Nine Heavens

Chapter 894

Chapter 894: Profound Promise

Seeing Qiqi falling lonely on the rock, looking up at the sky, the nine-tailed golden trout, the twenty-one chaos elves, the red fairy, Ling'er has already concluded in his heart that Liu Qianlang must have failed in his soul refining time. up.

Even the three-color Huowa, who had been calm all this time, showed an anxious look in his eyes.

For some reason, the morning sun has been rising rapidly, the sky has gradually become blue, and the white clouds are long, but Liu Qianlang's figure has never appeared. The three-color fire baby has always firmly believed that Liu Qianlang will succeed, and it is slowly collapsing Now, looking at the towering mountains around Tiangang Mountain, it hurts my heart like a knife.

"Clap! Clap!"

His tears of sparks fell down, and he clenched his fists tightly, worried that he would cry out. But in the end he was still crying, he couldn't see Liu Qianlang appearing, but he thought of Blood Dragon Valley, and remembered that he and Mr. Wenyang had given him a chance to be resurrected.

"Your cry is so ugly!"

Ling'er heard the cry of the three-color fire baby, choked up and said, but she kept wiping away her tears and grinning. In fact, her voice was not as good as the three-color fire baby. At least the three-color fire baby was just sobbing, and she kept screaming.

"Father Lang'er! Grandma Shui'er!"

Just when everyone was in despair, suddenly saw Qiqi turned into the real body, and flew towards Tianyu with a snort, shouting excitedly.

The three-color Huowa was startled suddenly, and immediately raised her head to look at Tianyu, only to see Liu Qianlang standing steadily on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, with the aura of gods of all colors circulating in her body, her eyes like pools, and her hair flying like silver. , with a cold, resolute and clear face, and a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

On his left side, Yun Qianmeng stepped on the Fenxia Hongmeng Excalibur, and Shui'er sat sideways on top of the cute and cute ghost beast. On the right side of her body, the Lord of Qinghua Palace sits on the golden feather blue bird, Miaoyan sits on the refining soul ice phoenix, and Princess Jinling still sits on the goose emperor.

Under the scorching sun, there were white clouds, six smiling people, colorful clothes fluttering, surrounded by auspicious clouds, slowly drifting down towards the ghost boat below, like a group of immortals descending from the heaven.

When the three-color fire boy saw it, he burst into tears and laughed out loud.


"Oh! Oh!"

The nine-tailed golden trout and the twenty-one chaos elves cheered when they saw that not only did Liu Qianlang return safely, but also his wife, who had lost all mana, also recovered mana. It was obvious that the soul refining was successful.

"Heck! Look how beautiful you are!"

Ling'er wiped tears from left and right at this moment, and giggled immediately, looking at the nine-tailed golden trout and the twenty-one chaos elves cheering happily.

"Haha! I, Liu Qianlang, finally don't have to leave you!"

Liu Qianlang took all his beloved wives and landed in the ghost boat of Pantianya hand in hand. He shouted the first sentence like this, his eyes filled with tears of joy, and his left and right hands tightly held the hands of the three-color fire baby and the red fairy , staring at it with clear eyes, infinite gratitude is beyond words.

A few hours ago, at the Langyuan Gate of Cangshan Mountain, Song Zhenzheng was floating cross-legged in the dark night sky above Qingcang Peak. For nine days and nine nights in a row, he sat cross-legged in the dark cold rain, closed his eyes and meditated, and repeatedly deduced the astrology cycle in his mind. The trick is to figure out the result of the brother's celestial change.

In the early morning of the ninth day, the pouring rain stopped suddenly, the clouds parted and the rain cleared, and he suddenly opened his starry eyes, just as the first ray of sunlight from the east shone into the depths of his eyes. The result of this divination: Shangxuan Wuji.

This kind of hexagram image is the appearance of the supreme auspicious hexagram. I saw the colorful god flowers blooming on the originally pitch-black astrological ruler. Among the colorful god flowers, the colorful god stars suddenly shot out like fireworks and spread to the surroundings. Fly away.

In less than a cup of tea, it has already flown all over the world of Cangshan Mountain. At the same time, under the rising sun, there are pieces of auspicious clouds in the outer sky. Countless auspicious cranes, fire phoenixes, and colorful sparrows are constantly coming to Cangshan Mountain. cloud.

