one by Liu Qianlang in an instant.

Some had their heads cut off, their buttocks cut off, and their waists were cut off. In short, the ghost horses fell down, and the parts of the seven ghost horses were scattered all over the floor.

The seven ghost horses were so angry, looking at the scattered bodies and limbs, their heads thrown aside yelled loudly at the tear demon seven wolves for not caring about their pets, being innocent and neighing.

But at this moment, how could the Tears Devil Seven Wolves have the time to take care of them, because at the same time as the seven dark horses were cut down, seven bright red rainbows turned into light curtains and struck towards them.

"Haha! Father! Mother! Milk!"

The Tears Demon Seven Wolves laughed wildly and shouted wildly, but they still couldn't escape Liu Qianlang's domineering slash with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. When the Yin Hong light curtain receded, they also fell to the ground one by one, their arms and legs scattered on the ground.

When Liu Qianlang saw the tragic appearance of the tear demon seven wolves and the seven dark horses, he couldn't help being very hostile. He laughed, stopped his figure, and couldn't help looking up at the Jinbu Emperor and the Silver and Bronze Emperor who were hundreds of meters away. . I thought, it turns out that the ghost generals and soldiers in the underworld are nothing more than mediocre.

The ghost horse neighed, the ghost eagle flapped its wings, and even a horse and an eagle bluffed.

"Bah! Stupid horse! Come back to fight me next time after washing up! I'm Prince Charming, and it's a shame to fight you niggers!"

"Cut! Pull it if there are too many people! What's the matter, hang up, fight with my master, everyone dies, it's the king of ghosts! I've seen him before, such as ice toad, fantasy centipede, poisonous snake and so on Yes, kill whatever you see, how can you be afraid of you fellows without wings!"

The underworld horse under Liu Qianlang and the underworld eagle on his head screamed, and Liu Qianlang was in a good mood when he heard it. So he shouted into the distance: "Wait, get out of the way! Otherwise, their current fate will be your future for a while!"

"Cheeah haha!"

Minglei Tribe, Emperor Jin and the two emperors Yin and Bronze heard this, looked at each other, and couldn't help but sneered, not only didn't get out of the way for Liu Qianlang, they laughed enough, their faces darkened, and then they even controlled The huge phalanx of the entire Minglei tribe suddenly moved violently, stepping on the ground and pressing towards Liu Qianlang step by step.

"Quick! Get out of the way, the scoundrel!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang suddenly heard the Ninth Princess shouting anxiously behind him, and at the same time he was startled, he felt several huge black shadows smashing down on his head. The powerful hurricanes enveloped him in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!"

Liu Qianlang was horrified, a thought flashed in his heart, and the horse hissed suddenly, and flew out several tens of feet diagonally, then he stabilized his body and took a look. Shocked and dumbfounded, the three of the Tear Demon Seven Wolves had returned to their original appearance, urging their horses to run wildly, and holding up their maces, threw them at the position they had just been in.


In an instant, a huge crater was smashed out on the ground, and at the same time, sand and rocks were flying all over the sky.

And through the flying mountains and rocks, Liu Qianlang stared for a while with his powerful eyesight, and clearly saw four of the other seven wolves of tears, helping each other to put their arms and legs on the ground, those parts of the ghost horse My son is also getting together by himself.

A moment later, with a whoosh, the four tear demons galloped majestically and galloped over on tall horses. Then the tear demon seven wolves got together and searched for Liu Qianlang's location through flying sand and rocks all over the sky. After scanning for a while, they soon discovered Liu Qianlang's existence.

"Ho Ho!"

The tear demon seven wolves couldn't help coaxing and roaring, and surrounded Liu Qianlang again, but Liu Qianlang naturally wouldn't dodge, and in an instant, one person and seven ghosts were fighting in one place again. In this big round, both of them tried their best to feed each other, and they were inseparable for a while, and became a mess.

In the distance, Princess Nine saw Liu Qianlang dodging the blow from the three wolves of the tear demon just now, her pale face relaxed a little from fright, and then she kept observing the seven tears demon with flickering red eyes. The movements of the wolves, hoping to find their flaws.

