Nine Heavens

Chapter 979: Trapped in Wolf Castle

Chapter 979 Wolf Fort Trapped

"Hmph! It's ridiculous. I'm about to die, but I don't even know it! Haha!" Zhan Xie Song Yu laughed mockingly when he saw that the people in the Dark Wolf Castle were elated because they had obtained the Heavenly Demon Fall.

"Oh! It's the twin evil spirits! The leader of the Sirian Wolf Sect has also heard the name of the divine divination saint. Through the past, he can know the future, which makes the leader worship him very much. The leader is a short-sighted person who only knows that he is proud of the present , let the two magicians laugh!"

"The leader of this sect has always hoped that one day there will be a divination saint who will sit in the Sirius Sect and become a Sirius Mage. Together, we will kill evil and transform demons, unify the world of demons, cultivate demons in a proper way, do not harm common people, and do not deceive all spirits! The devil is right, abandon the path of evil cultivation and cruelty! This leader knows that he is trapped by two magicians, so it is an honor to die! Sirius Sect leader is polite!"

Hearing the ridicule of Zhanxie Shuangsha, Cheng Yuanfang was not angry, but after confessing frankly, he saluted deeply.


Zhan Xie Song Yu heard such humble words from the other party, but it was very unexpected.

This Cheng Yuanfang can be regarded as a personal character. It turns out that he is just a demon wolf leader under the demon king Zunsheng Thunderbolt Xuanmo who has been favored by the Demon Soul Universe, but under the influence of the three evil saints and the six cave emperors. Suppression, and the rise of the Blood Moon Sect against the sky under all kinds of difficulties, occupying almost all the beasts, birds, monsters and monsters in the air, sea and land of the world, self-appointed to seize evil, and become the new Limo sect, it is indeed an admirable figure.

In particular, there is one thing about the opponent that Xingdu recognizes, that is, no matter how powerful the sect is, no matter how much the sect fights, it will never harm the common people in the Mortal Realm.

Since the other party is so polite, Zhanxie Shuangsha is not a troublemaker. Although it is a confrontation between the enemy and the enemy, it will not lose the heroic qualities and lose the etiquette. Therefore, the divination saints also returned the salute. Zhanxie Song Yu said: "Sirius teaches The leader is indeed a great person, but it is a pity that you and I have no fate, and instead of being friends, we have become enemies! But Zhan Xie said frankly, I admire you as a hero."

"If the respected leader is willing to take the initiative to leave the heavenly demon meteor and the chaotic eyes on your forehead, Zhanxie Shuangsha will spare the respected leader's life even if he is risking his life!"

"Well! The two mages, don't be absolute. I have a feeling that the two mages will become my friends sooner or later." Cheng Yuanfang looked around at the four wives, the lion demon and the eagle demon, and the nine wives. Said the Xuannv Longsao of the Blood Sea.

"Oh! Is it possible?" Zhan Xie and the evil spirits sighed together.

"It must be possible! Because you are not the same as the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect! You are not, and your beloved disciple Qizheng Zhanwang is not! And I am the one who has the same wish as you. Although the ancient astrology always said If you can afford the capital, you can do divination, regardless of good or evil, but every time you encounter evil people slaughtering the world, a mysterious organization, Xingchendao, will appear in the southwest of Shenzhou Haotu, and slaughter the evil people who are divining ominous divinations, in order to defend those who are about to The murdered people!"

"If the leader guessed correctly, the people of the Tao of Stars are the mysterious dark forces of astrology! And the seven mysterious leaders of the Tao of Stars are the Kings of Seven Stars!"

The leader of the Sirius Sect, Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic eyes were full of Yin Mang, through the chaotic Luoxiang, the infinite disk, the sky and the earth disk, he synthesized a large array of infinite magic color arrays, watching the divination saint and said confidently.

Hearing the words, the divine divination saint turned pale with fright, and at the same time added several layers of protection to the outside of the seal, listened to the outside of the seal for a while, and after confirming that the conversation inside the seal could not be heard outside, he asked in surprise: "What are you talking about?" How did you know about Xingchen Dao!?"

"Haha! Luckily, the Japanese government Zhanwang was trapped when he was carrying out the Xingchen Dao massacre of evil forces. I happened to pass by, so I extended a helping hand. Because of this, I became attached to the Japanese government Zhanwang, and we are both brothers of the opposite sex! Between brothers Naturally, he can keep the secret of the Dao of Stars for him, so he told me about Dao of Stars!"

