Nine Heavens

Chapter 915 Armored General

Chapter 915 Armored General

An hour later, the bright moon rose, Liu Qianlang and others were in the elegant small building, and a group of handsome men and women served the food in front of and behind them. After a delicious meal, they satisfactorily satisfied Set foot on Wangmeixuan on the roof of Panshui Building.

This Wangmei Pavilion is actually a circular high platform with a diameter of about ten feet surrounded by steps that spiral up around it, and it is about tens of feet high.

The reason why it is called Wangmeixuan is mainly related to Qianque Lake in the south of the city. Recently, nine beautiful and magical women suddenly appeared on Qianque Lake. According to the handsome men and beauties just now, the nine women are not only beautiful, but also know everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to sweet singing and dancing.

He has only been here for more than a month, and he is already a leader among the three thousand beauty of Qianque Lake. Now these nine beauties are loved by all the men in the city, and there is not a single woman who is full of bedtime!

It is said that even famous generals and ministers from many countries far away from Tianhuangcheng, even emperors, came to Tianhuangcheng from thousands of miles away, staying on the shore of Qianque Lake all day and night, ignoring the government affairs, just to see the beauty every night, and sing at night.

As for the men in the city, they are close to the water and have a chance to get the moon first. How can they let go of the opportunity to look forward to a beautiful woman? Therefore, every evening, the men in the city run to the Qianque Lake as if they have lost their souls. Some even didn't go home at all, and the girls were so angry that they stayed alone in the vacant house, leaning on the railing of the moon and crying, only hating the dark life and not being beautiful!

It is said that these nine women are very strange. They only appear on the Qianque Lake light boat on a moonlit night, and they only appear for at most one hour each time. Sometimes it doesn't come out at all. As for the daytime, it never comes out. There is a saying that people live in hardship during the daytime, and earn wealth at moonlight nights.

In addition, it is said that there are many other ideas, in short, they have been called out for a long time. Moreover, they danced and danced on boats, and every time they got money, it was said that they gave it to the suffering people in the city or those who were in disaster.

This Wangmei Pavilion was built only a month ago, not only this one, but also other places, Liu Qianlang, Pa'er, Xiaomei, Xiaomogui and Xiaolindeng's Wangmeixuan belonged to the VIP. The purpose of building these Wangmei Pavilions is to attract customers. They can't resist the temptation to go to the Qianque Lake for consumption, and the owner of the Panshui Tower, Long Xianren, earns a lot of kickbacks from the owner of Qianque Lake.

Although Liu Qianlang didn't care about the beauty of the beauties in Qianque Lake, but when he heard that there were nine women, and the time coincided with the appearance of the Xuannv of the Blood Sea, and they only appeared at night, Liu Qianlang immediately thought of it. When they arrived, they might be the nine ghosts.

So after eating delicious food, he hastily led Pa'er and brought the three little ones towards Wangmeixuan. Pa'er looked at Liu Qianlang strangely for a long time, but didn't say anything, Liu Qianlang just smiled and didn't explain anything, just took her soft and slender hands and quickly climbed to Wangmeixuan.

The Panshui Tower is already high, and with the height of Wangmeixuan, the entire Tianhuang City can be seen in a panoramic view, and it feels like seeing all the mountains and small mountains at a glance, and it happens to be in the sky and the moon, so everything around is within the reach of Liu Qianlang and five people. Zhong's eyes also look similar to daylight, and he can see clearly there.

At this moment, standing on the corridor on the fourth floor of the Panshui Building, a white-haired, childlike Taoist priest, with a whisk in his arm, was looking at Liu Qianlang and others on the high place intentionally or unintentionally.

When Liu Qianlang found out, a strange feeling flashed in his heart, he smiled slightly, and ignored him. Instead, he stared at Pa'er who had been looking at him strangely, and softly talked about the nine blood sea mysterious girls and his doubts about the nine girls in Qianque Lake. Only then did Pa'er smile again, very happy.

"Heck! I thought you?" Pa'er laughed.

