Nine Heavens

Chapter 966 Blood Demon Altar

Chapter 966: Gorefiend Altar

"Hmm! I don't know if Zhanxie Shuangsha has found the whereabouts of the nine blood sea mysterious girls? They are so hateful, and they stole my blood demon magical skill while I was trying to break through the most critical entrance The seventy-two magic dragon balls made this leader lose the incomparably powerful magical power of the magic dragon beads and dragons, and this leader suffered a lot of training!"

The leader of the Blood Moon God Sect said with a bang of Sen Bai Fang's fangs, and said fiercely.

"In the words of the religious leader, Zhanxie Shuangsha was fortunate enough to determine the whereabouts of the nine blood sea goddesses through the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk yesterday. They first fled towards the Cangshan Mountain, and then towards the boiling sea in the Mitian Mountain area. They fled away. Now they have been together with Cheng Yuanfang, the mad wolf demon saint, and joined the Sky Wolf Cult of the Dark Wolf Fortress! It is very unacceptable to destroy our three evil sects and countless magic cave forces everywhere. The look of my life."

Zhan Xie Shuang Sha hesitated for a while, Song Yu frowned and said.


"Hmph! Just in time! When the leader of this sect destroyed the boiling sea in the Mitiansha Valley, he slaughtered them all together! Let me relieve my hatred! Now let's try our best to seize the blood demon altar and control countless blood demons!" The devil's army is the most important thing. Let's go!"

Hearing the words, the leader of the Blood Moon God was very angry and stood up abruptly. In an instant, the Blood Demon God's light outside his body flew wildly, and the blood demon evil cloud flew everywhere, bringing a horrifying hurricane of blood mist, and the Blood Demon Hall shook and made a loud noise.

Then Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, first floated upright and entered the Blood Moon Demon Palace, and then submerged into the Nether Blood Sea strangely. Behind him, the three evil sect saints, the six cave emperors, one ghost queen, and the seven holy venerables followed closely behind. , also successively shot into the Nether Blood Sea.

The bottom of the Nether Blood Sea, the mouth of the Nether Blood Abyss.

In the past ten years, after the four demon star masters broke into the Blood Moon Demon Palace, they have been guarding the entrance of the bloody abyss where the blood is surging. The eight star pupils are white, black, blue and green and four-color evil rainbows are sweeping away. They are all shaking huge magic hammers. He kept exploring every inch of space under the blood abyss, and finally his eyes fell on a ten thousand zhang high blood dragon tree.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, the White Demon Star God of Goose, Cow and Duck, the Black Demon Star God of Duck Horse, the Blue Demon Star God of Rabbit Fish, and the Green Demon Star God of Fox Turtle burst out laughing almost at the same time, and finally discovered the hiding place of the Blood Demon Emperor. The blood-wrapped dragon tree, and the blood demon altar hidden under the ten thousand-wound blood dragon tree.

"Kung fu pays off. It's been ten years, haha! Brother, we finally found the altar of the blood demon! Seeing that the evil emperor of the blood demon has not yet awakened, we have to feel sorry for him. Now all the evil gods of our West Demon Star Lord It has been destroyed, so I will temporarily borrow the army of the blood demon evil god. He will report his revenge for being slaughtered by the Langyuanmen and pay him back!"

The dark eyes of the Black Demon Star Venerable Duck Horse Evil God scanned the blood dragon tree entwined by countless blood dragons, and smiled excitedly.

"Don't be too happy for now, I'm afraid that once we open the blood demon altar, the blood demon emperor's demon soul will be the first to rush out, then he will naturally control his own army of blood demon gods, and we have no choice but to join him It's your part!" White Demon Star Zun Goose, Bull and Duck God couldn't help but frowned again while being happy.

"Then how can we do that! How can we be the overlord of the evil god of the eight worlds and the northern realms of the heavenly demons, how can we submit to his subordinates!" The evil blue devil rabbit fish objected immediately.

"Then what to do?"

The Green Devil Star Venerable Fox Rabbit Evil God asked with green evil eyes looking at the billowing waves of blood in the blood abyss.

"In my opinion, it's better."

The white magic star respected the goose, cow and duck with bursts of cold and glaring white light in his godly eyes, he said half of the sentence, his palms were clenched into fists and he said.

The other three Star Venerables looked around at each other for a while, and immediately reached a tacit understanding, and then nodded. Then, after the ghostly probing by the four demon star masters, Qiqi fled into the tens of thousands of feet of blood, and happened to fall under the ten thousand blood dragon tree.


The Four Demon Star Masters immediately swung a huge magic hammer, aimed at the huge heads of countless blood dragons on the Ten Thousand Blood Dragon Tree, and smashed them. The blood dragon roared and flew wildly, covering the entire blood abyss, attacking the four magic star masters one after another.

However, the Four Demon Star Lords are the evil gods of chaos, and these ghost blood dragons are not their opponents at all. Flying, making an incomparably shrill and ear-piercing scream.

About an hour later, the last Nether Blood Dragon on the Ten Thousand Tangled Blood Dragon Tree also died under the sledgehammer of the Four Demon Star Venerables, and then revealed the words of the Ten Thousand Tangled Blood Dragon Tree.

"Haha! Brother, I never imagined that this ghostly demon tree entwined with countless blood dragons is so evil and beautiful! I like it so much, the three brothers don't want to fight, can you give it to the fourth brother?" It turned out that the dark red blood dragon tree, the trunk exposed after countless blood dragons were killed turned into a lush emerald green ghost tree, he couldn't help laughing.

"Cut! Fourth brother, it's not that third brother said you, why don't you do serious business, and search for these messy things everywhere, it's useless!" Ontology scoffed.

