Nine Heavens

Chapter 963 Eight trillion ruins

Chapter Nine Hundred and Sixty Three: Eight Trillions of Destruction

Seeing Liu Qianlang laughing and manipulating the Chaos Cauldron, with white hair fluttering, and landing steadily, countless sky shadows followed like snowflakes behind him, and Master Chasing Fate below, Wuhen, Song Zhen couldn't help but understand laugh.

Just as the laughter emptied out, after a short period of darkness in the Southern Huoyuntian, a red sun rose slowly above the vast land of Shenzhou, and the Southern Tianyu was immediately bathed in the warm sunshine of the rising sun, and the sky was full of colorful clouds. Every now and then, warm and beautiful.

"Oh! Heck! The fire cloud in the sky is gone! Look quickly, the gods of the Pure Heart Dao have finally helped us eliminate the fire in the sky, and we can return to our peaceful life before."

"Really! This is not a dream. I thought that there was thunder and lightning in the sky last night, and the world was about to perish!"

"Haha! That's the sound of countless angels of the Qingxin Dao in the sea of ​​clouds above the extremely mysterious Bamboo Mountain, fighting to eliminate the ominous omens of Huoyun!"

"Thank you Zhushan Qingxindao Ten Thousand Immortals for your great kindness!"

Under the tens of millions of feet in the sky, Liu Qianlang saw that people from countless countries under the majestic Bamboo Mountain rushed to the high place, shouting excitedly for the disappearance of Huoyuntian. Facing the rising sun, he was full of praise for the countless misty cloud palaces of Qingxin Dao in Zhushan.

Although they have been tortured by disasters for many years and are extremely weak, there are still a large number of people, all over the mountains and plains, and worshiping on the mountains.

At this moment, the disciples of Qingxin Dao are also flying to the sky and floating mountains, using all kinds of spells, flying over all the mortal lands under the bamboo mountain like dark clouds, and all kinds of broken natural ecological environments caused by fire clouds and natural disasters for nearly twenty years, one by one. Come back to life.

Seeing the scorched land where they flew over, the barren mountains and black soil sprouting branches and buds, and the dilapidated mountains and rivers replaced with new green, it made those countless common people feel infinite emotion, mixed with sorrow and joy, watching the pure-hearted people flying at low altitude bowed down again and again.

"Well! There is always a thaw in a good relationship! Sincerity can feel the sun and the moon! These common people have regained their lives, and their longing has never been far away, and finally they have hope again! For the first time in decades, Master Chasing Fate feels infinitely gratified!"

Master Zhuyuan sat on the Bird of Paradise and said with emotion.

"Amitabha Buddha! So good! So good!" All the monks and Buddhas of the Shura Temple chanted the Buddha's name together, all with golden rainbows in their eyes, and the Buddha's light expanding the sky.

"What the second brother said is true. Since the third brother and the fourth brother stepped into the fairy gate, walking on the road to destroy the eight ominous omens, it is the first time that my heart is turbulent. I am very happy. Now I can finally do something for the common people in the world! We are invincible and have already destroyed Changhong in the Western Heaven where the second brother is, and Huoyuntian where the sixth brother is now."

"Seeing the spring wind turning into rain again in Zhushan, all the spirits cheering, it's really sweet and refreshing. It's not in vain to say that you are walking on the long journey of cultivating immortals!" Liu Qianlang also looked around the various forces in Cangshan, saluting one by one, and said with emotion.

"Well, haha! What the second brother and the third brother said is good. But it's just a pity that the Huoyun evil emperor Yuanshen escaped again! Otherwise, it's really Dzogchen!"

Song Zhen had already seen Huoyun evil emperor's primordial spirit through the astrological ruler below, and fled wildly all the way to the northwest corner of the heaven. He was about to fly into the sky to pursue him, but was stopped by his second brother, Master Zhuyuan.

"Hehe! The fourth brother's hope is naturally everyone's common wish, but the Huoyun evil emperor is the body of the myriad souls. If he is forced to destroy his primordial spirit, his vast and myriad soul power will definitely destroy the time and space of our human race."

"Because we haven't been able to destroy his primordial spirit in one fell swoop, we are lucky to be able to destroy his fire cloud evil body, drive it back to the Eight Demon Realms, and restore peace to my southern sky!"

