Nine Heavens

Chapter 994

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-fourth Yin lock dark chain

When Liu Qianlang learned that Cheng Yuanfang, the leader of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, and the third immortal of the Taicang Seven Immortals of the Xuanling Gate in Longyun Mountain, now his younger sister Wuxiannan, the poetic style, the star of the blue time, the star of the Lingyao Tianditang , also went to look for himself and Song Zhen, and when he didn't listen to the dissuasion of the mysterious person in the cloud, he immediately sealed the recalled words in the two white clouds, let them fly into the sky, and watched them fly away, so he was relieved.

Then Liu Qianlang saw the blue lover's ring on the ring finger of his left hand flickering. After arranging everyone, he quickly controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, Shuiyue Palace and Qingfang Palace to report safety in person.

After this incident, not to mention the brotherhood between Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, even the two wives felt a lot. Shui'er and other sisters and Lan Shuangyexiang also cherished the hard-won love and fate with each other, and they were as close as possible. family.

Seeing the house full of children and grandchildren, the divine divination saint was very happy to be with Liuhe Dong and Cheng Hua all day long, planting flowers and grass, watching the sky and the scenery, and seeing his children and grandchildren coming to say hello in the morning and evening, he was very happy.

In addition, the divine divination saint felt that he had a predestined relationship with Zhang Chasheng's daughter, Liu Qianlang's adoptive daughter Die'er, and Lan Die, who had turned into a human form, and recognized him as his granddaughter.

On the left and right, there is a girl who is now fourteen or fifteen years old, supported by her two granddaughters who are like flowers and jade, Danrou, Liusha, Tianling and Xiaoying, and some other children in the star palace are following, the two of them He is simply an old naughty boy, who often wipes away tears happily and expresses emotion again and again.

However, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen didn't feel any more relaxed. After Cheng Yuanfang, the leader of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, and Wu Xiannan, the spiritual master of the Blue Star Palace Lingyao Tiandi Hall, came back, they immediately made careful arrangements for the Four-color Star Palace , and issued the Lang Yuan Xinggong Lang Yuan order to remind the Western Shura Temple, the Southern Qingxin Dao, the Northern Xuanling Gate, and the Eastern Goddess Palace to protect the common people of all parties and to guard against the actions of the Blood Moon God Sect at any time.

Then prepare to go to Chaos Mountain again, find the ground gate as soon as possible, in case the Blood Moon Sect takes the lead, and at the same time go to help sister Liu Juan. At the same time, Liu Qianlang was preparing to continue to practice to the soul, and Song Zhen stepped up to practice the method of manipulating the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk. But now the two of them are just doing preparatory work, and the specific cultivation can only be done after going to Chaos Mountain and using their spare time to rest.

During the preparation, Liu Qianlang found that the thousands of stars he had devoured in the Maze of the Heavenly Spirit Realm had exhausted his soul refining. If he wanted to continue refining his soul, he had to steal a large number of stars above the nine heavens to continue, otherwise he would no longer be able to continue refining his soul .

But right now, there is obviously no chance, my strength has not yet reached the Mahayana state, there are countless catastrophes in the sky, how can I go to the Nine Heavens to steal the stars. There is one in Chaos Origin Universe within his black jade skull, but his own strength is still weak, and he is still unable to refine the substances of Chaos Origin Universe.

After much deliberation, they had no choice but to prepare a large number of other soul-refining elements first, and then when Song Zhen was ready, the two made an appointment to go to Chaos Mountain the next day.

On this day, at midnight in the Star Palace, on the same day as September, Liu Qianlang was sitting cross-legged in the Palace of Soul Venerable, closing his eyes and thinking about the possible changes in some actions after he and Song Zhen went to Chaos Mountain the next day. As he was thinking about it, he faintly heard a burst of crying from Tianyuan Palace not far from Shui'er's Shuiyue Palace, which was very sad.

