Nine Heavens

Chapter 948

Chapter 948: Floating Boy

"Well! What the King of the Northern Territory said is right. The two immortals are both top-notch masters of the earth immortal world. They should be models for the earth immortal. , Unity is what it is!"

Kong Sheng, the king of the Eastern Pole Region and the emperor of the Holy Kingdom of Five Poisons, waved a green bamboo pen in his hand, glanced at Nibatian who was sitting tens of thousands of feet away on top of the head of the Tianjue dinosaur, and then looked sullenly at the fire tower and ice building Xiaoshan said.

Hearing the words, Huota Binglou Xiaoshan also felt that what he just said was a bit exaggerated, and said to Kong Sheng, the king of the Eastern Pole Region who was sitting tens of thousands of feet on the nine-foot cold toad: "The king of the Eastern Pole Region is right, just now Recently, I saw some old forces from the kingdom of five poisons and seven demons getting very close to the Blood Moon God Sect, so I made a slip of the tongue for a while, and please don’t take it to heart!"

Kong Sheng, king of the Eastern Pole Realm, cursed secretly when he heard the other party's words, but he said with a smile: "The fire tower and ice tower are too serious. The situation in the earth and fairy world is complicated now. It is inevitable that some things will be misunderstood. What you see are all infinite things. The former disdainful forces abandoned by the sect have nothing to do with the Wuji sect! This is just a misunderstanding, not enough to say."

"Haha! Kong Sheng, the king of the Eastern Pole Region, needless to say, you and I have been singing and dancing together in the Earth Immortal Realm for the past ten years. We have worked together to resolve countless attacks from the evil sect, and the Tianjue Sect knows it well. The two immortals continued The way of fighting is, I hope the two victors can awaken the demon god banner, whoever gets this treasure will exert its infinite power, so that the Langyuanmen, which has been hidden for many years, will not have the chance to dominate the fairy world again!"

King Ni Batian of Beijueyu rolled his eyes, and laughed inwardly as he laughed.

Embarrassed by Huota Binglou Xiaoshan and Jinhuo Qilin, they had no choice but to salute each other, said no, then raised their eyes at the same time to look at the faint blue banner of the demon god in the clouds high in the sky, and then urged their respective spirit treasures Dharma weapon, continue to fight the Dharma.

I saw that the tower of fire, the tower of ice and Xiaoshan, suddenly half of his figure turned fiery red, and the other half turned ice blue and shining, the red side was boiling with fire, and the blue side was icy flying. Immediately, two hurricanes of red and blue swirled out of the body, pushing up the red fire tower formed by raging fire and the ice tower formed by cold ice, and simultaneously covered the golden fire unicorn thousands of feet away.

The golden fire unicorn, with golden eyes, the waves in his eyes flashed like a rainbow, his expression was full of disdain.

The golden fire unicorn raised its eyes and glanced at the two hurricanes, one red and one blue, spiraling from the fire tower and ice building that were descending from a thousand feet high, and snorted coldly.

Then a mad sneer broke out, and with a wave of his giant sleeve, the cloud of Yin Hong thunder that had been floating in front of him instantly spun rapidly, and then turned into countless small thunder clusters, roaring and shooting towards the high fire tower and ice building.



The fire tower, the ice building and the thunder group collided in one place for a moment, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt.


Around the fighting field, the disciples of Tianjue Sect and Wuji Sect, as well as disciples of thousands of sects in the world, looked at the thousands of feet high in the sky, the lightning, flint, thunder and lightning in the rolling dark clouds, and at the same time the strange figures of the fire tower, ice building, Xiaoshan and golden fire unicorn , The constantly erratic scene on the fighting field gave bursts of amazement.

"Oh! Why are there so many people here, and why are there two silly old men fighting!"

"Hehe, four younger sisters, the head of the sect said that this place is called Cangshan, and the sect here is called Tianjue Sect. The head of the mountain gate is a very bad person called Ni Batian. They are not fighting, but fighting skills!"


"Brother Yiying, what is that thing in the cloud? It's very interesting."

