Nine Heavens

Chapter 942 Four-Color Evil God

Chapter 942: Four-Color Evil God

"Huh? What does Senior Cuiguang mean by this? Could it be that my younger brother has never stepped into the immortal realm?" Liu Juan asked.

"Hey! He didn't walk in the immortal way, he walked in a dead end. He once had the opportunity to use the soul of Xuntian Xianjun to enter the heaven smoothly, but he didn't give up all kinds of emotions in the mortal realm and lost the opportunity. Now he is refining his soul against the sky. Seeking to survive is already a violation of the myriad principles of the chaotic universe, how can the heavens allow it to go against the sky, and it will be crowded out and threatened everywhere in the future, and I don't know how far he can go!"

The old man Cuiguang said regretfully.

"No, my brother's current strength is far superior to ours, and he is still improving. I believe that my brother will finally reach the nine days!" Liu Juan heard that, out of thin air, she added a lot of worry to her brother, but she still had a lot of confidence in her. Liu Qianlang, his younger brother who has been calm and resolute since he was a child, said with confidence.

"I hope! Alas!"

Old Man Cuiguang let out a heavy sigh, and then his figure disappeared into the depths of Liu Juan's eyes.

"Brother, be careful!"

Liu Juan heard the old man Cuiguang's words, her face was extremely pale, and she was silent for a long time, then she looked back at the chaotic and strange fragrant tree that was growing thousands of meters away in the blood abyss, on which buds had already appeared, Seems to see the hope and longing, the flustered heart gradually stabilized, and then calmly murmured.

Next, he turned his head and adjusted his posture, continued to practice all the ghost magic skills in the past, and waited for the opening of the strangely fragrant Shenmu spirit flower.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang had already appeared tens of thousands of feet above Cangshan Mountain. Liu Qianlang's face is solemn and calm, with white hair fluttering in the rainbow, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, ghosts and demons, all kinds of body methods interact and change strangely, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in his hand is bursting with rainbows, and the vast green waves are rolling under him, and the Cuigan Shenlong is also abnormal calm down.

In the condensed expressions of one person and one dragon, they looked down upon the four alien stars in Tianyu that suddenly became irritable at this moment and kept expanding. Chaos and lightning are densely covered within the four alien stars, thundering and shaking the universe. At the same time, four evil auras of pale, ghost green, pitch black and azure blue were emitted, covering the entire Cangshan Mountain.

The four evil spirits are extremely powerful. As soon as the devilish spirit comes out, there are evil howls and howls, and tens of millions of disciples of Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain are immersed in the boundless breath of death. For lower disciples, even breathing becomes difficult!


With a thought of Liu Qianlang's soul, the eighteen soul powers instantly transformed Cangshan Langyuan Sect except the people around him, and all the other disciples turned into divine light into the black jade skull, and then screamed calmly and coldly.



Master Zhuyuan and the other eight sword servants responded in unison, and immediately took their respective positions. The Xuangang bell flew into the sky above the extreme position of Xuantian. In an instant, a rainbow burst out.

In the eastern position, Liu Qianlang and Yun Qianmeng are facing the four alien stars, facing the surging waves of evil spirits.

"Meng'er be careful!"

Seeing that Yun Qianmeng's face was very pale, Liu Qianlang instantly injected a powerful force of mystery, Liuguang divine power and Huangyu divine power into her, watching her ruddy complexion return, and then said with concern.


Among the Xinghua Nine Swords, relatively speaking, the five auxiliary swords serving Yun Qianmeng, Lan Ying, Tan Jing, Hua'er, and Fang Jun are relatively weak, especially Yun Qianmeng, Lan Ying and Fang Jun. Yun Qianmeng was the closest to the four alien stars, so it was unbearable, and he felt his heart and soul tumbling, and he was extremely tormented.

Suddenly her husband grabbed her wrist, injected an inexplicable power into herself, and instantly stabilized, Yun Qianmeng couldn't help but looked at her husband gratefully and nodded in response.