"Not long ago, when the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect attacked us aggressively, he stopped suddenly and then retreated. This leader believes that it must be the Qizheng Zhanwang who is helping the leader."

Cheng Yuanfang said calmly.


Zhan Xie Song Yu pondered for a moment, and then realized why Cheng Yuanfang had absorbed it at the last moment, and the moment he summoned the Celestial Moyun was the best time to capture the Celestial Moyun. With the ability of the Qizheng to occupy the king, it is absolutely possible to win it, but not only did they not do that, they even coaxed the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect to withdraw the army. This is the original reason.

Zhanxie Song Yu sighed and said: "Brother! It's okay to be merciful to you! That's a matter between you. Zhanxie and Shuangsha are now under the leadership of the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. Naturally, they will be loyal and responsible for you! So today no matter what You must leave behind the Heavenly Demon Fall and Chaos Purpose!"

"Impossible! This Heavenly Demon Fall will lose this leader and destroy it, and will never let him fall into the hands of the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. You should know what the essence of the Blood Moon God Sect is. It is so simple to fight against thousands of righteous ways in the world, what he has to do is to slaughter the whole world, dominate the universe, trample on hundreds of millions of common people and common people, do evil things to the extreme, and wipe out good people is the way!"

"Cheng Yuanfang is very strange. The former divination saint was a generation of heroes. Although he did not set up his family with the righteous way, he did acts of kindness. How could he demean himself and join the Blood Moon God Sect, and was named the Shuangsha of Divination? ?”

Cheng Yuanfang resolutely rejected Zhanxie Shuangsha's request and asked.

"It seems that Zhanxie Shuangsha can only say sorry. Since you toasted and didn't eat fine wine, don't blame us for being rude. But before you die, Zhanxie Shuangsha will let you die clearly. Astrology The reason why Du joined the sect of the Blood Moon God was all to avenge the country and the family." Then Zhan Xie Shuangsha told the whole story, and pointed out that the Langyuan sect is now the only enemy he wants to eliminate.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yuanfang laughed wildly after hearing this.

"What are you laughing at?" Bu Shenghuachen scolded with a cold face.

"I laugh at you dignified astrologers who are capable of divination, but lack human sophistication. You don't even think about it, Liu Xingdu, the ancestor of my brother Liu Qianlang, is indeed a disciple of your astrology school. He became the ancient master of the coconut country. Later, it was true that she had a secret love affair with the imperial concubine Yiling. But just because of this incident, it became the reason for the ancient coconut country to destroy the astrological Zhanhao country! Don't you think it's funny?"

"Let me ask the two mages, before or after Senior Liu Xingdu, there have been any national teachers from the ancient Coconut Kingdom? In the great kingdom of the Yangyang Dynasty, people like Senior Liu who have committed more serious crimes than him may Also? Have those people also been destroyed in the country they lived in or the place where they learned to live?"

"Besides, as far as I know, the imperial concubine Yiling is not someone who was loved by the emperor of the ancient Coconut Kingdom. In the imperial palace, there are countless concubines, and because of Yiling, even the Emperor of the Coconut Kingdom doesn't even care about it. Imperial concubine, would the imperial dynasty march thousands of miles away to Zhanhao, a country in the southwestern frontier, for her? It's just a joke."

Cheng Yuanfang questioned frequently, his words were convincing, and Zhanxie Shuangsha was speechless. Since ancient times, he has always regarded the Liu family as the ultimate enemy. No one has ever discussed more reasons why Zhanhao Kingdom was destroyed. On the land that was slaughtered, there was a huge cliff engraved with "Liu Xingdu's treason, he will destroy the country with exhausted teachers!" The eleven characters are still there.

Now when they suddenly heard the other party's questioning, Zhan Xie and Shuangsha immediately felt that it was far-fetched that it would be far-fetched for Liu Xingdu to leave Zhanhao country, and Zhanhao country would be destroyed. The couple couldn't help but looked at each other and remained silent for a while.

Just when the two were silent, Cheng Yuanfang said again: "My leader hopes that the sages of the generation of divination sages will not help the wrong person or avenge the wrong revenge because of the country's hatred and family hatred. Hate! In today's Universe Wave Fate Gate, Wave Fate Soul Venerable can be said to only be good, and only the peace of the people in the world is his wish, punishing evil and punishing crimes, cultivating Taoism and asking heaven. He can be called the guardian god of peace in the world in the human era!"

