Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1010: Death, Chaos Sect Master’s Plan

There is no threat to Mei Yunbao now, but Qin Chuan dare not be careless. People will be crazy when they are finally cornered.

For a strong man, no one can guarantee that he will not have the final trump card, or even the terrifying one-time destruction of treasures.


Mei Yunbao laughed loudly, and then looked at the people behind him. They all held their heads high when they came here, but now they are all huddled there. It's embarrassing, it's really embarrassing, it's embarrassing for the Mei family.

"Do you think you don't have to die this way?" Mei Yunbao said with a sneer.

When those people heard Mei Yunbao's words, they all shuddered. Mei Yunbao is the head of the family. They have always been accustomed to being afraid of him. Now, even if Mei Yunbao has no hands, he still has a terrifying deterrent to them. force.

This was instinctive fear, and these words sent chills all over their bodies.

"Master, we are dedicated and loyal to the Mei family. We are the backbone of the Mei family." One of the men said tremblingly.

"Are you dedicated to the Mei family? Are you loyal to the Mei family? What does it have to do with me? What I want is for you to be loyal to me. What are you doing now? In times of danger, you don't even care about the life and death of your master. What do I have to keep you? Use it?" Mei Yunbao said with a sneer.

"The Mei family still needs us. If you kill us, the Mei family's vitality will be severely damaged, and other families will swallow up the Mei family. Your children will die by then, and your daughters and your women will become other people's playthings. You Think about it..."


Before the man could finish speaking, Mei Yunbao killed the man directly with an ugly expression on his face.

At this time, there was a snow-white tiger head in front of Mei Yunbao.

This is a treasure.

Tiger Talisman!

This is the treasure tiger talisman, also called the white jade tiger talisman and the tiger talisman white tiger head.

Only the heads of tiger monsters with powerful white tiger bloodlines have a chance of being refined into tiger talismans. The strength depends on the white tiger bloodline and the refiner's technique.

Qin Chuan could feel that the tiger talisman in front of him could easily kill the most powerful person, but in his opinion, this treasure did not pose a threat to him, which was why Mei Yunbao did not attack him immediately.

Because Mei Yunbao knew that he would definitely die today,

So he hates these people behind him, so he wants to kill these people.

What happened next was not surprising to Qin Chuan.

After Mei Yunbao killed three people, the others became angry, roared, and turned around, killing Mei Yunbao.

You should know that killing the head of the family would be treason, but they could no longer care about it, so these people rushed towards Mei Yunbao together.

There are dozens of people, all of whom are extremely powerful, including a very powerful one. Mei Yunbao's hands were crippled, but he still has the treasure Tiger Talisman.

The battle was fierce. Mei Yunbao looked at the people rushing towards him with disdain. These people used to be his subordinates, so subconsciously he did not put any pressure on these people. Although the tiger had no claws and claws, its power still remained.

Mei Yunbao won, but he was still covered in wounds. At this time, he looked at Baili Tian with murderous intent in his eyes.

Suddenly, the tiger talisman's halo flashed, and it turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Baili Tian.

Qin Chuan had long thought that Mei Yunbao would fight back before his death, and that blow would be terrifying.

This is a blow that brings the tiger talisman to its extreme, because the cost of this blow is that the tiger talisman shatters.

Seven-star reversal!


Qin Chuan instantly changed positions with Baili Tian, ​​and cast the Golden Dragon Vine almost at the same time.

The golden dragon vine soared into the sky and wrapped itself in it.

King Kong Avenue!

King Kong fighting spirit!

What's more, Qin Chuan still has the life-saving Jinxuan Immortal Stone substitute talisman on him.

Qin Chuan also wanted to be safe.


Qin Chuan only felt his body shake. Fortunately, the current Golden Dragon Vine was absolutely powerful, and he was stunned to block the terrifying blow of the Tiger Talisman.

Naturally, there was no suspense in the ensuing battle. Bailitian killed Mei Yunbao with his own hands.

Mei Yunbao is dead!

Bailitian stood there in a daze. It took him a long time to come to his senses, and then left with Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan could feel the suppressed energy in Bailitian's heart slowly dissolving. He knew that his family would never be able to survive again, and now he just wanted justice and let those people pay for their blood debt.

Baili Tian did not destroy all of them, Qin Chuan still supported it. As long as they were involved, whether directly or indirectly, they would not be let go, but those innocent people could not be killed.

If Bailitian wanted to wipe out the entire Ying family and the entire Mei family, and kill those innocent women, children, old and young, Qin Chuan would not help him.

Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. It is impossible to overstate how cruel he was to Yingjian and Meiyunbao, even if they were cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Qin Chuan and Baili Tian left.

The news of the death of Mei Yunbao, the head of the Mei family, spread faster than yesterday.

Many people were excited. You must know that the seven people involved in this matter were all powerful people. They were either the master of a sect or the master of a sect. Now two of them have died one after another.

Many people have grudges against these seven people, especially those with Mei Yunbao and Yingjian. They are all very happy now. Everyone is happy. They are preparing to celebrate these days, and they are grateful to Qin Chuan and Baili Tian.

There are also many people who have grudges against the remaining five people, and they are all looking forward to it, hoping that Qin Chuan and Baili Tian can defeat them one by one, making them feel resentful and disgusted.

Bailitian has been in a particularly good mood since he killed Yingjian yesterday. At that moment, he felt that he was taller and his body was lighter. But he was looking forward to killing Chaos Sect. He must kill that person. He must kill him.

The leader of the Chaos Sect could be calm yesterday, but he can no longer be calm today. The hatred between him and Baili Tian is the deepest. He killed Baili’s family members no less than Mei Yunbao. The most important thing is that he humiliated and killed Baili Tian’s family members. His wife also killed his infant son.

This hatred was greater than the sky, and the leader of the Chaos Sect frowned, when Sha Tiankuang walked in.

"Master, things seem a bit tricky." Sha Tiankuang couldn't calm down now.

The leader of the Chaos Sect tried hard to calm down, and after a while he said: "The next one should be Tyrant Dragon as expected. He is a demon clan with evil dragon blood in his body. He is powerful and cruel. They may not be able to defeat Tyrant Dragon. Tianlong and Tyrant Dragon are said to be the illegitimate sons of the Yaoxian family, one of the most mysterious powers in the Chaotic Realm. Even if they can kill Tyrant Dragon, they will get into trouble. If they fight against the Yaoxian family, they will definitely die. undoubtedly."

Sha Tiankuang's eyes lit up: "Master is brilliant!"

"But we need to send someone to deliver a message to tell the Yaoxian Family that someone wants to kill the Tyrant Dragon." Chaos Sect Master thought for a while and looked at Sha Tiankuang.

"I will handle this matter, don't worry, Master, I will definitely send the news to Yaoxian's family." Sha Tiankuang said confidently.

Qin Chuan and Bai Litian settled in a nearby restaurant.

"Who's next?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Ba Tianlong is a demon clan, and it is said that he has the blood of an evil dragon in his body." Baili Tian said with a slight frown.

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