Liu Qianlang was shocked, and immediately floated the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and arrived at Tianyuan Palace in less than a quarter of an hour. The people living in this palace are the former disciples of the Bone Finger Cave and all the dignitaries, because Shui'er was reluctant to let them go to the Goddess Peak of the Eastern Heavenly Ocean, he purposely opened the Tianyuan Palace near the Shuiyue Palace, so that Shui'er could show his respect to the seniors at any time. filial piety.

Entering the palace, Liu Qianlang was shocked, and saw dozens of former Bone Finger Cave dignitaries lying in front of the hall, covered with white curtains, while Shui'er and all the disciples were wearing mortal filial piety, Weep bitterly.


Seeing Liu Qianlang floating in and walking to her side, Shui'er cried out in pain.

Liu Qianlang was very surprised, if some high-ranking Yang Yuan had already arrived, and his cultivation was not good, it would be fine if he fell, how could so many seniors of Tianjue Sect fall all at once, this is too abnormal.

"Shui'er, what happened, don't cry! Tell brother!"

Liu Qianlang squatted down, patted Shui'er on the shoulder, and wiped away her tears.

Shui'er heard the words, choked up and said, I don't know, I came to greet all the nobles in the evening, they all said that their Yang Yuan was exhausted, and said a lot of inexplicable things about missing their teacher, I thought it was because they just missed their teacher That's why. Unexpectedly, not long after I went back, the junior sisters went to tell me that all the nobles have passed away one after another.

"Third brother! What happened?"

At this moment, Song Zhen also rushed in with the astrological ruler and Qishang Spring in his hands, followed by Yun Qianmeng, Palace Master Qinghua, Miaoyan, Princess Jinling, Pa'er, Lan Shuang and Yexiang, Yaya, Dieer and so on.

Liu Qianlang's face was serious, he got up slowly, and said: "The fourth younger brother immediately formed an array to block the entire star palace, and then activated the soul search array, forty-nine high-ranking lords were silent together, how can there be such a coincidence!? "

"Okay!" Song Zhen left immediately after hearing the words.


Suddenly, Liu Qianlang's psychic ear heard the cries of Yiyue Palace in the direction of Southeast Xingzhou, and an ominous feeling suddenly rose in his heart, and he shouted: "Not good!" Fly towards the southeast Yiyue Palace.

Flying to the palace, Liu Qiankang also had the scene of Yaoxin and Pu'er sisters embracing and crying. Seeing Liu Qianlang coming in, the sisters quickly knelt down and said, "See Soul Lord!"

"You two palace masters, don't be too polite! What happened here? Why is there disciple Mingji?" Liu Qianlang turned pale, and helped Yaoxin and Pu'er sisters. Then go to the front of the hall and place forty-nine beds lying on the ground. Each bed is covered with a layer of white gauze as white as snow.

Through the white gauze, Liu Qianlang clearly saw the smiling faces of peach blossoms that he had seen before. If the elders of Tianjue Palace can explain it because of their age, how can the forty-nine young girls in front of them explain it?

Yaoxin and Pu'er sisters hesitated for a while, but they couldn't speak at all. They knew that when the sisters were happily watching the moon in the evening, they suddenly saw forty-nine sisters falling down silently, and then stopped. breathe.

The hall was full of sisters from Yiyue Palace outside the hall. Liu Qianlang couldn't help feeling excited when he looked around. He shook his head slightly and said to himself: "Smiling Huafei and Yao Wanli seniors, Liu Qianlang is sorry for you, no I can take good care of your disciples!" Then he flew towards the twenty-one places where he heard the cries, and in each place, seven or forty-nine Langyuanmen disciples fell silent at the same time.

This was the case in the first evening, and it was still the same in the second evening. One month later, tens of thousands of people in the star collapsed. Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen never rested for a moment. They were both pale and tired. know why.

Although the star palace is closed, the bad news is still there, and the whole universe is full of heartbreaking whimpers day and night.

The soul search array has been activated, but no sign of foreign invasion has been found, and the inexplicable breath of death pervades every corner of the star palace.

