Nine Heavens

Chapter 911: Waterfall River in the Scale Region

Chapter 911: Linyu Waterfall River

While flying at low altitude, the three of them sniffed the fragrance of spiritual flowers and grasses that are ubiquitous in the space, and admired the majestic mountains near and far. Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang were amazed.

But Liu Qianlang was very puzzled, the Tomorrow World in front of him, but he hadn't been in it for more than half a year, had such a huge change, it was many times bigger than when he came in before.

Although I didn’t intend to travel around tomorrow, I have generally drifted and flew. I know the general outline of tomorrow’s world, but the landscape in front of me shows many mountains, lakes, strange peaks and dangerous cliffs that I have never seen before. of. So how can such a big change happen?

And because I was really curious, I went to look for the Linyu River where the little devil fish Xiaolin lived, but in the previous Tomorrow World, no matter how far I flew, I never found the existence of the Linyu River that the little devil fish talked about. I didn't find it again.

Now a little beauty suddenly appeared, which shows that the world of tomorrow is far from the empty space I thought before, and it seems that there are many existences that I have never experienced.

"Qianlang? Do you like the former Mr. Wenyang or the current Pa'er?"

When Liu Qianlang was pondering the changes in the profound realm of Moyu Skull, he suddenly felt a touch of oxygen in his ears, and then the scent of pear blossoms penetrated into his breath, and he heard Pa'er's mischievous and soft voice.

Looking sideways, it was a pure white pear blossom, which sealed the words and entered his mind and soul. Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, took the white pear blossoms into Undead Heart Amber, looked at the pear blossoms in front of the clouds, looked back at her own flower, and nodded slightly.

"Liu Qianlang is grateful to the former Mr. Wenyang, and loves today's virtuous wife, Pa'er!" Liu Qianlang said directly through sound transmission.

"Heck! That's good. If you don't want Pa'er, I will definitely make you look good! In the past six months, Pa'er has brewed a lot of pear blossom moon wine. If you ignore me, of course I won't drink it for you!"

When Pa'er heard this, she smiled, and said this through the voice transmission in her mind, then turned her head with a blushing face, and she and Xiaomei focused on leading the way ahead.

Liu Qianlang stared at Pa'er's fresh figure again, and naturally put her in a very important position in his heart. She once stopped breathing because of herself, and she was infatuated with herself, how could she let her down! Just like Miaoyan and the others, since they are connected by fate, let's face the many ordeals ahead together!

The Moyu Skeleton tomorrow's world is beautiful, and the flower in front of him is even more beautiful. Liu Qianlang stared at it fascinated, recalling every moment of meeting her in the past.

"Heck! Look, the Linyu River where we live is in front of us! Mother! I'm back!"

When Liu Qianlang was concentrating on reminiscing, he suddenly heard Xiaomei cheering hundreds of feet away, and then pulled Pa'er and quickly turned towards a mountain bend ahead.

Hearing Xiaomei's pleasantly surprised laughter, Liu Qianlang immediately stopped his thoughts, and flew towards the mountain bend together with Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang.

As the road turned, the three of them couldn't help but exclaimed in unison, and saw that in sight, it suddenly became infinitely gorgeous. Thousands of feet away, from the sky to the earth, there appeared a wave of untold waterfalls.

The water flows from bottom to top and upside down, the color is light, it is the color of Qingning light blue. Said to be a waterfall, it is more like an ocean standing between the sky and the earth.

On the waterfall, there are waves splashing, wonderful magical flowers blooming in all colors, inexplicable birds singing and flying, and bursts of refreshing and sweet wind rushing towards you, warm and auspicious.

"Haha! The third brother is really amazing. No wonder Qiqi always said that the beauty of the third brother's magic cave and skeleton is better than countless Cangshan Mountains. I didn't believe it before. Seeing such a strange phenomenon, Song Zhen wrote back this time!"

Song Zhen has never seen such a waterfall rising into the sky, and there are countless embellishments against the sky, Song Zhen laughed admiringly.

"Hmm! Beautiful! It's so beautiful! I knew I would bring the four ladies here, and let them see the beautiful cave outside Wolf Castle." Cheng Yuanfang's three eyes were all shining with rainbows, he was full of praise, and only regretted Just came alone.

After hearing this, Liu Qianlang smiled heartily and said: "What's the problem? After I go back, I will let them live with their parents in this tomorrow's world for a period of time, and let them have fun as much as they want."

"Haha! I think it's okay. The aura here is so rich and mellow. If Lan Shuang, Yexiang and the other sisters-in-law are to welcome the birth of a baby within tomorrow, they must be born with spiritual wisdom against heaven!" Song Zhen agreed very much.

"Since that's the case, it's settled. Speaking of it, it's safer to be in this mysterious territory than outside. If the two brothers want to visit them, you can send me a voice transmission from your heart at any time, and you can enter here immediately, and see your brothers and sisters or Sister-in-law's." Liu Qianlang also thought it was a good idea.

The three of them were talking, and they flew to a position more than a hundred feet in front of the so-called Linyu River, while Xiaomei and Pa'er were floating on the pear blossom clouds, already in the light blue waves.

"Hmm! Mei'er, did Lin'er not find it again?"

A middle-aged woman's voice came from the depths of the blossoming waves, but Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang and Song Zhen did not see her figure.

"Mother! My sister went to play outside the Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountain again, and went to find Yaya!" Xiaomei quickly explained.

"Oh? Is that so? Yaya is a kind soul, but my mother is very worried about those souls created by Empress Nuwa. There will eventually be some small children. Your sister is stubborn and innocent. I'm afraid that something will happen to her! Yes You didn't go out again, how did you know that she went to look for Yaya?" Xiaomei's mother asked again.