"Hehe, your husband has beautiful wives like you who share weal and woe. No matter how beautiful those women are, they will not be tempted by their husbands. Qianlang likes you. The most important thing is that we have gone through one after another. And we also We will continue to take care of each other like this. Don't think about it in the future!" Liu Qianlang didn't know why he liked Pa'er's tall and delicate nose, so he couldn't help but tapped it lightly, and said.


Pa'er nodded reluctantly.

"Wow! It's so cold up here!"

Liu Qianlang and Pa'er ran up to Wangmeixuan, under the moonlight, were talking a few intimate words, when they suddenly heard Xiaolin's surprised voice. It was only then that Liu Qianlang and Pa'er realized that the Wangmei Pavilion was really windy and cold.

Can't help but feel a little strange, it's obviously midsummer, everywhere is extremely hot and stuffy, it's nothing but the cool evening breeze above Wangmei Xuan, how could it be so cold?

"Hula la!"

Just when the two were in doubt, they suddenly heard the sound of armor colliding, and then saw nine generals wearing bronze armor who turned around suddenly in front of them, and there was a clear sound of metal colliding, and at the same time, nine icy cold The wind hits head on.

The nine armored generals are tall, with mad knives on their waists, and rough faces. They all have dragon eyes and tiger eyes, their eyes are flickering, and their eyes are covered with murderous bloodshot eyes. Their aura is terrifying! The nine people glanced at Liu Qianlang, Pa'er, Xiaomei, Little Devil Turtle and Xiaolin, and then they rushed down to Wangmeixuan in big strides like a whirlwind.

"Haha! Let's go to Qianque Lake and meet those nine witches!"

"Hmph, haha! But it's a pity to kill her. Why don't you take her to the army and become the wife of the town army?"

"Okay! Speaking of which, they are the iconic beauties. It happens that we have nine brothers and one beauty. With such beauties, we will fight with energy!"

After a while, Liu Qianlang and Pa'er saw nine armored generals appearing under the Wangwang Meixuan, shouting loudly. Then he headed towards the south of the city.

"Who are they? How strange! It turns out that they are the ones who lived on the roof with us, so scary!" Seeing the nine inexplicable armored generals leave, Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaogui came to Liu Qianlang and Pa'er said next to each other.

"Hehe, it's okay! We don't know each other, so don't pay attention to them! Look at the Qianque Lake in the south, it's really beautiful!" Although Liu Qianlang was muttering in his heart, he smiled and said to everyone.

"Hey! Really, it's so lively there, there are so many human spirits walking on the shore of the lake, and the bright boats in the lake are really beautiful!" After listening to Liu Qianlang's words, the little devil turtle followed Liu Qianlang's gaze Look, said happily. Immediately, I forgot the stubble I was afraid of just now.

"Hee hee! It's so beautiful!" Xiaomei and Xiaolin also praised.

Liu Qianlang supported Pa'er to see the Qianque Lake under the moonlight, and all kinds of lights flickered on the lake, showing colorful colors.

The moon falls in the lake, the lake water is swaying, the full moon is shattered and rounded, rounded and shattered, the lake is full of silver waves, swaying and dreamy.

And on the surface of the dreamy lake, there are countless light boats and colorful boats crooked by the moon, slowly swaying slightly in Libo. The lanterns and colorful silks on the boat, carved beams and painted buildings, are full of pretty shadows.

At the bow and stern of the boat, there are one or two beautiful beauties with fluttering clothes, playing the piano and playing the flute, or looking forward to the flying, or gazing at the lake, the beautiful woman in the moon, the boat on the quiet lake, is indeed beautiful and intoxicating.

And on the lake there are ingeniously designed Hongqiao seats, with turning corridors and folded steps, which are full of people who just watch the excitement, most of them are men, there are also women, and there are many young and old.

The river bank is even more crowded. Although it is night, it is full of various stalls for eating, drinking and playing. As the moon rises, the gurgling water-like zither music sounds come to mind, drifting into the ears of Liu Qianlang, Pa'er and Xiaomei, Little Demon Turtle and Xiaolin with the wind.