"Hey! Boy, it's time for you to transform into a ghost. Haven't you practiced Nether Dafa? There are five levels in Nether Dafa, which are enlisting soldiers from the dark side, tempering the body to revive the soul, bone-winged armor gods, supernatural powers reaching the sky, and celestial troops. Back then you You only need to practice successfully to serve the Yin soldiers. Now you need to cultivate successfully to quench your body and revive your soul, and then use the blood red wind given to you by the divination sage to quench everyone. Naturally, you will know the truth of this catastrophe.

However, the old man also wants to remind you that your troubles will become bigger and bigger in the future. You have annoyed the Nether Hell, the eight figures from all directions, the twenty-four yin and yang circles, the eight masters of the yin and yang world, the eight masters, the eight masters, the eight masters, and the eight masters. Now every day as soon as the sun sets outside the universe, there will be twenty-three directions, and ninety-eight Yinsuo Minglians in each direction will come to the star palace to gather souls, and revenge is coming for you! "

In the middle of the night, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were hanging their hearts, standing in the sky of the universe, still trying their best to analyze the cause of the problem, when Liu Qianlang suddenly heard the old man with white light in his eyes remind him.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang immediately remembered the matter of himself and Song Zhenyuan's spirit and soul breaking out of the Yin-Yang realm, and immediately understood the whole story. At the same time, when I heard that it could save people, I was secretly happy, so I didn't care about other things, I just asked: "Why are there twenty-three directions instead of the twenty-four yin and yang realms?"

"The three Yin-Yang circles in the East are powerful, the soul-locker and the soul-hunter have been slaughtered by your sister, so there are only twenty-three Yin-Yang circles in the twenty-four. Now your sister dominates the Netherland 100,000 In the ice field and snowy land, they became the King of Hell, and they couldn't afford to mess with them, so they came to trouble you.

In the future, such troubles will probably be inevitable as long as the Nether Hell exists. Your large sealing formation can only seal the entry and exit of entities, and the living primordial spirits can attack, but it cannot control the entry and exit of ghosts from the underworld. Only after you have successfully practiced the magic art of quenching the body and reviving the soul, can you rescue the disciples, see and kill the Yinsuo Minglian soul arrester who came to lock the soul. "

"Thank you, Senior Bai Guang, for your guidance. Liu Qianlang will practice the method of tempering the body and reviving the ghost! The fourth brother protects the law, except you, no one is allowed to approach the starry sky for thousands of miles!" Liu Qianlang disappeared instantly when he heard the words, and slipped into his body. The black jade skull is in the dark sky.

"Yes!" Song Zhen also flew into the sky in an instant, and a dense layer of mist spread over a thousand miles around. He saw a whirlpool like a black wind and sand suddenly appearing in the sky thousands of miles away, spinning continuously all day long.

Deaths in the universe are happening every day. A huge black whirlpool of wind and clouds appears in the vast sky of the universe. Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen suddenly disappear inexplicably, and the entire universe is plunged into boundless death and terror. .

Cheng Yuanfang, Yun Qianmeng, Shui'er, Miaoyan, Pa'er, Princess Jinling, Yaya, Cheng Shifeng and other high-ranking dignitaries ran all day long in the universe to comfort them, but they couldn't stop the crying voices one after another.

However, seven days later, all the people in the star palace suddenly saw the dark vortex in the sky, and suddenly shot out twenty-three bright red wind pillars, pointing to the palace where the death incident happened. Resurrected.

They all said that there were two light and fluffy ghosts, one with a black face and white clothes, and the other with a white face and black clothes, one was carrying a black rope and the other was holding a white chain. Seeing him, the two evil spirits put on the chain, locked the lock, and said, "You're dead!" Then they pulled them up and left, watching themselves being pulled out of the star palace by them, passing one mountain after another, One river after another, and finally in a gray hole.

Then he kept walking towards the depths of the gray cave, and then entered a boundless gray world. In front of him was a black and white river, and there was a black and white bridge on the river. Both sides of the river are covered with flowers, which are very beautiful, especially the flowers on the other side are very beautiful.

But just as I was being led to the bridge, a gust of red wind suddenly blew up, and then I saw Hun Zun appearing suddenly, his eyes were as red as blood, and with a wave of his sleeves, the gust of red wind blew us away.

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