"Haha! Third brother, you are wrong this time. This is the Chaos Demon Jade God Tree, and only this Chaos Demon Tree, the only one in the Chaos Era, can seal the Blood Demon Emperor and the Blood Demon Altar. If other chaos seals , with the existence of the most powerful existence of the Blood Demon Evil Emperor in the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms, it has already been broken out before now. It is the god object loved by all the gods of chaos!"

White Demon Xingzun stepped forward to caress the Ten Thousand Tangled Blood Dragon Tree and said with a smile.

"Oh, is it so?"

"Clang clang!"

Hearing the words, the Blue Devil Xingzun looked him up and down, and Longshu sighed. Then he suddenly swung the magic hammer and smashed it towards the Ten Thousand Blood Dragon Tree, making a burst of loud noises, and turbulent waves bulged on the nether sea of ​​blood.

"don't want!"

Seeing the evil god of rabbit and fish, the White Devil Star Venerable Goose and Duck God madly threw at the Ten Thousand Blood Dragon Tree, shouting, trying to stop the evil Blue Devil Star Venerable Jade Rabbit God, but it was obviously too late.



Immediately, the Ten Thousand Tangled Blood Dragon Tree shook, and then made a sound of cracking and bursting, and then the Ten Thousand Tangled Blood Dragon Tree, which was tens of thousands of feet tall, fell down and shattered. flower.

"Oh haha! Who is so kind! Unlocking the seal of the evil body for this blood demon evil emperor?"

Among the countless emerald jade flowers, a gigantic monster with a height of tens of thousands of feet suddenly rose from the rolling blood waves at the bottom of the ten thousand blood dragon tree. It was covered in blood and was holding a huge crimson near Purple's thick-waisted soul altar screamed wildly.

"Haha! Blood Demon Evil Emperor, I never imagined that after so many years, you and I will be free again! The Four Demon Star Venerables have seen the Blood Demon Evil Emperor!" The Four Demon Star Venerables saw that the other party had suddenly awakened, and it would be too late to slaughter the other party. Impossible, hurriedly said with a smiling face.

"Hiss? This blood demon emperor is strange. I am in the eastern realm of the demon, and your four-star evil emperor is in the northern realm of the demon. Why did your four clones get into my sealing formation? Why are you so kind? I will open the seal!"

Taotao said with a river of blood flowing from the bloody eyes that looked like those in the cave of the Gorefiend Evil Emperor.

"Hey! The Blood Demon Evil Emperor has lived comfortably for countless years, and spent them in eternal sleep, but I am not as lucky as you. Now, in the era of human race created by Empress Nuwa, those human races with low soul power have gone through vicissitudes. Transformation, becoming extremely powerful.

"Especially those monks of the human race, who went against the sky and broke through the limitations of the three souls and seven souls of the human race. They stole the Nine Cauldrons of Nuwa Empress's soul refining, and acted recklessly, making great efforts to refine the soul. There are countless evil gods in the Northern Realm of Heavenly Demons except our four demons. Xingzun, all of them died at the hands of these human monks! They also took away the four-color time star, the most precious treasure in the Northern Realm of the Heavenly Demon!"

"No, I had no choice but to flee to the blood moon in the eastern realm of the demon, hoping to wake you up. You and I will fight side by side to destroy these human races, and then return to the eight realms of the demon, and then seek the freedom of the divine power in the heavenly realm!"

White Demon Star Venerable's eyes flickered, looked at the other three Star Venerables, and said with a sigh.

"What? Those human races are so powerful? They can compete with us and the Myriad Soul God Race? It's really abominable! Hmm! You are right, if such a human race is not eliminated, what we are facing is not only the power of the gods in the heavens, isn't it? There are many more opponents. This Blood Demon Evil Emperor promises you, first to help you avenge the destruction of the world, and then return to the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms together!"

"However, this blood demon emperor's primordial spirit is still in this blood demon altar, and his soul power is limited. It is inconvenient to open it and release this blood demon emperor's primordial spirit. I just need the help of the four-star evil emperor!"

The Blood Demon Emperor swayed for a moment, bent down, and steadily placed the huge Blood Demon Altar in front of the Four Star Demon Emperor's four avatars, the Four Demon Star Venerables. Blood waterfall said frantically.

"It's a great honor for the Four Demon Star Venerables to do something for the blood demon emperor. He also asked the blood demon emperor to draw closer so that he can quickly absorb the primordial spirit. ah!"

White Demon Xingzun said in a tone of deep meaning.

"That's it! That's it!"

The other three stars also echoed.

"Hmm! That makes sense, haha! Thank you Four Star Evil Emperor!" Hearing this, the Blood Demon Evil Emperor immediately lowered his stature from tens of thousands of feet to a few feet tall, the same height as the Four Star Evil Emperor.

"The three younger brothers are all ready? We are about to open the altar of the blood demon!" White Demon Xingzun said while turning the goose neck, staring at the other three Xingzun.

"Ready!" The three stars said in unison.

The moment the blood demon evil emperor lowered his figure, the four demon star masters and eight huge magic cones waved together, chiseling towards the blood demon altar.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the hammer of the four demon stars about to fall on the altar of the blood demon, the blood demon emperor thought that his soul would return to his evil body and be free, so he danced happily.


However, what the Blood Demon Evil Emperor didn't expect was that the moment the eight divine hammers were about to hit the Blood Demon Altar, they suddenly brought a hurricane and smashed down on his head, chest, and back of the heart and other fatal parts. Suddenly let out a scream, and then was smashed into bloody flowers. Then it got mixed into the waves of blood in the blood abyss.

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