Nine Heavens

Chapter 959 Heavenly Demon Rainbow Evil

Chapter 959: Heavenly Demon Rainbow Evil

The western astrological universe array, the western realm of the heavenly demon, and the immortal Changhong.

The chaotic cauldron, with its myriad colors and myriad phenomena, is transformed into a mysterious illusion, with Liu Qianlang standing on it, with white hair flowing, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in his hand, which has already been completed in ninety-nine and eighty-one. A sword rainbow dragon, roaring and chopping out from time to time, turned into nothingness, condensed again, the sword moved into a dragon, it was extremely shocking and domineering.

And behind Liu Qiankanglang, there are eighty-one dragons and phoenixes roaring and roaring in the upper and lower spaces behind him. Followed by Dragon Ball and Phoenix Pill Guardian Spirit Gods, they all hold Dragon Ball and Phoenix Pill in their hands, shining with supernatural light. Then there are eighty-one magic swords and eighty-one arrows distributed on the attacking positions of the entire vanguard's upper, lower, left, and right flanks, which can not only attack but also cover the forward attack commander Liu Qianlang.

Today's Liu Qianlang's strength has already reached a frightening level, and he can create phantoms of people from all walks of life at any time. The above eighty-one divine dragons, divine phoenixes, etc., are all so terrifying among the Six Route Army Existence, except this road is an entity, the other five road vanguard forces are all phantoms.

However, Liu Qianlang had already implanted the same soul thought, and in terms of strength, it was not bad at all.

Song Zhen stepped on the blood unicorn of hundreds of feet, and gathered thousands of feet with Liu Qianlang, guarding behind Liu Qianlang and the left side ten thousand feet away, holding the rainbow-filled astrological ruler and the Qishang spring with his hands, and the blood unicorn screaming below.

Thousands of feet behind Liu Qianlang and on the right side, Yunque Four Sages, Pill Soul pulled up the map of mountains and rivers in the fairy world with both hands, Yue Xian had already played the blue water qin, and Li Hen skillfully danced three hundred and sixty-one heaven and earth chess pieces into a ball, while the other Walking above, the other three hundred and sixty Guardian Spirit Gods of Qiankun Chess stretched out their two fingers each, and shot divine light into the Qiankun chess formation where the main chess guardian spirit god Lihen was.

Lan Shuang's Luoxian brush, emerald pole and purple front, and two-color flying rainbow whizzed above his head. Under the feet of the four sages of Yunque, they are all stepping on the blue clouds, floating gracefully in fairy posture.

The distance of about a thousand feet behind Song Zhen and the four sages of Yunque is the strength of the tens of millions of Chinese troops led by them, and about ten thousand feet behind there is an equally powerful rear guard blocking force.

The incomparably huge formation whizzed forward, piercing through the clouds and fog, speeding up and down in the sea of ​​clouds, but it was not chaotic at all.

Several hours later, Liu Qianlang stepped on the Chaos Cauldron, and appeared in a position about ten thousand feet in front of the Immortal Changhong that stretched thousands of miles to the west and left and right.

Without further ado, Liu Qianlang's body grew to tens of thousands of feet in an instant. After a whistling, the sky was filled with clouds and seas, and with a wave of his giant arm, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword immediately slashed out ninety-nine eighty-one sword rainbows. The dragon roared and rushed towards the immortal Changhong.



The so-called immortal Changhong was instantly cut into two by Liu Qianlang, and fell down, causing the ground to tremble, mountains and rivers to shatter, and a shocking sound that shattered the soul. At the same time, a large number of evil gods inside died under Liu Qianlang's horrific Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword, and let out a mournful howl.

However, at the same time that a large number of evil gods were dying in the immortal Changhong, the surging rainbow waves burst out of the immortal Changhong, and they rolled towards Liu Qianlang in an instant. The severed Indestructible Changhong unexpectedly stood up again, and then it seemed to be healed again.

"Huh? Which fairy god came to trouble me again if Hongxie, the demon of the west, is in trouble! I really want to die!"

From the Immortal Rainbow, a loud voice that pierced the sky and the earth came, and the voice rose and fell slowly, which was very strange.

