Nine Heavens

Chapter 997

Chapter Nine hundred and ninety seventh is plotted by ghosts

"Hehe, don't worry, fourth brother, I've already planted the ghost chasing soul technique in his body, he won't be able to escape."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, pretending not to know that the soul-hunter escaped, and sent voice to everyone.

"What are Qianlang and Brother Song's plans for the future?"

Cheng Yuanfang heard the words and took a closer look. Naturally, the soul-hunting ghost couldn't escape the black psychic eyes. He had already guessed Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen's intentions, but he still asked.

"We just have to get rid of the brothers inside and outside the universe. Seventh sister, please take care of me and practice the spirit demon army with Shifeng. It will be very useful in the future. Me and your fourth brother

This goes to Chaos Mountain. Your sisters-in-law, explain it for us. We leave the phantom and pretend to have a few more drinks with you. After half an hour, everyone will disperse and everything will be fine. "

Liu Qianlang looked around at everyone, sensed how far the soul-hunter was away from the star palace, and answered through voice transmission in his mind.

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded slightly with extremely small movements, and then continued to drink, and appeared to be more lively, shouting, and soon appeared drunk. The joy of big language.

In fact, at this time, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen had already shot out the white star of time in the dark night, in order not to let the ghost who let go find out, they both held back their breath and used concealment techniques.


After Hunsha curled up into a puff of smoke and flew out of the star palace, he looked back at the figures in the star palace who were still drinking. After a while of laughing, he immediately recovered the figure of a few feet tall evil spirit. In the night, the yin and yang blue and purple two-color mace was shaking, with left and right feet, a phantom of a dead person was stepped on the left foot, and a phantom of a dead animal was stepped on the right foot.

The dead people and dead beasts are strangely connected together, forming the phantom phantom of the ghostly mount. Hunsha looked around for a while at Cangshan Mountain's tight defenses, thinking that no matter how tight your arrangements are, you would not see the existence of Hunsha, so he was very proud. Then, stepping on the phantom phantom, he quickly swaggered towards the Chaos Mountain in the northwest of Cangshan Mountain.

Liu Qianlang stepped on the Chaos Cauldron, Song Zhen stood tall on the blood unicorn, and the two exchanged winks, then kept a distance of more than ten thousand feet from each other, and then galloped steadily behind with the speed of the other party.

"Haha, third brother! Thanks for reminding me, otherwise, if we kill all these ghosts and let us find the entrance to the Yin-Yang world by ourselves, it will take some time." Song Zhen looked at the soul-hunter who fled triumphantly in front of him. Sha, said with a smile through the sound transmission in his mind.

"That's right. Although we have the astrology ruler, the Qishang Spring, and the Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Heaven and Earth territory, the Nether Hell is no better than the Mortal Realm. There must be countless strange ghosts and monsters in it. I sensed that maybe we would control it instead. On the contrary, it is not as good as this most stupid method, which will not disturb the depths of the Nether Hell at all.

However, we can calculate the entrance to the outer layer of the yang world that is the gate of the Nether Hell. If we are lucky enough to confirm it, after strengthening the seal, we will immediately go after the ghost. He is in the world of yin and yang in the 100,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-ice snow field outside the Nether Hell, and he will not enter the Nether Hell. Besides, he has my soul-hunting technique on him, so it is not difficult to find him.

However, there is one thing I am not sure about. I don't know if the gate passage is connected to the passage from the twenty-four yin and yang realms into the netherworld. If they are connected, it means that we can directly break into the center of the netherworld through the Yin-Yang world. This saves you the hassle of looking outside for a ground lock. "

"Well! The fourth brother doesn't know if the two are interlinked, but I believe that the twenty-four yin and yang realms must be able to communicate with the depths of the nether hell. Otherwise, how could those souls arrested by the soul arresters in the wandering ghost domain be sent to the nether world? Hell?"

"It makes sense, let's follow him, we should know soon."

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen exchanged ideas, then stopped talking, but let go of their consciousness, while chasing, while paying close attention to the wind and grass within a radius of Qianlima.

The sky is bright and the moon is crescent like a hook, the moonlight is faint, the stars are blinking, the clouds are sometimes hidden, and the sky and the earth are quiet and dark.

You can't see the figures of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, but for the two of them, Liu Qianlang has psychic eyes, and Song Zhen is also the most powerful human being with eighty-one souls. Both of them can see the blue and purple left and right in front of them. The flying look of the two-color strange soul-hunting body looks very strange in the dark night sky.

The soul-destroyer is different from those little ghost soul-destroyers. His speeding movements are as fast as lightning, and he has reached the inexplicable material in the chaotic space above the Chaos Mountain in less than an hour.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen couldn't help feeling very strange, the other party should be heading towards a certain direction of the Chaos Mountain below, but the other party was flying towards the sky. Could it be that the entrance to the Yin-Yang Realm where he is located is somewhere in the Chaos Space?

With doubts, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen also quickly shot into the chaotic space, but to be on the safe side, they kept close to each other so as not to get separated in the weird world of chaotic space.

The matter that permeates the chaotic space is neither smoke nor fog, nor wind nor rain. It is unclear, if it is dark, there are occasional colors like star brilliance, which cannot be described.

Hunsha wandered strangely in the material world filled with chaotic space in phantom phantom, and Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen followed him dozens of feet away.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen felt that the ghost was always circling around the Chaos Mountain, and his blue-purple pupils kept looking at the center of the Chaos Mountain, with a very cautious look on his face. Always looking for something. He neither moved any closer to the central area of ​​the chaotic sky, nor lowered his figure, and maintained this state all the time.