After observing for a while, Princess Nine's eyes lit up suddenly, she was secretly delighted, and suddenly shouted: "Rogue! Cut off their soul gates! Their soul gates are all on the soles of their feet! Cut off their feet, and they will fly away!" "

During the melee, Liu Qianlang heard it, well, at least I didn't kill her more than 9,000 times in vain, and it is still useful in critical times, but I don't know what the soul gate is.

But he still did as he said, and suddenly his mind was agitated. He rode his horse and swung his proud sword frequently.


"Gudong! Gudong!"

In less time than the teacup, the tear demon seven wolves fell to the ground one after another, causing the ground to thump, and then their bodies began to float away like bubbles.

"Princess Nine! I hate you!"

The tear demon wolf's red eyes looked sadly at the nine princesses in the distance and shouted. At the same time, I secretly thought, you are my favorite woman, why are you so cruel, is it wrong for me to like you?

You actually helped that human kid kill yourself, you woman is too vicious, from now on I decided not to like paying you back! well! But it was too late, because he, like the other six wolves, soon turned into bubbles and drifted away.

"This? Then how did the Ninth Princess know our soul-peeping skills in the underworld!?"

In the tribe of the Tears Demon Tribe, Emperor Jinbu heard the voice of Princess Nine reminding Liu Qianlang that the Seven Wolf Soul Gate of the Tears Devil had been destroyed. The soul was broken miserably, and he couldn't help being terrified, and asked the two silver and bronze emperors on the left and right.

"No, run away! Look at her forehead, her yang energy is unrestrained, and her eyes are full of life. She has obviously been reborn nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times, breaking the curse of our tear demon, Yin and Yang, and turning tears into human beings." So she can see everything about Yin and Yang in the Demon Realm of Tears!" The Emperor of the Silver Phoenix Department stared at the Ninth Princess and shouted in panic.

"No! Haha! How is that possible? How could she escape from the Realm of Immortality and escape from the Realm of Crying Tears in one day, turning into a human race? This is absolutely impossible! Didn't make it!?"

The Emperor Jinbu of the Minglei Tribe laughed and howled like he was going crazy, but at this moment, the Emperor Yintong Erbu had already whipped his horse and fled more than a thousand feet away.

"Quick! Don't let them run away. The soul gate of the Emperor Jinbu is in the palm of the hand, the soul gate of the Silver and Bronze Emperor is on the ear, and the soul gates of those cavalrymen are all on the head!"

Princess Jiu shouted when she saw the silver and copper emperor fleeing away. Because she doesn't want the Dark Tears Tribe to continue to exist, and continue to compete with the Father Emperor of the Yang Realm for the world of the Tears Demon World.

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang stood on Mingma's body in a huff. Without saying a word, he urged Mingma to raise its front hooves and neighed for a while, then roared towards the cavalry formation of Minglei tribe hundreds of meters away. .

When passing Emperor Jinbu, he swept his sword away, and the poor Jinbu Emperor who was still screaming instantly made a bubble with a large group of Minglei tribe cavalry behind him.

Liu Qianlang led the waves to slash left and right, and Mingying opened the way, killing this was enjoyable. The cavalry from the Minglei tribe also cooperated, and rushed towards Liu Qianlang's position like a tide, and immediately in the second floor of the Yinyang Hall, everywhere Bubbles flew wildly, and ghosts and wolves howled endlessly.

Such a cool killing, Liu Qianlang performed for two full days and two nights, until the morning of the third day, finally killing the space of the Yin-Yang Temple in the dark and dark again to the green state.

Liu Qianlang was overjoyed, took away the dark horse and dark eagle, and then flew on top of the ghost boat, with both feet on the ship's side, holding the bright red Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in his hand, raised his chest, looked at the surrounding fields, and felt infinite. Heroic, just waiting for the Ninth Princess to praise her with flowers.

"You scoundrel! You're so stupid! After killing for two days and two nights, you let the two emperors, silver and copper, escape. The ruthless character!"

Liu Qianlang was happily waiting for the nine princesses to praise her, but she didn't expect the nine princesses to snort coldly, looking at Liu Qianlang was a sweet reprimand!


Liu Qianlang was speechless for a while after being scolded.

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