Nine Heavens

Chapter 901: Emerging Demon Emperor

Chapter 901: Emerging Demon King

After a brief comfortable adjustment, Liu Qian did not change her original intention, and began to make intensive preparations for cultivating the Eight Directions Immortal Formation. After some serious deliberation, Liu Qianlang decided to start with the cultivation of the Northern Xuangang Xinghua Nine Swords Formation, which he is most familiar with.

Because relatively speaking, the Xuangang Nine Swords Formation requires less manpower. Even the core artifact and auxiliary artifacts only need ten people in total. One is Huang Qi, the second elder brother among the seven sons of Juying, the guardian of Xuangang Bell, and Master Chasing Fate, one of the new abbots of Shura Temple.

In addition, the Sword Attendant of Xinghua Nine Swords, apart from himself being the sword master of Yang Jian Dan Jian Yang Burning God Sword, the other eight Sword Attendants are Cheng Yuanfang, brother of Youdu Xuanze's Sword Attendant.

The sword attendant of Ziying Liuhua, the eldest Hua'er among the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan from Qiongshan Taomen.

The sword attendant of Che Baihua's sword is Tan Jing from the Yuemen of Huanhua Waterfall.

Cuiyou Mianhun's sword attendant sister Liu Juan, Blue Star Huanmo's sword attendant sister Cheng Shifeng, Fenxia Hongmeng's sword attendant wife Yun Qianmeng, Huang Huan Xiaochen's sword attendant Fang Jun, and Jin Lanying, the sword servant of the demon-swallowing sword.

Among the eight yin sword servants, Tan Jing, younger sister Shifeng, beloved wife Yun Qianmeng, Fang Jun and Lan Ying who used to be under the sect of the Empress of Silence are all in the Langyuan Gate of Cangshan, while the elder sister Liu Juan is in the Xianshan School, and Hua'er is in Qiongshan School. Shantaomen can be contacted at any time.

Only Cheng Yuanfang, the master of the Sword of Youdu Xuanze, is in the Demon Sect, and he needs his help to practice.

In addition, it is necessary to send a letter to Master Huang Qizhuyuan, the second elder brother of Shura Temple, who is unwilling to return to vulgarity, to come to control the Xuangang Bell. Only when the guardians of the ten great artifacts gather together can they practice. As for when they will succeed in cultivation, it depends on the definite number.

Immortal Liu Qianlang first sent a letter to the Xianshan School to invite her sister, Master Zhuyuan of Shura Temple, Taomen Huaer to come, and then left the mountain gate by herself to find her brother Cheng Yuanfang.

In other words, since Cheng Yuanfang parted ways with Liu Qianlang last time, he has gone through three or four years of conquests from east to west, centered on the pitch-black valley of Mitiansha, and almost conquered the forces of monsters and monsters in the entire Mitiansha Valley. .

After betraying Thunderbolt Xuanmo, the two great beast masters under the head of the six giant caves of the evil sect, the Sorcerer Cave Emperor Thunderbolt Xuanmo, the lion demon and the eagle demon, originally planned to live in their own barbaric ancient plains and demon realm Eagle Mountain respectively. Live your own happy life and no longer participate in the battles between the demon factions. I don't want Thunderbolt Xuanmo, and I can't bear the humiliation of the three beast masters betraying themselves, so I re-entangled with the new three masters and kept going to the wild ancient plains and the eagle mountain in the demon realm to encircle the lion demon and eagle demon lairs, making them unable to survive safely. Angrily, the lion demon and the eagle demon took refuge in Cheng Yuanfang, the wolf god in the sea of ​​turmoil.

As a result, Cheng Yuanfang's strength has increased even more, and he is no longer in the state of day and night as before. He simply left the Mitian Mountain area, and used the Desert Wolf Castle to carry all his forces in the sea of ​​clouds, sky, or It is on the sea, or among the mountains, or on the plain.

From time to time, he controls the extremely huge dark wolf castle, roars and shuttles between the sky and the earth, runs wildly and fearlessly, even Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, no longer underestimates him.

Moreover, Cheng Yuanfang threatened to kill the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and seize the Blood Moon Demon Palace in Xiangtian Peak, Liufang Island, East Tianyang. A direct threat to the Blood Moon Sect within the Blood Moon.