Immediately, the five people saw a lot of ships, and as the music sounded, some beautiful women danced gracefully.

"It sounds good! Hee hee! What kind of sound is this?"

Xiaomei asked happily when she heard the wonderful sound of the piano, flute, flute and so on.

After hearing this, Pa'er smiled and told the three little guys a lot about the musical instruments in the human spirit world, which made them fascinated. At the end, the little devil turtle asked with sparkling red eyes: "Shall we go there and play for a while too? Sister Pa'er?"

This little devil turtle is extremely clever, and when he rolled his eyes, he realized that it seemed useless to ask Liu Qianlang, so he asked Pa'er directly.

"Okay! I also want to go to see the excitement, but you just need to play, don't stare at those beautiful sisters!" Pa'er glanced at Liu Qianlang, and then said with a smile.

Liu Qianlang said with a smile: "You heard me, just look at Sister Pa'er! Do you understand?"

"That's so boring, we both know each other, and those beautiful sisters can't eat, let's see more fun and delicious food!" The three little guys naturally didn't understand the implication of the two, so Xiaolin was very upset. Surprised.

"You, you? People ignore you!"

When Pa'er heard Liu Qianlang's words, her face blushed, and she smashed Liu Qianlang's shoulder with the Star Splitting Cloud Fan.

"Haha! Let's go!"

And Liu Qianlang took advantage of the opportunity to hold Pa'er in his arms, and with a flash of Danmang under his feet, he controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, carrying five people soaring upwards, reaching tens of thousands of feet into the sky. Then he used the breath-holding method and quickly flew towards Qianque Lake in the south of the city.


When Pa'er saw that not only did she not become a husband, but was also hugged, her heart felt sweet, and she was about to reproach her, but she didn't want Liu Qianlang to cover her mouth with her hands, and then kissed her forehead. He blushed instantly and looked at the three little guys below him. Fortunately, the three of them were all staring at Qianque Lake, and didn't care about them at all.

"What are you afraid of, you are my wife!"

Seeing Pa'er's shy look, Liu Qianlang put her mouth to Pa'er's ear and said in a very low voice.

Hearing this, Pa'er took a deep look at Liu Qianlang, laid her head on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, smiled sweetly, and Liu Qianlang hugged her even tighter.

For Liu Qianlang, the journey of dozens of miles was just a matter of teacup kung fu. Not long after, five people appeared on the shore of Qianque Lake.

However, just as Liu Qianlang and the other five secretly landed behind a big tree on the shore of the lake and quietly walked out of the tree, a white-haired man with a childlike face and bright eyes suddenly appeared in another big tree. Behind him, he kept looking at Liu Qianlang and his group, and walked to the lake with a smile.

Qianque Lake is very big, with a radius of dozens of miles, and there are people on all sides of the lake, but the people on the east bank are where the nobles are. What about the stands!

Now, Liu Qianlang, Pa'er brought Xiaomei, and the little devil turtle and Xiaolin are on the east bank! The reason why Liu Qianlang chose to land on the east bank of Qianque Lake was because he saw that the nine cold armored generals were also in a stand on the east bank.

"Hey! Master! Why did we stop here? The fun and delicious food are all on the other side of the lake?" The little devil turtle looked around and saw that it was lively everywhere, but the lakeside where he was was deserted. said happily.

"Haha! That's not easy." Liu Qianlang said, with a wave of his sleeve, thousands of big gold ingots flew out, and at the same time, thousands of fun and delicious things flew over from the opposite bank, and then Zhongshi pointed towards the lake with two fingers, and suddenly there appeared a huge white jade table surrounded by five white jade chairs.


The food and play that flew over immediately fell on the white jade table by category.

"Haha! Xiaomei, little devil turtle, Xiaolin! Let's sit here! Eat whatever you want, and talk to whatever you want." Liu Qianlang laughed heartily.

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