Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1008: Death of Eagle Stream, dynamics from all parties

These people were simply vulnerable to Qin Chuan.

Several people fell down in an instant, and the rest did not dare to step forward. Qin Chuan looked at Yingjian, with a sneer and mockery on his face, and what seemed to be pity.

He was looked at with pity.

If it was before, he wouldn't have felt it was pity, but now he feels it. The current situation is indeed not optimistic, but he feels that he still has a chance of winning.

But he soon knew he was wrong.

Soaring dragon!

God made a hole!

Yingjian's face turned pale, he hid in a panic, and stretched out his hand to call out his tame beast.

This is a pair of wind and fire beasts.

As soon as the wind and fire beast came out, his whole body was filled with fire.

At this time, Qin Chuan used dark artistic conception directly towards Yingjian.

A holy blow!


Qin Chuan did not dare to use his full strength for this attack. If Zhenyao used his full strength, especially with nine steps against the sky, he might be able to kill him instantly.

The nine-step step against heaven is now at the seven-step level.

Once used, it would be very difficult for Yingjian to resist now.

What Qin Chuan wants to do now is to let Baili Tian kill his enemy with his own hands.

Qin Chuan took action from time to time, just to resist Yingjian's vicious attacks on Baili Tianxia.


Qin Chuan handed Bailitian a dagger.

Dragon-slaying dagger!

These were put away when killing enemies. Qin Chuan had two of them. The current dragon-slaying dagger was also processed by Qin Chuan. The way of forging the gods was broken through. On the original basis, the dragon-slaying dagger was tempered and refined. Finally, the talisman seal of the deified state was carved.

Soaring dragon!

God made a hole!


It wasn’t the precious beast King Kong Rat that hit him,

Qin Chuan just let the two monsters force Yingjian to a dead end, and he had to dodge. At this time, Bailitian's dragon-slaying dagger stabbed Yingjian.

Blood spattered everywhere, but it only stabbed Yingjian's arm.

Yingjian looked ferocious and was about to kill Baili Angel.

But at this time, Qin Chuan's already prepared Buddha's Light Binding Wisdom Seal arrived!

A golden rope like a golden dragon was wrapped around Yingjian's body.

The dragon-slaying dagger in Bailitian's hand struck directly at Yingjian's neck.


A faint golden light shattered, Yingjian's figure quickly retreated, blood splattered on his shoulders.

This is a life-saving magical power.

Yingjian's clothes were soaked with cold sweat at this time. Bailitian, who he always thought he could kill easily, was now trying every means to kill him, and he was very likely to die in his hands.

He felt particularly angry and angry, and he hated Qin Chuan so much.

"Sir, as long as you don't help Baili Tian, ​​I can agree to any conditions you want, including glory, wealth, beauty, and treasure. I'll give you whatever you want." Yingjian shouted loudly.

"You are just a clown in my opinion, and I really don't like your things." Qin Chuan sneered.

"I have a treasure, I have a treasure. As long as you don't help Baili Tian, ​​I will give it to you, not just one piece."

In order to survive, Yingjian also tried every means to survive first.

"I like the treasure, but you must die." Qin Chuan said.

"Bailitian is just a useless person. What's the benefit of helping him? What can he give you? As long as you quit, I will treat you as a benefactor. I can do anything for you in the future."

At this time, Yingjian no longer looked as cool as before and was in an extremely embarrassed state, with more and more bloody wounds on his body.

Baili Tian was going crazy at this time, the fire he was holding in his heart was venting, everything in the past was ignited, and the flames of anger were enough to burn up to the sky. His eyes were red, and he kept attacking and attacking.

If Qin Chuan and the two treasure beasts hadn't protected him, he didn't know how many times he would have been killed by Ying Jian.

Baili Tian also knows that Qin Chuan dares to let him do it himself, so he is sure. He can know Qin Chuan's good intentions, and he is extremely grateful. Qin Chuan allows him to take revenge. His gratitude to Qin Chuan is beyond words. The gratitude, gratefulness, and overwhelming feeling are indescribable.

As time goes by, Qin Chuan's chaotic intentions, coupled with the threat of death, Yingjian becomes more and more desperate, his actual combat strength becomes weaker and weaker, and he suffers more and more injuries.



Yingjian is dead!

Bailitian looked up to the sky and shouted, as if the anger in his heart was shouting out. He kept shouting until his voice became hoarse, and later he was almost hoarse and his face was covered with tears.

Who says men can't shed tears? These are tears of blood.

Qin Chuan waited until Yingjian was done venting, then walked over and patted Bailitian on the shoulder: "Brother!"

"I'm fine!" Bailitian seemed a little older, but he really smiled. He patted Qin Chuan's shoulder slightly hard without saying a word of thanks.

"Let's go first, we will continue our work tomorrow!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Bailitian nodded, feeling very excited.

The two left Ying's house and went to a restaurant to drink.

As for Yingjian's death, the door of Ying's family was shattered, and the news flew out like wings in an instant.

At the same time, the words Bailitian were also spread.

The Baili family can be considered a big family. Many people have forgotten about it, but many people still remember it.

Many people know that the Baili family was wiped out, but not many people really know who did it. Now Bailitian takes action and begins to take revenge.

Many people were excited when the news came out, and many were scared.

There were seven people who killed the Baili family at first, but now among the seven people involved, Yingjian is dead.

The face of the Chaos Sect Master who was in the Chaos Sect at this time was ugly. In front of him was a middle-aged man. He is the Deputy Sect Master of the Chaos Sect and also the chief disciple of the Chaos Sect Master. Sha Tiankuang, what bad thing did the Chaos Sect Master do? , he will be involved.

This Sha Tiankuang is not handsome, but he is not ugly either. He is tall, strong, and toned, with a kind of wildness and a kind of gentleness. He is a very charming man. At this time, he also frowned at the Chaos Sect Master. .

"Yingjian is dead, Bailitian Killed, and there is also a young man. I know this young man." The leader of the Chaos Sect said.

"Master, what kind of person is he?" Sha Tiankuang asked.

"He is very mysterious. He can refine immortal pills. I knew he came with bad intentions, but I didn't expect him to be such a monster. But we don't need to move for the time being. They will definitely go to find other people first. I hope they can die somewhere else." In the hands of others, this saves us from having to do anything." Chaos Sect Master said.

In the Mei family in the far west of the chaotic city, a middle-aged man was sitting in the hall with a frown. His name was Mei Yunbao, and he was the head of the Mei family. Among the people who participated in the crime, he was the one who killed the most Baili family members.

The leader of the Chaos Sect invited him and said that the Baili family had a treasure. Everyone should participate together and the treasure would be divided equally.

Mei Yunbao had a premonition that if Yingjian died, he might be next. This uneasiness became more and more intense. He felt that he could not go on like this and wanted to unite with others to take the initiative to kill Baili Tian and the others.

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