At noon that day, the Thunderbolt Xuanmo was in the Blood Moon Demon Palace talking with the three evil venerables of the Evil Spirit Valley, the venerable Tuosang from the Zombie Domain, the venerable Nether of Naita, and the ecstatic venerable who came here a year ago. How to complete the new holy order given by the Bishop of the Blood Moon Sect. One is to slaughter and eliminate the Nine Immortals Mountain Sect, and the other is to hunt down and kill the Soul of Zheyue and the Soul of Tunhui who have black and white pupils.

"Mysterious Demon Cave Emperor! The three of us brothers are very strange. With the strength of the leader, it's just that he didn't gather all eighty-one magic dragon balls for a while, and he didn't win the black and white two pupils you mentioned. Isn't it just a matter of a random palm, how could it make the Queen Qixiang who is wandering in the ghost domain and the former Qingliu Kingdom Yun Xiangguo come back to life!"

"This is really not a good thing. From now on, Queen Qixiang and Yun Xiangguo have connected the yin and yang realms. They have already become the overlords of the cold and snowy domain in the Wandering Ghost Realm. If they continue like this, they will not annex the entire Jiuyou sooner or later. ah!"

Zombie Master Yu Tuosang was playing with a fist-sized ghost green magic dragon ball in his hand, and said with the same ghost green eyes.

"The leader didn't say the specifics, but he found out through the magic crystal ball that Liu Qianlang, the head of the Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain, participated in the resurrection of the two of them. Now they have successfully resurrected, and they are already lifeless people. There is no other way but to kill his soul, and there is nothing we can do if we are unhappy. But the most troublesome thing is that Queen Qixiang is the sister of Liu Qianlang, and that Yun Xiangguo and Queen Qixiang are also dead. Sisters who never parted."

"Looking at it this way, although it's not as serious as you said, the two of you will definitely be our enemies in the future!" The Thunderbolt Xuanmo was dressed in a pitch-black magic robe, filled with black smoke, and the soundless flashes of thunderbolt and lightning tore apart These smokes, with cold eyes flashing in their sinister eyes, said helplessly.


"Why is it that Liu Qianlang again! More than a year ago, he was the one who broke into the main rudder skull pit of our evil spirit valley, destroyed all the main rudder skull towers and main rudder forces, and defeated our three evil masters so far , The memory is still fresh when I think about it! Hey! How do you feel about the poor Master Skeleton, the owner of the Evil Spirit Valley, who is now lying in the Five Elements and Five Tombs on the Skull Island at the bottom of the sea!?"

"One day, if Liu Qianlang is captured alive, I will definitely eat his flesh and blood, swallow his heart and dig out his lungs, I really hate people!"

The Nether Lord of Neita, with a stooped and thin body, said angrily.

"Catching Liu Qianlang alive? It's not easy! Today's Cangshan Langyuan Gate is said to be the size of ten thousand palaces and ten thousand halls. Among other things, there are only eighty-one. Shenlong Palace, Shenfeng Palace, Dragon Ball Palace, Fengdan Palace Palace, Demon Speeding Sword Palace and Spirit Arrow Palace are enough to dominate the entire Earth Immortal World."

"The Tianjue Gate in the north of Cangshan Mountain and the Wuji Gate in the east, which have been rampant before, have restrained a lot after seeing this, and they have been secretly developing their forces. They even have the heart to join hands with our evil faction to deal with the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain. Of course , has not yet developed to this point.”

"Furthermore, that Liu Qianlang is an existence that defies heaven and earth. According to the leader, he actually obtained nine treasured tripods from the era of cosmic chaos. The constraints of thousands of rules. In other words, Liu Qianlang is not tolerated by the heavens, the human world and the underworld, but he actually exists, and the strength of Cangshan Langyuanmen is getting stronger day by day. Human beings, be they good or bad, flow towards Cangshan Mountain like a torrent in the sea!"

"The emperor of this cave has not yet figured out whether the Cangshan Langyuan Gate is an orthodox sect or an evil sect. If it is an orthodox sect, what ghosts, gods, demons, and spirits belong to the gate? It is complete. If you say it is an evil sect, it does not even have a trace of evil spirits. Such a sect not only exists among all the sects in the world, but also becomes stronger day by day, it is simply unimaginable."

Thunderbolt Xuan Mo said with emotion.

"Are we just going to watch Cangshan Langyuanmen and Liu Qianlang go rampant like this?" The Bat Cave Hooking Lord said in a shrill voice with his mouse-like muzzle closed.