"Oh! Mother, Yaya's master is the new owner of this light and dark Hunyuan Mountain and the two masters are here, they said! They are outside the demon realm!" Xiaomei tilted her head and looked at Pai. With twinkling eyes on her beautiful face, she said.

"Oh! Really? The souls who can enter here are obviously people of great fate. Linyu River, the Linhe Virgin welcomes you to come to this place, hehe, honored guests here, don't lead them into Linhe Come to the Holy Palace!"

Xiaomei's Mother of the Nianlin River laughed when she heard that there were guests coming.

"Heck! Okay, but mother, let's talk about it first. This time, Xiaomei is really not greedy for fun. She has been looking for her sister all the time. Don't let her eat Chaos Spirit Flower again. I'm going to vomit. Already!"

Xiaomei said happily, and then stretched out her hand to draw on the surface of the Linyu River waterfall, and a large hollow circle immediately appeared in her sight. Inside the big circle, it gives people a sparkling, clear and transparent feeling.

"Hee hee! Haha! Sister Xiaomei! Sister Pa'er!"

As soon as the big circle appeared, countless colorful little devil fish with human heads poured out of it like a tide. They looked like they were only ten years old, they could be of any color, they had big eyes and pouty mouths, and round, chubby faces. , full of cuteness. While swimming, they happily greeted Xiaomei and Paier.

"Heck! Little brother, little sister! How are you!" Pa'er saw these little devil fish, and waved to them happily.

And these little demon fish circled around the two of them, quickly neatly left and right in the big circle, floating their bodies facing each other, forming two rows, and then shouted childishly: "Hee hee! Come in!"

Then they puffed up their cheeks and kept blowing out colorful bubbles of different sizes one after another, forming a bubble channel about one meter wide between them like a balloon.

From the front of Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Cheng Yuan, all the way to the big circle.

When Xiaomei and Pa'er met, it seemed commonplace. Seeing that Liu Qianlang and the others hadn't moved, Xiaomei smiled and said, "Huh? Why don't you leave? Hehe! It's very strong." Xiaomei guessed Liu Qianlang and others thought, said.

"This? Haha!"

The three of them glanced at each other and laughed. In fact, Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang were not worried that the bubble path was not solid, but looked at the little devil fish on the left and right. They were so cute and cute. The way they look, especially the way they blow bubbles hard, they just like dead people.

From their point of view, even if there is no such passage, it would be a blink of an eye for Yujian to fly into the big circle, but as the Romans do, the three of them immediately collected their treasures, and all of them stepped onto the Bubble passage with smiles on their faces.

Then, following the ups and downs of the bubbles, his figure was fluttering, and he walked slowly into the big circle. It felt like a big man had entered a kindergarten. He looked at the cute little devil fish from left to right, with a face full of care and kindness.

But they were totally wrong, without the big circle drawn by Xiaomei, without this bubble road, even if the three of them practiced for millions of years, they would not be able to enter the Linhe Holy Palace in Linyu River. Moreover, what they entered was only the most elementary palace among the trillion palaces of Linhe Yao Palace, and there are infinite universes behind them, which they did not know until tens of millions of years later.

Just the naughty little devil fish under their feet, any one of them is infinitely stronger than the three.

Seeing Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Cheng Yuanfang floated into the big circle, and the little devil fish behind them dispersed with a whimper, and Pa'er and Xiaomei rushed into the big circle with the three queens chirping.

"Okay! Hehe, you troublemakers, stop making noise, and go to Piaoxingya to practice!"

Hearing the noise of these demonic fish, the Madonna of Linhe laughed from the depths of the circle.

"Oh! Alright! Hee hee! Sister Xiaomei, Sister Pa'er, don't forget to come and play with us when you have time! This is the Wancai star I just refined, it's so beautiful, I'll give it to Sister Pa'er !"

"Hehe! I have it too! I have it too!"

These little devil fish are obviously very obedient, and they seem to be very familiar with Pa'er. Before leaving, they all spit out a beautiful star stone the size of a thumb from their small mouths and gave it to Pa'er.

Pa'er was not polite, Liu Qianlang looked at her and said thank you a few times before accepting her. Then those little devil fish swam away happily.

After a while, Liu Qianlang felt that the front suddenly widened, and saw a huge sparkling white palace similar to crystal appeared in the field of vision in the swaying water.

The palace door was wide open, and clear white water gushed out of it, with a curl of white mist, flowing into the entire light blue water and sea world outside the Crystal Palace.

"Heck! Little devil turtle! Come out and help!"

When everyone floated to the gate of the Crystal Palace, Xiaomei shouted towards the gate of the palace.

"Ha! Who is it? He just fell asleep, and it hasn't been three years yet? He's making noise again! Oh! It's Miss Xiaomei! Huh? Why are there so many souls here?"

As soon as Xiaomei finished speaking, she saw a green glow flashing inside the palace gate, a green turtle with its legs upturned, stretched its waist, raised its head to the outside of the palace gate, let out a breath, and said lazily.

"Heck! You're lazy and sleep again, and Xiaoyue and the others have almost stolen all the Kaihui beads on your head!" Xiaomei couldn't help laughing seeing the little devil's laziness.


Hearing this, the emerald-green little devil tortoise jumped up with a grunt, and after a while in the air, its four corners landed on the ground, and then one of its front paws vigorously touched its forehead. But after a long time of messing around, he couldn't get enough, because he was too fat, and it was difficult to bend his leg back.

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