"Third brother! This evil spirit has not noticed us, what is he doing?" Song Zhen looked anxiously, couldn't help twisting his black and white eyebrows, and asked Liu Qianlang beside him.

However, there was no response for a long time, Song Zhen was startled suddenly, and suddenly turned his head to look at Liu Qianlang, but he could no longer sense Liu Qianlang's message.

"Haha! Just because you two people of the human race want to fight Ben Yahunsha! If it weren't for your bloody red wind, your star palace would have been turned into powder an hour ago. I'm tied up! "

When Song Zhen turned his head to look at Hunsha in surprise, Hunsha, who was several feet tall, was waving a blue and purple two-color mace and standing high in front of him, a huge shadow enveloped him. . And the third elder brother Liu Qianlang was trapped by countless yin lock chains, his eyes were dull, and he stood beside the ghost and looked at him blankly. Surrounding him was a circle of ghostly ghosts.

Song Zhen was furious. He waved the astrologer's ruler and was about to throw it at Hunhunsha, but before he raised his hand, he heard a crash, and the next moment he was also tied tightly, and then he smelled it in his breath. Two strange fragrances, followed by weakness, loss of weight, and confusion of consciousness.

However, at the last moment of his confused consciousness, he saw a very faint light flashing from Liu Qianlang's eyes and shooting into Song Zhen's eyes.

"Congratulations to Yin Sha Yin, who has captured two souls with so many souls. Now one hundred thousand kings of Hades have been killed in the ice field and snowy land, and Liu Juan, the chaotic soul, is making trouble. If you dedicate them to the Emperor of the Underworld, the central underworld, say Maybe the Underworld Emperor is happy, and he will make you the Wandering Hades!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen being captured, the dozens of little ghosts who were leading Liu Qianlang complimented him.

"Hmm! Haha! Good! Well said. But I have to torture and torture them first, peel off their soul shadows, drink their life aura and patrol power, and then donate them to the Emperor of the Underworld!"

Ya Hunsha tapped Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen's shoulders with two maces, one blue and one purple, and saw the two of them shaking limply and laughing.

"But, but"


"But what?" Seeing a soul-detaining envoy stammering, he slammed the blue and purple maces together, making a loud noise like thunder, and asked.

The little ghost who spoke trembled for a while, and black smoke billowed out of his ghostly green face in fright, he hesitated for a long time, and didn't dare to speak again.

"Your grandma finished talking to Ben Hunsha, and half listened to it, and I was so mad! Say it quickly, or Ben Hunsha will smash your heart and soul of life!" Sha wah wah wow, roared.

Hearing this, the little devil who was talking quickly said tremblingly: "I just want to remind Mr. Hun Yin that life aura and patrolling power are not to be eaten. If Mr. Hun Yin dedicates them to the Emperor of the Underworld, the Emperor of the Underworld will definitely give these two people Give the left and right guards two generals, the greedy spirit and the greedy power, with the life aura and patrol power!

Greedy spirit and greedy power are unreasonable and violent existences. If anyone eats the life power and patrol power that he should enjoy, he will torture him enough, tear him to pieces, and then swallow him, little one Such is the fate of an uncle. My uncle is a high-ranking third-rank Dayuan under the Emperor of the Underworld.

Once in the south, when he was licking a new concubine presented by Hades to the Emperor of the Underworld, my uncle saw that the imperial concubine was born with a natural beauty and amazing vitality, so when she was pressed in front of the Emperor of the Underworld, he took advantage of the opportunity to hear her. After taking a breath of her life aura, the greedy spirit was torn to pieces by the guards of the Emperor Hades on the spot!

The little one has no intention of offending the adults, but just hopes that the king is safe and sound. If the adults want to enjoy these two people, they don't have to contribute at all. Wouldn't it be better to have everything for themselves. Now except for the adults in the twenty-four yin and yang circles, the other twenty-three adults have all died, and no one has reported! "


Hearing the words, Soul Destroyer couldn't help but panic. Although he, as the prefect of Soul Detention Mansion, had no special permission from the Underworld Emperor, he would never have the opportunity to go to the Underworld. Until now, he didn't know what the Underworld was like, but he had heard about the mysterious Underworld. People from countless ghost towns around me mentioned when they came to the Yin-Yang Realm to hunt and hunt souls, the greedy spirit and greedy power are vicious and vicious.

The blue and purple eyeballs turned strangely for a while, fearing that he would lose face in front of a group of little ghosts, he laughed and said: "Ah! You are talking about the guards next to the two Hades! I am not afraid of them, but this That brother is right, wouldn't it be better for such a high-quality soul delicacy to be exclusively enjoyed by Ben Yahunsha.

Look at these two people, regardless of their souls, vitality, vitality, and patrolling power, they are all rare existences. If I eat the ghost spirit, it will definitely increase the mana of the underworld. Without the appointment of the emperor of the underworld, I can still conquer the wandering ghost domain and dominate one side. In the end, the emperor of the underworld will also decree me to be king.

Ha ha! Bros! Follow Ben Yahunsha well, apart from enjoying the four life elements of these two people, Benya Hunsha will give you all the other hands, feet, and fur! OK? "

"Okay! Thank you, my lord, no! Thank you Piaoling Hades!"



All the little ghosts, there are about a hundred or so in total, cheered for a while.

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