Hearing the response, Liu Qianlang felt a little relieved, and then waved his sleeves and shot a light of divine power at Lanying and the other four, injecting them into their bodies, and when he turned his head, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword immediately turned into a majestic Danmang The dragon, with colorful flowing clouds all over his body, roared towards the four calamity stars tens of thousands of feet high above his head.


At the same time, the Fenxia Hongmeng Excalibur in Yun Qianmeng's hand also turned into a pink giant dragon, and in the roaring sound, it competed head to head with the mad dragon transformed from the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

The divine swords of the other sword positions in the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation also flew up to the sky one after another. After a burst of spiritual waves rolled over, they turned into seven roaring dragons, crouching in the clouds and lying in the mist. An alien star forms a siege offensive.


And the Xuansteel Bell at the extreme position of Xuantian emits low whistling sounds, and the divine sounds of various tones and melodies turn into billions of Vajra Talismans. The four alien stars, at the same time, continuously replenished the Xuanzhen divine power for the Xinghua Nine Swords.

And under tens of thousands of feet, Liu Qianlang had already covered Song Zhen's body with eighty-one Dragon Ball Linggang body protection masks, and the masks were full of chaotic power. At the same time, eighty divine dragons, eighty-one dragon balls, eighty-one divine phoenixes, eighty-one phoenix pills, and seventy-two Dumoshen swords were carefully protecting him in the space with a radius of ten thousand li.

Song Zhen's task is to control the astrological ruler, stand on top of the blood unicorn, watch the attack of the Xinghua Nine Swords, and observe the changes of the four alien stars, and be ready to follow the Qiyaoxing method passed on by Liu Qianlang at any time, Slay any evil gods that escape below.

"Hey! In the Era of the Human Race, there are such capable people who successfully cultivated the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation!?" After the Xinghua Nine Swords were sacrificed, all the people floating cross-legged in their respective positions suddenly heard a very frightening voice. said the voice.

Liu Qianlang followed the prestige and moved his bright eyes. With his powerful eyesight, he saw four huge talismans that had become ten thousand feet in diameter through the sword gang and talisman formation of Xinghua Nine Swords Formation. On the top of the alien star sits four strange evil gods.

The evil god sitting on top of the white giant star is covered in snow, with a body like a strong bull, four legs, a long neck, and a goose head.

The evil god lying on the back of the black giant star, the whole body is pitch black, the body is like a horse, it is also four-legged, and the neck is slender and the head of a duck.

On top of the blue giant star, there is an evil god with the body of a fish and the head of a rabbit, and his whole body is faint blue.

As for the evil god above the emerald giant star, he was dressed in emerald green and shone with waves, but he had the body of a turtle and the head of a fox.

The words just now were said by the goose-headed bull-body evil god. Hearing what he said now, the other three evil gods were looking at the nine mad dragons galloping towards them tens of thousands of feet below with evil eyes. And countless Buddha light talismans, the expression is full of surprise.

"Cut! This is not very fun. Back then we were sealed by the Xinghua Nine Swords, and now we have finally broken through the sealing formation. Why did we encounter the Xinghua Nine Swords formation again? Evil God Goose and Ox, do you think we are in the Northern Territory of the Heavenly Demon? It should be unlucky to be on the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation!"

The evil god on the black alien star said.

"Is the evil duck and horse afraid of being sealed back then, but don't forget that we are the gods of the heavens, and the human races created by the Nuwa empress are all souls with three souls and seven souls. Compared with strength, besides, there is no source of chaos in their bodies. It is miraculous that they can successfully cultivate Xinghua Nine Swords, without strong soul power, Xinghua Nine Swords arrays are obviously not to be feared!"

The Rabbit Fish Evil God on the blue alien star glanced at the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation activated by Liu Qianlang and others, but he didn't notice it at all, and said disdainfully.

