Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 997 Empress Yanjun, Mr. Long

The woman named Juan'er never expected this to happen. She stood there stupidly for a moment. She knew how terrifying this Mr. Long was.

At this time, Young Master Long looked at the Empress of Chaos again: "Be my woman, my first wife, and I will make you happy for the rest of your life."

The Empress of Chaos didn't look at Mr. Long, but at the woman named Juan'er.

The woman lowered her head slightly. She already regretted it a little. The Empress of Chaos had given her the gift of rebirth and was very kind to her. However, after she lost her cultivation, she treated her like this. She was really worse than a beast. Mr. Long was actually because of this. Nothing happened to her.

What was she trying to do? Suddenly, she felt sad. She felt stupid, stupid, and not human.

Young Master Long walked towards the Empress of Chaos step by step.

Only then did the Empress of Chaos look at Young Master Long, her eyes calm.

Mr. Long stopped and looked at the Empress of Chaos. This woman was really beautiful. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, bar none. This was the woman she could only dream of.

What he said before about marrying her as his wife and giving her glory and wealth, at least for now, is all from his heart.

"You don't deserve it!" The Queen of Chaos said softly.

"Haha, I'm not worthy. You're just an ordinary person now. Since you say I'm not worthy, I won't marry you, so I'll treat you as my plaything, hahaha..." Young Master Long said proudly.

The Empress of Chaos has now begun to think about death. She can no longer feel the beauty of this world, especially the betrayal of Juan'er. Originally, it was nothing for this woman to betray her, but at this time, at the lowest point in her life, this woman The betrayal only adds insult to injury.

She was originally alone, with only one friend, Yuan Su, who was even considered a relative in her heart, and Juan'er, who usually took care of her food and daily life. Juan'er held a very special position in the heart of the Empress of Chaos.

She was very young when she was taken in, and then she watched her grow up little by little. The betrayal now made her feel sad.

"As long as you take another step, you will die. Do you dare to try?" The Empress of Chaos smiled.

He was cold and handsome, even his smile was cold.

Mr. Long stopped and frowned: "You are just bluffing, it's useless."

"Then you want to try?" said the Queen of Chaos.

"Go and catch her for me." Mr. Long pointed at the woman named Juan'er.

Juan'er's body trembled, and her heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"Hurry up, as long as you complete this matter, I will give you a seat." Mr. Long said slowly.

Juan'er's eyes flashed with excitement, and she walked towards the Empress of Chaos.

The Empress of Chaos sighed and watched Juan'er walking step by step.

"Do you still believe him?" Queen of Chaos asked.

Juan'er's body trembled, she raised her head and said firmly: "I don't know, but I want to try, I want to take a gamble, I want to fight for it, miss, you are already like this, just help me, you can say it for me If you’re kind, Mr. Long will definitely listen to you, then the two of us will follow Mr. Long, okay?”

The Empress of Chaos looked at Juan'er, her eyes getting darker and lighter, and she said softly: "Confused!"

"Miss, just promise me, okay..."

"I am blind." The Empress of Chaos said softly.

"Indeed, you are really blind." came a voice.

As soon as Qin Chuan's voice fell, he came to the Empress of Chaos and looked at her playfully.

This proud woman is cold and charming. She is the Empress of Chaos. She has an unparalleled identity and a beautiful figure. But now that she is just an ordinary person, she will naturally make many people think wrongly. Fortunately, she finally caught up with her. On.

"Are you here to make fun of me, or do you want me as much as they do?" The Empress of Chaos frowned slightly and looked at Qin Chuan.

"I'm really not interested in you. You're ugly, can't laugh, and can't arouse interest. I'm entrusted by others to save you from fire and water. You don't need to be grateful to me in times of crisis." Qin Chuan smiled. said.

The Empress of Chaos wanted to beat him up for some reason, and after he came, she felt much more relaxed after listening to the irritating words he said.

There is an inexplicable ease.

I am not beautiful, I am not interested in myself...

The Empress of Chaos knew that this guy was the only one who could say such things to her, and he was the only one who could be so angry with herself.

"Should I congratulate you, your woman succeeded." The Queen of Chaos said with a smile.

"Well, I can still laugh. I can still laugh at this time. Not bad, not bad." Qin Chuan was infected by her smile. They said that the colder the woman, the more beautiful the smile, just like that short-lived flash in the pan, with strong visual impact.

"Okay, don't be poor. Do you think I'm in a good mood?" the Empress of Chaos said a little annoyed.

She didn't seem to be sad at all, which made Qin Chuan very puzzled.

In fact, this woman is not at peace in her heart, because she will never forget the few nights she stayed in Yuan Suna, what she saw, those scenes and feelings. Over the years, she will think of it from time to time. What a cold woman it is for her. It was really hard to digest.

Mr. Long's face was ugly. Seeing the Empress of Chaos talking and laughing with a man made him crazy with jealousy. He stared at Qin Chuan with his eyes, wishing to tear him into pieces.

"Indeed, I feel very good when I see you like this. Thinking about how you used to be tough, unreasonable, ugly and stupid, now you are so powerful. It's really comfortable for evil people to be rewarded with evil." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You, you are ugly, stupid, and evil." The Empress of Chaos said angrily.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It's so ugly. The more I look at it, the uglier it gets."

Even though the Empress of Chaos was confident, she was so angry at these words that she turned her head and ignored him.

"That's enough, that wild boy here is tired of living." Young Master Long roared angrily.

"Damn, why are you barking so loudly? It's worse than a donkey's braying." Qin Chuan dug his ears and said in disgust.

Mr. Long was stunned for a moment, but became even more angry: "Destroy him for me, you do not know how to live or die."

"I'll say it again, get out of here. If you say one more nonsense, I will destroy you." Qin Chuan said coldly.

"Fuck | Your mother, why are you making excuses..." Young Master Long became angry and cursed directly.

He didn't care too much about calling Qin Chuan a dog, but now he called his mother, Qin Chuan moved, and his whole body was as fast as lightning at this moment.

Mr. Long was disdainful and stretched out his hand to punch Qin Chuan.



Mr. Long was overjoyed and even more disdainful. He was still pretending to have such strength?

But he soon realized that something was wrong, because the punch hit him, and the opponent had a sneer on his lips, but was not blown away by him. At this time, he seemed to realize that something was wrong. He looked down and saw Qin Chuan's kick. Provoke, target is his lifeblood.

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