"Returning to Tianmo Hongxie, it is the people from the Cangshan Langyuanmen of the human world who came to attack our Tianmo West Realm. The little one thought they were just ordinary people of the human race, so they didn't bother the Tianmo God Venerable who was practicing in seclusion! However, it seems that now , Their power is definitely not that simple."

"That white-haired madman headed by him is actually controlling the Chaos Cauldron in the Nine Cauldrons of Nuwa's Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons! Although he is a human race, his body has an extremely strong aura of gods and spirits, and it is full of chaotic aura. The soul power is definitely not at the level of ordinary people of the human race. Judging by the ability of the rainbow shining in his eyes, he is already the existence of the human race with the ability to have eighty-one souls!"

An evil god who seemed to be capable of scouting answered.

"Chaos cauldron!? Rumor has it that Empress Nuwa imitated the heavenly god Qianhunxian and Wanhunshen, and also created souls for the human race in the middle universe era created by him. She also made the nine cauldrons for refining souls, not to say that she created eighty After one soul, only three souls and seven souls are given to those stupid human races? How could there be a person with eighty-one soul powers?"

Tianmo Hongxie paused for a while, as if thinking, and then asked suspiciously.

"This, the evil god Hongling doesn't know, but ten years ago Hongling discovered that the inexplicable evil gods in the northern realm of the demon have disappeared. I don't know where to go. And the four-color time star has not changed at all!"

"The four-color time star is hundreds of thousands of feet above the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain. It may be related to them! My subordinates speculate that since this person has the Chaos Cauldron, maybe all the soul-refining Nine Cauldrons are in his hands. He refined his own soul, and then he has a self-enriched soul!"

Hongling Cthulhu did not dare to assert, but guessed.

"Really? Unexpectedly, Hongxie, the Heavenly Demon, would break through the seal of the Western Realm of the Heavenly Demon in order to avenge the seal of the gods and the immortals of the Heaven Realm. Those stupid human races created by the Nuwa Empress also made some progress! They actually helped the Heavenly Demon Hongxie destroyed the seal of the Heavenly Demon West Realm. However, this Heavenly Demon Hongxie is still practicing Hongxie’s magical skills in seclusion, so he is very upset to be interrupted suddenly."

Tianmo Hongxie said in a strange voice, and then heard a roaring and roaring evil beast's violent cry from within the Immortal Changhong. Immediately, among the rolling waves of the incomparably huge Immortal Changhong, suddenly broke the waves and swayed And above, a handsome and unrestrained man in a white long gown appeared, which was extremely incompatible with his words just now.

This person wears a rainbow crown, with a rainbow glow shining around his body, fair complexion, sword eyebrows and bright eyes, colorful eye waves in his eyes, one hand behind his back, the other hand bent in front of his chest, holding an open rainbow book in his hand, With a condensed and disdainful expression on his face, it is full of Confucianism.

Behind him is an evil god dressed in a blue short coat, and rainbow waves are shining around him. It should be the rainbow spirit who spoke just now, and the person with the rainbow crown must be the demon Hongxie.

"Hmm! What's your name? Why do you bother me to clean up Tianmo Hongxie in her own Heavenly Demon West Realm!?" Tianmo Hongxie's eyes flashed, scanning Liu Qianlang and the frightening mad dragon, divine phoenix and other forces behind him , calmly, and nodded approvingly.

"Haha! Unexpectedly, among the demons and evil gods of the eight realms, there is such a refined and handsome character like you, Liu Qianlang admires it! Liu Qianlang is neither human, nor ghost, nor demon, nor demon, nor immortal, nor does it exist in the god realm, but just a river of heavenly spirits Langhua, accidentally received a touch of soul from the Nuwa Empress to reborn in the human era. But it can also be said to be both a human and a ghost."

"The purpose of Liu Qianlang's coming here is to destroy the Western Realm of the Heavenly Demon, slaughter the immortal Changhong and the countless evil gods within it, and restore peace to the human race in this area!"

When Liu Qianlang saw the other party's calm and elegant manner, he couldn't help admiring him, and expressed his purpose frankly.

"Is it just for the peace of the human race in this place? Is there no other purpose? For example, the body of the Immortal Changhong is the beautiful jade of the Chaos God Rainbow. After learning about refining, it can create a unique divine treasure in the Chaos Universe!"