"Hehe, Tianling. That big banner is called Yaoshen Banner, which is used to control spirits and spirits. The cold spring filled with cold smoke is called Qishang Spring, which is used for divination. Are those four pairs of wings called Tianling?" Wings, if destined to be refined and hidden in the body, they can be called out at any time, flapping their wings to fly into the sky, and can create wind and clouds, which is very powerful. The white one is called Bailing's wings, the black one is called Xuanling's wings, and the blue one It's called Qingling Chi!"

"Hee hee! I know, I know, the red ones are called Red Spirit Wings!" A little girl's voice hurriedly said.

"Hehe, Sister Danrou is really smart! Yes, the pair of red ones are called Red Lingchi."

"Brother Yiying! I want Tianlingchi. With Tianlingchi, I can go and play wherever I want!"

"I also want!"

"I also want!"

"Okay, since the four younger sisters like it, Brother Yiying will snatch it for you, but after you go back, you must keep it a secret, and don't let the master know, otherwise I will be punished to refine my soul again!"

"Don't worry, Brother Yiying! I won't even tell my mother, but can I tell Aunt Shifeng? She is very kind to us, and she will definitely not betray us."


On the Taicang Peak of Longyun Mountain, Ni Batian, the king of the North Jue Region of Tianjue Sect, and Kong Sheng, the king of the East Extreme Region, were watching the battle between the fire tower ice tower Xiaoshan and the golden fire unicorn with full attention.

They all secretly sweated for their own people, because it was not as simple as just one treasure to get the demon god's banner. With this treasure, they could immediately establish their sect's position as the number one sect in the earth fairy world.

However, at this moment, the two of them suddenly heard the voice of a baby and a child coming from tens of thousands of feet above the sky. What made the two even dumbfounded was that a few inexplicable children actually fell in love with the three treasures of the Overlord Conference.

Both of them knew in their hearts that although they took out this treasure and looked for someone who could awaken them, the possibility of this possibility was almost zero. Even with such a powerful existence of their own, they couldn't awaken the three gods, not to mention the thousands of gods who participated in the Batian Conference. Pai people.

In the end, the three treasures were just used to show off the strength of the mountain gate and attract Wanpai's attention.

Niba Tianduan sat on top of the Tianjue dinosaur, glanced left and right at Longyunshan Gongzhu Yunxiang and Longyunshan Houzhu Yuning, the two of them were also beautiful eyes, and could not tell the origin of the few children in the sky .

At this moment, a few children in the sky are still chatting and laughing, not caring about the existence of hundreds of millions of people below, as if they are just mountains, rivers, flowers and trees.

Hearing their laughter, Huota Binglou Xiaoshan and Jinhuo Qilin also suddenly stopped fighting, and everyone on Taicang Peak silently listened to the childish voices of the children in the sky.

In the silence, the flying sand and rocks all over the sky gradually subsided. It was noon at this moment, the sky was blue and the earth was wide, and the proud sun was in the sky. Nibatian, the king of the Northern Absolute Territory, Kong Sheng, the king of the Eastern Pole Territory, Xiaoshan of the Huota Binglou and Jinhuo Qilin gradually saw the appearance of several children tens of thousands of feet high.

Under the turbulent sky, a huge white cloud forms a natural bed. There are waterfalls 10,000 zhang wide on the left and right sides of the bed.

On the white cloud couch, a handsome young man in a white long gown, who looks to be about ten years old, with full eyes and a smiling face, leans on the cloud couch very freely, rests his chin on one hand, and looks at the cloud platform in front of the couch , and then four little girls about eight or nine years old who flowed down the waterfall. Very happy to look like.

Four little girls, one is wearing a pure white fairy dress, the other is wearing a jet black fairy dress, and the other two are bright red and one blue, wearing the same style of fairy dresses of different colors.

Each of them, with sparkling eyes, like peach blossoms, while playing in the water, looked at the demon god banner, Wanshang Spring and Tianlingyi in a white cloud more than ten thousand feet away, pointing, always Turn around and talk to the handsome boy in white behind him.