"Haha! Shangxuan Wuji! Shangxuan Wuji!"

"Haha! Haha! The head is coming back! The head is coming back! The third brother is coming back!"

Song Zhen looked at the auspicious scenes everywhere on Cangshan Mountain, holding up the astrological ruler full of colorful auspicious flowers in his hand, standing on top of the blood unicorn, whizzing and circling over the entire Cangshan Mountain, shouting excitedly .

Then it stood on top of the blood unicorn, and flew towards the west sky with a roar.

"Oh! It's finally sunny!"

"Come and see! The sky is so beautiful!"

"Song Tianshi shouted that the master is coming back, is it true?"

"Hehe, don't listen to him, he's crazy, doesn't he yell and yell every day?"

"How come there are so many golden phoenixes, silver phoenixes, Zhu Wus, and colorful magpies? This is a good sign! Heck! There must be some great event about to happen in our Langyuan Sect!"

"Who knows, wasn't it the same way half a year ago when the head returned to the soul, and it turned out to be hilarious!"

Seeing the scene in the sky above Cangshan Mountain, all the disciples of the Langyuan Sect of Cangshan Mountain flew to the top of Cangshan Cliff to look at the wonders of the sky curiously, admiring and discussing excitedly.

Qingcang Peak, in Qingcang Palace, Yaya is taking care of the two aunts Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang carefully, the two aunts and uncles are inconvenient to travel freely because of their pregnancy, Song Zhen is mostly busy with the affairs of the mountain gate these days He asked for divination for Liu Qianlang, and specially recruited Yaya to take care of the two wives.

At this moment, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and Yaya was still before dawn, so she made arrangements for Qingyu Peak early and came to Qingqiong Palace to visit her two teachers, uncles and aunts. While teasing the two aunts and uncles, Yaya combed their hair.

"Heck! Aunt Shuang, Aunt Xiang, when will you have a Junior Junior Brother or Junior Sister! I can discuss it with Junior Brother Liu, and the Junior Junior Brother will be taught by him. If it's the Junior Junior Sister, hehe! I will be a disciple!"

"Hehe! Look at you girl, it's only been half a year, why don't you come early? All right! Don't be annoyed then!" Lan Shuang said with a smile.

"Hehe! If I really become your apprentice, then I will burn incense! Who doesn't know, Yaya is the pillar of our Cangshan Mountain! When the sky snail blows, the whole house is silent!" Ye Xiang laughed.

"Hi! I don't know what happened to the master, the little master, and how many mistresses? Senior Mo Nengzhi came back and said that the master is looking for a treasure that can link souls. I don't know what's going on now?"

When Mi Tianluo was mentioned, Yaya immediately thought of her mentor and Yun Qianmeng who was like a mother, and her heart was full of worries. Half a year ago, the master left with the little master and the four wives who had no mana. He just said that he went to the world to find the magic medicine for the little master and the four wives to restore their mana. It is said that success is guaranteed in half a year, now that half a year has passed, it should be back soon!

While combing Lan Shuang's hair, Yaya was thinking about it, and her subordinates couldn't help but slow down.

"Missing your master and little master again? We are too. I don't know where they are now. They have always been good. In the past six months, you, Uncle Song, have been bewitched all day long. Over and over again. Divination for your master, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing."

"We all know that he has a deep relationship with the head of the sect. If the head doesn't come back, he will be restless for a day. We have repeatedly comforted him, but he always said that we don't want to worry about it. He didn't say much when we asked him, so he had no choice but to let him go. I just hope that the head and all the head sisters-in-law will return safely as soon as possible!"

Lan Shuang looked back at Yaya's haggard face because of working day and night for half a year and said.

"Heck! The two aunts don't think too much! Otherwise, it will be bad for the younger brother and younger sister. Yaya is just talking casually!" Yaya was worried that her sadness would affect the two aunts, so she quickly pretended to be happy laughed.

"Haha! Haha! Shangxuan Wuji! Shangxuan Wuji! The third brother is coming back!"