"But the Blood Moon Sect is the exact opposite. They do all sorts of evil. The two mages help him to run rampant in the world. Even if he holds the so-called enmity and gains peace of mind, and then sees the whole world devastated, will he feel at peace? Helping evil and accomplices It’s also a demon of all crimes, isn’t this against Xingchen Dao’s purpose of promoting good and punishing evil!?”

"To say something bad, as a high-ranking astrologist, if you are so committed to the evil Blood Moon Sect, one day, your high-level disciples will be unhappy!"

"Okay! The leader of the Sirius Sect talks too much. We will solve our own affairs by astrology, and it is not your turn to worry about the matters between our master and apprentice! But Zhan Xie is by no means a stubborn person. Just now What you said, Ben Zhanxie admits that it is not unreasonable. Regarding the subjugation of the country, we will investigate it carefully, and make a decision after the truth is completely confirmed."

"However, today we can abandon the chaotic eyes on your forehead, and save the lives of you and those under your sect, as a fulfillment of the brotherhood between you and all your beloved disciples. But you must stay, the devil from the heavens, Zhanxie Shuangsha promises you Until we are sure that Liu Xingdu is the only reason for Zhanhao Kingdom's demise, we will not hand over the Heavenly Realm Moyun to him!"

Zhanxie Song Yu interrupted Cheng Yuanfang's words.

"No! The leader of the sect must take away the celestial demon meteor! We will never give the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect any chance to get this thing!" Cheng Yuanfang refused verbally.

"Hmph! That's all! We've already said all the good things, Chen'er doesn't need to talk nonsense with him anymore! Close it!"

Zhan Xie Shuangsha heard that the other party would not give in at all, and now it is true as the other party said, that he blamed the wrong person for revenge, but he can't just break away from the Blood Moon God Sect, because it also involves the safety of all the forces, etc. question. And not long ago, he vowed to seize the purpose of the demon meteor and chaos in the sky, so forget it, how can he explain it?

So I stopped talking nonsense, and quickly synthesized the chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk into a large formation that kept shrinking. The faces of the two were condensed, and the middle and second fingers shot out their own unique divination magic powers, Luoxiang magic powers, pointing to the boiling sea and slowly rotating The chaotic Luoxiang Wuji disk, the seal of the array that immediately enveloped the turbulent sea continued to draw in the dark wolf castle far away, causing the magical power of the Luoxiang Wuji in the array to become more and more intense.

"Crack! Crack!"

The leader of the Sirius Sect, Cheng Yuanfang, Siying Meihu, Eagle Demon and Lion Demon, and the nine Blood Sea Xuannv suddenly heard the voices of Zhanxie and Shuangsha in the sky, but suddenly, there was a lot of noise around the dark wolf castle. Wan Jun's divine power and the hurricane that filled the sky with wind and sand rushed in, squeezing the extremely hard existence of the Dark Wolf Castle until it made a loud noise.

Cheng Yuanfang is fine, his body contains the divine power of Infinite Demon Dragon Ball and Heavenly Demon Fall, and stands motionless on the wall of Wolf Castle, but the four beloved wives behind him, the two breast brothers of Lion Demon and Eagle Demon, and nine blood Haixuannu couldn't stand steadily and had to retreat under the city wall.

Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic eyes were not afraid of the flying sand and rocks in the space, and stared at the hurricanes of infinite directions, infinite colors, and infinite visions all around the dark wolf castle.

Red hair fluttering with a long rainbow, the celestial demon on his chest is shining in all colors, and the pitch-black magic robe is curling wildly around him. Without passing through the tall body in the distance, he remained motionless. He knew that the opponent had finally attacked, and the terrifying formation would soon make himself and everyone else miserable, and even die.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Woo! Woo!"

The pitch-black Wolf Castle was trembling, making death-like tremors and whimpers. Cheng Yuanfang raised his hand to touch the Celestial Moyun on his chest, tried his best to stabilize his mind, and thought about the way to break out of the big formation.

"Mom! What's going on outside? Why is it so scary!"

"Hehe, it's okay, Ying'er don't be afraid, go to the palace and learn spells with brother Yuan'er."

As the hurricane roared, I heard the voices of my beloved daughter and several beloved wives in the distance.

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