At first, Ni Batian just looked at the five children on the cloud couch and waterfall curtain indifferently, but after examining them, Ni Batian couldn't help being surprised, because the spiritual power rings flickering around the five children were actually fifty rings away. And the soul power flickering in his eyes was unfathomable.

What's even more weird is that there is a faint layer of mysterious colorful colors shining around them. Its strength is actually much stronger than the strength of himself who possesses the divine power and is now in the Seventh Realm of the Earth Immortal.


Ni Batian gasped, and looked at the handsome young man carefully. The more he looked, the more frightened he became, because the young man was cold and handsome, and he raised his hands and feet, and he was also the head of Cangshan Langyuan Sect. Liu Qianlang, the former head of the Xuanling Sect of Longyun Mountain, Liu Qianlang, has at least eight or nine points of the same expression.

"Is he"

Ni Batian quickly made various guesses about the identity of this white-clothed boy in his mind. He first thought that the other party might be Liu Qianlang's descendant, but judging from his cultivation level, it was impossible to be so tyrannical, so he immediately denied it. Then he thought that the other party might be Liu Qianlang's clansman, but he felt even more impossible.

After much deliberation, it was difficult to explain the other party's powerful cultivation, so he laughed loudly: "Haha! I don't know which sect the five little immortals are from, are they passing through here, or are they coming to watch the Overlord Conference held by us?" ?”

"Hee hee! Ni Batian, we won't tell you, mother said, you people from Tianjuemen are all big villains!" The little girl in a white dress turned her head to look at the handsome boy, tilting her head and laughing.

"Hehe, Tianling said it well, Nibatian! My four younger sisters have taken a fancy to your Tianlingchi, and I have taken a fancy to the demon god banner and Qishang spring in the clouds. Please send it to me quickly. Come up!"

"Well! Hurry up!"

The handsome young man in white was still leaning on the cloud couch, looked sideways and lowered his head slightly, looked at Ni Batian who was talking tens of thousands of feet down, and said with a smile. Then the four little girls nodded in agreement, and shouted one after another.

"Haha! Seeing that you are all just little kids, your tone is not small!" Kong Sheng, king of the Eastern Pole Region below, was amazed at the other party's strange cultivation level, but seeing that they were just a few children, there were no children within a thousand miles. There is no helper, so he smiled very disdainfully.

"I'm so pissed off! Brother Yiying, that person didn't agree and scolded us! It's so irritating. Even my parents, uncle, and wife of the head wouldn't scold me!" The little girl in black murmured. Mouth, said angrily.

"Hehe, sister Liusha, don't be as knowledgeable as these silly old men! Just wait for Brother Yiying to bring you the Sky Spirit Wings! But it's agreed, when Brother Yiying is sleeping, he is not allowed to secretly drag me out of the star palace .Otherwise, I will tell the head to clean you up!"

The handsome young man called Brother Yiying smiled.

"Hmm! Hee hee! Not in the future." The four little girls blinked at each other with witty and weird eyes, looked at each other for a while, then nodded seriously, and laughed.

"Hehe, well, ghosts will believe what you say, but well, who made Brother Yiying like you, just wait honestly, Brother Yiying will come as soon as he goes!"

After Yiying finished speaking, his hands were empty, and he floated down from a height of tens of thousands of feet.

A head of black hair fluttered with the wind, with one hand behind his back and one arm bent in front of his chest, his movements were stretched, very free and easy.

The wandering young man landed in the center of the fighting field with a radius of hundreds of miles, which happened to be between Xiaoshan of Fire Tower, Ice Building and Golden Fire Qilin. What kind of emperor of the Cai Qilin Kingdom, please help me get the three treasures in the cloud for my young master, my four younger sisters are eager to get them!"


When Huota Binglou Xiaoshan and Jinhuo Qilin heard this, their heads almost exploded with anger. They shouted violently, cursed, and immediately combined ice, fire and thunder, and shot Yiying.

However, facing the powerful attacks from both sides, this baby didn't dodge or dodge. He just stretched out a finger and drew a circle outside his body, and then flew towards the cloud where the three treasures were tens of thousands of feet high. .

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