Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1013: The Evil Man Chizhu, the Daughter of the Buddha

The Yaoxian Family and the Human Emperor Clan.

This Human Emperor Sect is naturally not the Human Emperor Realm. It symbolizes the Emperor among Humans, half-step to the Immortal Realm. Although I have never heard of this realm, it is easy to understand. It is the closest realm to the Immortal Realm.

There is no Immortal Realm in the Chaos Realm, but the Half-Step Immortal Realm is the strongest, even more powerful than the Great Perfection Realm of the Strongest One.

The most powerful Dzogchen realm only takes one step to enter the Immortal realm.

But half a step to immortality is only half a step away.

Although this is a metaphor, it is also very vivid, and it is enough to show that the Half-Step Immortal Realm is much more powerful than the Great Perfection Realm.

The Yaoxian family and the Human Emperor are in opposition and relatively active, representing the demon clan and the human clan. The two sides have always been in a state of hostility, but no one can do anything about the other, and this Tyrant Dragon is the illegitimate son of the head of the Yaoxian family.

Although this identity is a bit shady, it is still extremely glamorous, enough to be envied by countless people.

In the realm of chaos, this is a gold medal to avoid death, but it's a pity that it didn't work this time, and he died.

The last fairy sect among the three magical forces is said to belong to the Immortal Clan, but no one can be sure. However, it is said that the fairy sect is further north in your Chaos Domain. It is extremely fierce there. Many people want to cross over, but they can't. Died on the road.

Qin Chuan has seen the descendants of the immortal clan, but Qin Chuan doesn't know if there is an immortal clan. Immortality is the so-called immortality.

The way to immortality is the avenue of heaven and earth, and it is the avenue that many people pursue, but even gods can perish.

The devil dies and the god dies.

The so-called legendary gods and demons can die. It can be seen that immortality is a yearning and a pursuit, but it is certain that those gods of war, demons and even higher beings will die, but they will have endless terrifying years. A long life can be squandered, and a lot of time can be spent experiencing this world and even other worlds.

Legend has it that there are many levels of heaven. Beyond the nine heavens and the thirty-third heavens, there are also many world legends. There are three thousand worlds...

This world is an unknown, and the starry sky is also unknown. Only with the strength can we explore, discover, and feel the mystery and excitement.

Qin Chuan is not very worried about the Demon Immortal Family. If he is not in the Immortal Realm, Qin Chuan is not afraid. At least he should be able to protect himself.

He has only reached the first level of the powerful realm now. As time goes by, he will easily step under his feet even if he is half a step into the immortal realm.

"Brother, don't worry. It's just half a step into the immortal realm. There's nothing to be afraid of. Who's next?" Qinchuan Microcomputer.

Seeing Qin Chuan's relaxed look, Baili Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He had killed three people, and the hatred in his heart had faded a lot. The previous suppressed feeling of wanting to die had faded, but the hatred was still there. It was very turbulent, and the other four people must die, especially the leader of the Chaos Sect.

"The evil one is Chi Zhu," Baili Tian said.

"Evil Chi Zhu?" Qin Chuan was confused.

"He has no power and no relatives. They say he was adopted and raised by a poisonous dragon. He is cruel and unscrupulous. He has no restraints and does whatever he wants. He once massacred a city and was given the title of a villain. His expression changes when he talks about it." Tian said.

"How can such a person still be alive?" Qin Chuan didn't understand.

"There is a big force behind this evil man Chi Zhu. Even the Yaoxian Family and the Human Emperor Clan are unable to do anything to him." Baili Tian said.

It's the Yaoxian family again. It seems that the hatred between him and the Yaoxian family is dead.

"Then can you find this evil person Chi Zhu?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It is said that evil people will have their own troubles. He killed countless people and was cruel and unscrupulous, but he liked a woman. Can you believe that such an unscrupulous and cruel person was respectful to him and stayed by her side for decades, but he still liked a woman. It’s because I didn’t get her or marry her, but it also left this woman alone because no man dared to like her.”

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Qin Chuan was also curious.

"Well, for so many years, he has been under the same roof with that woman. If the woman didn't agree, he didn't touch her, and that's until now." Bailitian said.

"Then let's go and see what kind of woman can make a man with bloody hands and no restraints and bottom lines so well-behaved." Qin Chuan said.

"She is a woman born with the bones of the Holy Buddha. She has been studying Buddha. She is called the closest person to the Buddha in the Chaos Realm. They call her the daughter of the Buddha. But she has no cultivation, but she once retreated the enemy to Strong one." Baili Tian said.

Qin Chuan became more and more curious at this point.

It wasn't until the next day that Qin Chuan and Baili Tian arrived at the place where the villain Chi Zhu was. This was a quiet area in the east of the Chaos City. It was a simple courtyard. From a distance, Xiao Yuan could see that it was divided into two parts. two.

That was the manor where the villain Chi Zhu and that woman were, and Baili Tian pointed it out to Qin Chuan.

One person lives in half.

Qin Chuan and Baili Tian came down directly and walked to Xiaoyuan's door.


Qin Chuan knocked on Xiaoyuan's door.

If it was just the evil person Chi Zhu, there would be no need to be so polite. After all, this place belonged to that woman, and the evil person Chi Zhu was just a resident here.

The door is open!

Appearing behind the door was a tall, burly man.

He has flaming red hair, his skin is also red, and his eyes are big and fierce.

He was startled when he saw Baili Tian, ​​and then his expression changed: "You are still here!"

Obviously he recognized Baili Tian.

The voice was deliberately lowered, but it still had a ringing sound.

"Chi Zhu, it's time to pay back the debt you owe." Bailitian said, staring at Chi Zhu.

"Let's go out and fight, don't alert the owner here." The villain Chi Zhu said, his voice was very low, for fear of alerting the woman inside.

Qin Chuan saw his intention and asked, "Do you care about her?"


"Bailitian also cares about his family." Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan's meaning is obvious. You don't want to be disturbed by the people you care about. There are people you care about in Bailitian, but you kill them.

The villain Chi Zhu naturally understood these words, his face became ferocious, and he stared at Qin Chuan: "Whoever dares to touch her, I will tear him apart."

"Do you think you can still live?" Qin Chuan looked at him.

"A guest is coming!"

A voice came.

Qin Chuan's body trembled. The sound was indescribable. Qin Chuan understood why she was said to be the person closest to Buddha.

It's not that her voice doesn't sound good, it's that it sounds so good. It has a mind-blowing feeling. It's so beautiful that it makes people feel like they don't know where they are.

But these are not enough to shock Qin Chuan, because Qin Chuan is a person with Buddha nature and a person who is destined to Buddha, so he can hear the Buddha nature naturally revealed in the woman's voice, which has an indescribable impact on him.

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