"In a hurry, the sixth brother has not yet said thank you to the second brother, the third brother, all the gods, Buddhas, and fellow Taoists. Wuhen thanked the gods, Buddhas, and Taoists!"

Standing on the huge head of the Thousand-Winged Goshawk, Wuhen the King of the Southern Region bowed down to give a deep salute, as did Cailing flying from the side, as well as countless Zhushan Qingxindao disciples behind him.

"Amitabha! Good! Good!"

Seeing this, Master Chasing Fate and the great Buddha on the Bird of Paradise behind him put their hands together again and sang the Buddha's name to return the salute. On the other side, Liu Qianlang and all the members of Langyuanmen also returned the Taoist gifts.

"Heck! Second brother, third brother, fourth brother, sixth brother! Now we are invincible, the three factions are united, and our strength is huge. Why don't we take advantage of this fearless momentum to continue attacking other omens, and simply do nothing to destroy other omens how?"

After everyone saluted, Cai Ling's beautiful eyes flashed, looked around at the brothers, and proposed crisply.

"Haha!" Master Zhuyuan and others laughed out loud upon hearing this. Immediately Liu Qianlang said: "That's natural, but Seventh Sister must take good care of your demon cow army, don't scare the common people in Mortal Realm!"

"Hee hee! Don't worry, third brother! Seventh sister sits down and the demon bull king yells, hundreds of millions of demon bulls are obedient, and I have practiced for ten years, and I have trained the magic bull formation, which is vast but not messy!" Cai Ling mentioned Seeing that the magic cow smiled happily.

"Haha! The third brother was just joking with you. The third brother has already seen it. After this big battle, I have to trouble the seventh sister to go to Langyuanmen to give advice to the younger sister Shifeng. She also has a huge army of spirit demons, but obviously there is no one. Seventh Sister's ability to train like this. At this time, she is training in the door. If you give me some pointers, it will definitely be accomplished soon!"

Liu Qianlang nodded deeply and said with a smile.

"Hehe! Seventh sister is naturally happy with this good deed! Maybe I can ask Shifeng for some gods and gods!" Cai Ling smiled happily after hearing Lu Qianlang's words.

"Well, Shifeng knows that Seventh Sister loves fairy pet soldiers, and she said that the army of gods, fairy spirits, sky spirits, cloud spirits, mortal spirits, and even some ghosts and monsters in her hands is very vast. I want to control it with you regardless of each other! Then Seventh Sister will have more than just an army of magic cows, and the pets of the three worlds will be controlled by you and Shifeng, it is absolutely domineering!"

Liu Qianlang knew that her younger sister Shifeng admired Cailing's ability to raise and domesticate spiritual pets, so she had this heart, and hoped that her brother Liu Qianlang would find an opportunity to tell Cailing, and Liu Qianlang said it at this happy time.

"Haha! Good thing! The two younger sisters joined forces to herd an army of spiritual pets, roaming the mountains and clearing the clouds, absolutely dominating the world, and the situation is infinite!" Song Zhen praised Liu Qianlang not far away after hearing the words.

"Wow! There is such a beautiful thing! Seventh sister can't wait to find sister Shifeng now."

Cai Ling's face flushed with excitement, and she laughed and sighed again and again.

While everyone was talking, the southern domain king Wuhen had already arranged various things for Zhushan Qingxin Dao, leaving most of his power to protect Shanben and continue to do disaster relief and recovery for Mortal Domain under Zhushan. And concentrated all the strength of the most elite on his thousand-winged goshawk.

And the countless army of demonic bulls, regaining their stature of more than ten feet long, also flew to stop on the body of the demonic bull king, which was tens of thousands of feet in size at the moment, and obeyed the call of the leader Cailing at any time.

Seeing that everything was in order again, Liu Qianlang's vanguard forces concentrated on the Chaos Cauldron with a radius of hundreds of miles. Song Zhen also concentrated all the strength of the Chinese army on the tens of thousands of feet of blood unicorn.

Then Liu Qianlang stood steadily on the chaotic cauldron, under the rays of the morning sun, all the colors under his feet set off, his silver clothes and white hair tore the flying rainbow in the morning wind, his hand was as bright red as fire, and the nine clouds flowing out from all directions. The Tianxianyuan sword roared and headed southeast again.