The elder and the younger were talking in the hall, when they suddenly heard Song Zhen's extremely excited shouts from the sky outside the window, at first they didn't pay attention, because he didn't hear such shouts once. But when they suddenly heard him calling third brother to come back, the eyes of all three of them lit up, and they were all excited.

Outsiders think that Song Zhen has been crazy for half a year, but Lan Shuang, Yexiang and Yaya know that he is not crazy, but he really misses his brother who went through life and death with him so much, that's why he is like this. And he never doubted the ability of his astrology seven formulas. Even Yaya believed in Song Zhen's divination technique 10,000 times after going through the spirit riding incident last time.

"Hehe! It's all over now, the head and all the head's sisters-in-law are finally back!" Lan Shuang laughed. Then she stood up and helped Yexiang up, and Yaya helped the two aunts to the front of the hall window, gently opened the window lattice, and looked at the beautiful sky that had dissipated from the continuous rainstorm for nine days and nine nights.

In the layers of clouds and mists thousands of miles west of Cangshan Mountain, the silver-gray boat of the mother of light is like a huge crescent moon, drawing a long rainbow, and driving towards Cangshan Mountain non-stop.

Liu Qianlang stood on the bow of the boat, with flying white hair, swaying eyes, eyes wide open, and a smile on his face. Although he couldn't see Cangshan Mountain, he kept looking in that direction.

The five beloved wives on the left and right are also smiling, their colorful clothes fluttering, and they are looking ahead.

"Hee hee! Go to Cangshan!"

The nine-tailed golden trout has never been to Cangshan Mountain. I heard that Liu Qianlang said that he went back to Cangshan Mountain. He was full of curiosity along the way. His golden body gleamed and shuttled around or among Liu Qianlang, Yun Qianmeng and others. , frolicking.

Three-color Huowa, Qiqi, Hongxian, and Linger were very relaxed, casually laying on their backs in the ghost boat, chatting about various happy things.

However, the twenty-one Chaos Elves were not idle, they kept paddling the elf boat, talking and laughing at the same time.

During the flight, Liu Qianlang suddenly saw a huge blood-red beast in his sight, like a fireball, roaring and flying in his direction, on which stood a person wearing a seven-star fairy robe. Liu Qianlang took a closer look, and instantly felt ecstasy in his heart.

"Go slowly!"

As Liu Qianlang was talking, his feet flickered, and in an instant, he raised the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and flew towards the fireball whistling.

"Heck! Look at the two brothers, they really have a deep friendship. One ran so far to pick him up, and the other couldn't wait!"

After seeing Liu Qianlang flying away, Yun Qianmeng, Shui'er, Miaoyan, Palace Master Qinghua and Princess Jinling followed the light mother's boat and saw clearly who was coming in front.

Not long after, Liu Qianlang stood on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and stopped in front of the Yin Hong Divine Beast. And the blood unicorn, the Yin Hong divine beast, also stopped.

The two stood facing each other, staring at each other for a long time.

"Third brother!"

"Fourth brother!"

Song Zhen kept twisting his black and white eyebrows, his lips trembling, and shouted excitedly. Immediately, Song Zhen, who seldom shed tears, burst into tears.

Liu Qianlang stepped forward and held Song Zhen's hand tightly, with tears in his eyes, he kept nodding and said, "Fourth brother!"

Then the two hugged each other tightly, their hearts were surging, and thousands of feelings gathered in their hearts.

"Haha! I knew that the third brother had a great destiny and a magical fortune. He would definitely survive the tribulation of the four lives!" Song Zhen laughed loudly.

"All these creations were created by you for my brother. Without you, there would be no possibility for me to go on forever! Song Zhen! Thank you!"

Liu Qianlang let go of Song Zhen, looked at Song Zhen's bushy black and white eyebrows with infinite emotion and said.

"Third brother, why are you speaking so politely! Our brothers are bound by life and death, the sky is immortal, and our friendship is eternal! Haha, how did the third brother become a mother-in-law? Go back quickly with brother. The Shanmen brothers are waiting for you to go back and drink fairy wine! "

Song Zhen laughed. Then he saw the ghost boat flying close, and hurriedly greeted Yun Qianmeng and others.

Then, Liu Qianlang introduced the nine-tailed golden trout, three-color fire baby and Ling'er to Song Zhen. Then everyone continued to march towards Cangshan happily.

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