"Haha! Of course not! Now the leader and the three magic dragon balls in your hands are already eighty, and only the last one in the hands of Liu Qianlang's wife Shui'er has been gathered."

"Once they are gathered together, the leader can continue to strengthen the cultivation of the blood demon magic. When it reaches the chaotic state, it can immediately destroy the gates of the underworld, release the god of darkness, and make him possess. If it succeeds, then Liu Qianlang can count What, after the leader slaughters the human world and the underworld, he will definitely rush to the heavens and lead us to soar freely in the heavens!"

"So the most important thing now is to get the eighty-first magic dragon ball. This is also the reason why the leader has besieged Cangshan many times. However, the leader later found out that Liu Qianlang spent all day with his wives, including the The Shui'er of the Magic Dragon Ball is inseparable, even in the Langyuan Gate of Cangshan Mountain. And once they leave Cangshan Mountain, they will be brought into a magical profound realm, which is the black jade skull on his chest!"

"However, Liu Qianlang's strength is too strong now, even the leader can't defeat him, so he tried his best to annex and expand the strength of the Blood Moon God Sect."

"The soul of Zheyue and the soul of swallowing wisdom are also the two souls of hatred that the leader wants to find. He wants to find them and greatly enhance his strength. I heard that it seems that the combination of eight souls can master the power of chaos. However, it is a pity that the soul of Zheyue and the soul of swallowing wisdom have long since abandoned their original intention of hatred and devoted themselves to goodness. They refused to submit to the leader. Since they are not friends, they must be opponents. The reason for killing them."

The Thunderbolt Xuan Mo sat on the throne of the Demon Palace, leaned slightly and glanced at the three lower-headed Evil Venerables, and said very mysteriously.

"So, wouldn't it be more valuable for us to find a way to capture the eighty-first magic dragon ball first, why bother to attack the Xianshan faction and the black and white two pupils first!?" Zombie Yu Tuosang said with a frown.

"As for the last dragon ball, the leader told him that he has to do it himself, without me intervening. The reason why we deal with the Xianshan faction is because there is his sister Liu Juan there. We are bound to distract him when we deal with the Jiuxianshan Xianshan faction. , and then go to all other righteous sects in the world to create chaos, in this way, these sects will turn to Cangshan Langyuan Sect for help, continue to interfere with Liu Qianlang's sight, and thus slowly create opportunities for the leader to seize the last magic dragon ball."

"As for the killing of the black and white pupils, as I said just now, they are now enemies and not friends. If they are not killed, the leader is worried that the two will be bought by the emerging demon faction Desert Wolf Fort! Want to seize this Blood Moon Demon Palace and go straight to the Blood Moon Divine Art?"

When Thunderbolt Xuanmo spoke, he glanced around at the ghostly smoke and ghostly mist in the hall of the Demon Palace, and a nervous look flashed in his eyes. Because all along, he has been worried that Cheng Yuanfang will come to avenge him for turning him into a three-eyed wolf and feeding him Ruxin pills, so there is always a shadow in his heart, and he can't wait to kill Cheng Yuanfang at once to feel at ease. .

However, what made him even more horrified was that not only did the army of lion demons and eagle demons sent out a few years ago fail to slaughter Cheng Yuanfang, but now the three forces have merged into one place. The strength has been destroyed. The most frightening thing is that the three of them used to be his subordinates, and they knew everything about him. If we don't get rid of them, it will be a serious disaster after all.

"Oh! That's it, we understand. Speaking of the distance, it's terrifying. Recently, the three of us saw him, surrounded by four extremely enchanting women, standing on top of an overwhelming black castle. Flying across the sky, above the walls of the pitch-black castle, several giant wolves floated up from time to time, howling at the moon, and their momentum was terrifying."

"Yes, he is tall, with a bright red eye on his first head, and a blue bow and arrow on his back, as if he is subduing some demons and monsters from all over the world! The service is included in the wolf castle, and the rebellion is included. Shooting and killing with arrows is very domineering. Countless monsters from oceans, rivers and lakes have become his navy subordinates!"

"In addition, he seems to have set his sights on the cliffs and the flying objects in the clouds. Countless birds of heaven flew into his Wolf Castle like dark clouds."

The Zombie Yu Tuosang, the Neita Nether Lord, and the Bat Cave Ecstasy Lord spoke successively.

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