Behind Liu Qianlang, Master Chasing Fate sits firmly on the Bird of Paradise, Song Zhen stands tall on a blood unicorn, floating without a trace on top of a thousand-winged goshawk, Cailing holds a green fruit basket on his arms, and sits recliningly with red horns, red eyes and red hoofs, covered in snow-white The front of the Demon Bull King's back. The four of them lined up, following behind Liu Qianlang's ten thousand feet.

Its formation is magnificent, cruising the sky, because in order not to disturb the mortal world as much as possible, they fly in the sky of thousands of feet, but there are still some earth immortals on the strange mountains and dangerous peaks, and they can't help being horrified.

It took less than a month for the three forces of Cangshan Langyuanmen, Western Shura Temple, and Southern Qingxin Dao to clear the sky. The Mortal Realm and the entire Earth Immortal Realm are boiling.

The long rainbow in the west is immortal, and the fire cloud sky in the south has just disappeared. At night, the catastrophic star rain in the southeast also turned cold, turning into beautiful stars all over the sky.

Then, in the northeast, southwest, and northwest, strange phenomena of celestial firebow, thunder and lightning occurred successively in Xuanyanglun and Feitian Peak, which lasted for more than half a month.

Finally, the day and night in the Northeast finally reappeared the bright daytime scene that had not been seen for more than 20 years. The depressing black sun in the southwest has finally disappeared, and it has become a beautiful sky and sea with bright night and bright stars, blue sun and flying clouds. There is also the Feitian Peak in the northwest, and those countless flying peaks also inexplicably flew into the endless sky, and they can no longer be seen.

The only things that Mortal Realm and Earth Immortal Realm could see afterwards were the four huge alien stars above Cangshan Mountain in the vast land of Shenzhou, and the huge blood moon in the east.

However, half a month later, the four alien stars and the Eastern Blood Moon also rose to tens of millions of feet above the sky. Although day and night are still hanging in the sky, they are only the size of a fist when viewed from the mortal world, and they are as large as the sun and the moon. In comparison, it is simply negligible.

Liu Qianlang led the army of Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain, joined forces with Zhengxin Dao Western Shura Temple forces and Southern Qingxin Dao forces to destroy the Eight Vaults and Six Omens, and finally fulfilled his wish to restore the peace of the Mortal Realm, and then moved back to the universe Shrine. Without mentioning some congratulations, they quickly arranged forces to protect the eight people from all directions for a long time and peace.

Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen, Cangyun, the lord of Cangshan Mountain, Yaya, the lord of Qingyu Peak, the lord of the first Love Flower Palace in Dragon Ball, the first August envoy of Shenfeng, Jiuying Ichiro, etc., among the white stars of time in the Universe Shrine After some discussions with the various dignitaries.

In the end, it was decided to use the Cangshan Mountain in the Mortal Realm outside the universe as the Langyuan Palace, and then the task of protecting the eight figures in the Mortal Realm was entrusted to the most powerful eighty-one magical forces in the Langyuan Sect.

The safety of the world in the Eastern Mortal Realm is entrusted to the Nine Dragon Palace, the Nine Phoenix Palace, the Dragon Ball Palace, the Fengdan Palace, the Nine Degrees Demon Sword Palace, and the Nine God Arrow Palace. The other seven orientations are also protected by corresponding ranges and related forces.

In addition, Liu Qianlang's two to ninety-eight Nascent Souls can take part in the investigative work of watching all kinds of changes in the Mortal Realm, as well as pass on the order of the master and the heavenly mission of Song Zhen, the celestial master, to assist the eight guardians in all directions.

Because the various forces with the number of eighty-one, or the bodies of half immortals and half gods in the supernatural and human world, or mastering powerful ancient artifacts, flying out of the universe and swiftly flying out of the universe, they are all powerful existences to eliminate demons and demons, so they are chosen. The most suitable.

Enter four different blue alien stars at the same time, open up the poetic style of the blue alien star palace and the countless army of spiritual pets from the three realms controlled by Cai Ling who came from Qingxindao, and can also release some of the spiritual pets to fly in the mortal realm to observe and protect the mortal world The domain is safe.

On weekdays, they don't need to stay in the Mortal Realm for a long time. They have celestial masters and eight infants, and they can always have insight into the changes in the Mortal Realm.

The remaining one corresponding to the other number of eighty-one, surrounded Liu Qianlang at any time, and obeyed the orders of the head.

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