"That's right, the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation has five realms, the first stage of swords, the second stage of dragons, the third stage of demon dragons, the fourth stage of demon dragons, the fifth stage of fairy dragons, the sixth stage of divine dragons, and the seventh stage of fate. Dragon Realm. Seeing how weak they are, they are only in the Second Stage, how can they be the opponents of our Four-Colored Eight-Elephant Evil God!"

The evil fox turtle squinted his eyes for a while, then wriggled his upper and lower jaws and said.

The conversation of the four evil gods was shrill and piercing, and their voices were strange. Among the ten people, only Liu Qianlang could understand them. However, Liu Qianlang didn't change his face at first, but listened carefully to what they were saying, and intentionally slowed down the attacking speed of Xinghua Nine Swords Formation and all the elephants in the formation, and heard a lot of important information.

And after thinking about it for a while, I remembered that I had seen an introduction about the four of them in a chaotic light book called "Chaos God" in the chaotic books I collected in the Chaos Golden Palace.

These four are called the four-color and eight-symbol evil gods in "The God of Chaos". The four colors refer to their body colors, and the eight images mean that each of them has the characteristics of two life forms. The four evils are exactly the characteristics of eight life forms, so they are called eight images.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Qianlang also laughed in the language of chaotic monsters: "Haha! I thought who it was, just because of your four colors and eight images, the four ugly monsters want to bring the four-color alien star with you!" Some old, weak, sick, and disabled evil gods destroyed my Cangshan Mountain and broke into the world of the Anthropocene, which is really funny."

"Do you know that today's Human Era is not the era when Empress Nuwa created the Human Era. At the beginning of the Human Era, the human race had only three souls and seven souls, but now there are at least a thousand souls, and many human races' soul power has reached The level of the gods and souls in the era of chaos, the power of chaos is also possessed by countless people, dealing with you four little gods is simply a snap of the fingers."

"However, we want to catch a few ugly monsters like you and go back to be pets for the children, so we chose this small formation. You'd better get into the mouths of the nine formation dragons yourself, otherwise you will suffer endlessly , and ended up being caught!"

Seeing the four-color and eight-element evil gods' arrogant appearances, Liu Qianlang spoke nonsense for a while.

"Wow! He, how could he know the language of chaos and monsters!?"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the Four Colors and Eight Elephants Evil God's complacent expression suddenly disappeared, they looked at each other for a while, and immediately hid half of their bodies in the alien star. After looking at each other for a while, the Rabbit, Tortoise, and Snake God couldn't help asking the other three evil gods in surprise.

Because the Four Colors and Eight Elephants Evil God has never known the changes in the heavens, the human world, and the nether world since it was sealed in the era of chaos. Living.

Fox Rabbit Evil God, your fox eyes flashed like a rainbow, using your powerful spiritual sense to sweep towards Liu Qianlang and the others one by one, and soon found out that among the ten people, only Liu Qianlang has eighteen soul powers.

He couldn't help laughing evilly and said: "This evil god looks at your human race, the increase in soul power is fake, but the ability to talk nonsense with your eyes open is true, you don't look back at you guys, you are eighteen soul power, you should be Can't we see it?"

"But I'm quite surprised. How did you know Chaos Language? How did your other eight souls increase?"

"Haha! It seems that you are not stupid. Yes, I was teasing you just now. As for how I understand Chaos Language and the addition of eight souls, it is extremely simple, so there is no need to tell you. But I do want to tell you, today Liu Qianlang is going to take back the four-color time star that Nuwa Empress made with the gold and silver plastic star ring."

"They are the first four stars of the chaotic universe created by Empress Nuwa. It was originally planned that the white star would be the sun, the blue star would be the moon, the black star would be the night, and the green stars would set the sky and the earth at dusk. An ugly monster stole it away. Later, I had to use the red light of the golden crow bird as the sun, the orchid and phoenix of the lunar phoenix as the moon, the white light during the day, and the black color at night. Morning glow and dusk are also another choice."

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, and casually told about the things that happened in the era of chaos.

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