When Tianmo Hongxie heard Liu Qianlang's intention to attack the western realm of Tianmo, his eyes wavered, surprise flashed across his face, and he asked.

"Oh! Really, but Liu Qianlang already has the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Brother Jian in his hand, and the protection of the Dragon Ball is enough to dominate the situation, and he no longer needs any fairy weapons. Of course, if it was in the past, he might really be tempted .”

"Haha! To be frank, you are not the same as those hypocritical so-called Righteous Immortals. Back then, when the evil gods were sealed in the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms, none of those immortals competed frantically for the body of the immortal Changhong. So much so that in the end, no one was able to obtain it alone, so they had to seal the immortal Changhong."

"The Immortal Changhong is not something we wait for the evil gods. When we were sealed, we were always in the area of ​​​​the eight realms of the demons. However, as the spiritual power of the immortal gods' seal formation weakened, the eight directions immortal formation may collapse on its own. Or your human race destroyed it, and the Immortal Changhong and other realm seals fell into the sky of the human race in the middle universe, and this means that you have seen the ominous omen of the Eight Firmaments."

"It's true that we are evil gods, and it's true that we fought against the gods of the heavens back then, but the winners always call themselves righteous, and the losers call them evil. Unfortunately, in the war of chaos, our faction was defeated, so Lun is an evil god. But you have to understand that for a long time, the disaster caused by the immortal Changhong was definitely not caused by us and the countless evil gods in the Western Realm."

"Imperishable Changhong is the existence of the fairy gods in the heavens who sealed us back then. They knew that one day the Immortal Changhong and the other seal formations of the Eight Demon Realms would hurt the world of the human race in the universe, but they still did so, and never There has been no remedy. And we are sealed in the immortal Changhong, so the disaster caused by the immortal Changhong has nothing to do with us."

"If you impose this responsibility on my Heavenly Demon Hongxie and the countless evil gods I send, and fight us to the death, my Heavenly Demon Hongxie will naturally be fearless. This kind of battle for contention, I began to like the quiet and inaction way of survival in the years of tears."

"And the evil gods under his command have almost lost all their vigor. Therefore, Liu Qianlang of the human race, if you are only for the peace of the human race here, I, Tianmo Hongxie, benefited from your breaking the seal with your sword. Now that I have appeared, I can definitely help you Destroy Changhong, but you have to promise me that I will lead my subordinates back to the Heavenly Demon West Realm. There, I will wait for eternity to clean up, Haode will do good at will, and will no longer participate in any fights in the chaotic universe!"

Tianmo Hongxie said the above words in a neither humble nor overbearing way, with the intention of not wanting to fight. After speaking, he still looked at Liu Qianlang calmly. Hongtao controlled by Haohan was wiped out under Liu Qianlang's army, but he didn't make any further attacks.

Liu Qianlang was surprised when he heard the words of Tianmo Hongxie. He thought it would be another war of vicissitudes, but the other party unexpectedly made such an unexpected proposal. Facing the evil god Supreme Heavenly Demon Hongxie who could not extinguish Changhong and the evil spirit Hongxie behind him, Liu Qianlang's eyes flashed with a white rainbow, and he fell into a moment of thought, considering the truth of the other party's words.

After some thought and analysis, he found that the other party was really calm and relaxed, and most of the evil spirit was replaced by the meaning of Qingling, so he took the initiative to accept the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and saluted: "Okay! Liu Qianlang never asks about righteous ways and evil ways, only understands The principle of good fate and good luck. Tianmo Hongxie has the heart to protect brothers, and Liu Qianlang also has it. It is my greatest wish to be able to help me stabilize the people here. A person who puts one's heart into it is a happy event in one's life!"

"In this way, Liu Qianlang will trouble the heavenly demon Hongxie to help, but I don't know if after the revered god returns to heaven, whether he will no longer be attacked by all parties and will not be at peace!"

"Haha! There is such a miraculous person like you in the Human Race Era. It's really a blessing for me to meet you! Good! You don't have to be polite, I will show up, and it will only take a moment to destroy Changhong. .”

Hearing the words, Tianmo Hongxie laughed loudly, and the sound shook the Hongtao, frightening the rainbow, light, waves and flowers all over the sky.

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