Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1015: Are you worthy of being a teacher?

What a powerful rotten poison!

Qin Chuan frowned slightly. He could still feel it after the essence of the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation, but it had no effect on him. However, it had a great impact on Bailitian. Even though the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation resisted a lot, Bailitian still felt it. Dizziness.

I have to say that this kind of evil and disgusting things are often very effective. At this time, the villain Chi Zhu was a rotten giant, waving his thick arms full of rotten flesh, and rushed forward with a stench that could make people faint. come over.

Qin Chuan was so depressed, Qin Chuan didn't even want the precious beast Vajra Rat to dig a hole for his god with such a disgusting thing. It was so disgusting.

Soaring dragon!

Qin Chuan retreated while weakening his opponent.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

"It's useless, just wait to die. My current body cannot be said to be immortal, but you can't do anything to me." The villain Chi Zhu said proudly.

He is very satisfied with his body. These rotten and disgusting physiques are his capital. They are disgusting to others, but they are extremely beautiful to him. This is the best and most beautiful existence in the world.

Golden Dragon Vine!

Well, escaped.

The problem now is that Qin Chuan thinks he is disgusting, but there is nothing he can do if he is disgusting.

But Qin Chuan has been thinking about how to kill him without touching it.

Qin Chuan suddenly thought of Buddha's daughter, Buddha. Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, then he stood up and took nine heaven-defying steps.

One step, two steps, three steps...

After seven steps, he dropped his hand directly.

The supreme Bodhi suppresses the seal!

Cleansing hands!

Qin Chuan directly formed a big hand seal. With the supreme power of Buddhism, golden light and Buddha aura, a huge Buddha with hand seals crashed down from the air.

Divine breath.

The huge and sacred Buddha carried the aura of justice, holiness, and sanctity. At that moment, Chi Zhu was extremely ugly and insignificant. As the Buddha's light approached, Chi Zhu flinched a little.

At the same time, I also felt uncomfortable all over.

But he is a villain, he is not afraid of anything, he roars and punches out.

Huge arms, rotten arms soared into the sky like the ugliest giant rotten python, facing the suppression seal of the Supreme Bodhi!


There was a loud sound that shook the sky, and Qin Chuan's nine heaven-defying steps sent out the suppressive seal of the Supreme Bodhi. Moreover, this blow was able to restrain the evil man Chi Zhu. It was his biggest mistake to force Qin Chuan this time.

This was also his confidence in himself. Unfortunately, he did not expect that the gap between the two parties would be so big.

With a huge noise, this blow directly smashed the villain Chi Zhu into pieces, and a figure was directly shot away, knocking Chi Zhu out of the villain's body. Not only that, the whole person was like a puddle of mud at this time. The bones were broken.

If it weren't for his special qualities, he would have died long ago.

Although he was not dead, he was still covered in blood and was seriously injured. He looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief because he felt a familiar power from Qin Chuan, the power of the Buddha's daughter.

His evil body constitution is very terrifying. To many people, he is a demon, but Qin Chuan just happens to restrain him firmly.

If he wasn't a villain, he might be able to hold on for a little longer. Now, let's just kill him.

Everyone around was stunned.

Many people didn't even bother to look, and the battle was already over.

There were many people who were ready to take a good look, but that was it. More people were still coming here, but they didn't know it was over.

The wicked Chi Zhu is dead.

Qin Chuan and Bai Litian left. There were four of them, and there were three more. Bai Litian breathed a long sigh of relief. The enemies in the past, the enemies who killed his family, had been punished. The feeling in his heart was overwhelming. describe.

People compete for a breath, Buddha competes for a stick of incense.

If he takes revenge, his family will not be able to survive, but if he takes revenge, he can live and be free. Without revenge, he will feel unhappy, that kind of depression, that kind of torture, when he thinks of those enemies living happily, he can't wait to die. Lose.

Bailitian's whole person is also slowly but obviously changing. Although he looks a bit vicissitudes of life, he is mentally better and his eyes are brighter.

"Who's next?" Qin Chuan asked.

"My master and senior brother." When Bailitian said about these two people, he who had been relatively calm started to tremble again.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white.

"Let's go, go now, there are no pigs to fight today." Qin Chuan said.

This is not far from the Chaos Gate.

So I went directly to the Chaos Gate.

Standing at the door of Chaos, Qin Chuan is a disciple of Chaos sect and Baili Tian is an abandoned disciple of Chaos sect. Now they are standing here.

Baili Tian looked at the mountain gate with a heavy and sad heart.

He used to be proud that he was a member of the Chaos Sect, and that his master was the leader of the Chaos Sect. Countless people envied him, and he was the hope of the Baili family.

Bailitian's talent is very good, but it is a pity that something like this happened. From then on, his cultivation level will not improve, and it is not easy to survive.

Chaos Sect Master and Sha Tiankuang were a little uneasy at this time.

They just got the news that the evil man Chi Zhu was dead.

The leader of the Chaos Sect thought that even if the Tyrant Dragon couldn't stop them, the villain Chi Zhu could delay them for some time, and then the people from the Yaoxian Family would arrive, but he didn't expect that the villain Chi Zhu would be killed instantly.

Not to mention, the opponent has already marched directly to the city without stopping.

Qin Chuan and Baili Tian appeared at Chaos Gate, so he naturally knew.

"Master, how about we hide for a while?" Sha Tiankuang whispered.

The leader of Chaos Sect hesitated. Countless people were staring at him now, and there was no guarantee that he would be able to escape if he ran.

I have some escape treasures, but I also have some tracking treasures. Everything is balanced.

Once you run away, your momentum will be weakened, you will be timid before fighting, and it will leave a shadow in your heart. This is very important for the strong.

Therefore, we generally would not take this step unless we have to.

"They will definitely think of this problem, so let's go mess with them. It's not certain who will live and who will die. Besides, we will have a way out in the end. I believe in Master." The leader of the Chaos Sect smiled.

When Sha Tiankuang heard what the Chaos Sect Master said, he was slightly relieved. In his heart, the master is the most powerful.

This time, the two of them walked out without bringing anyone else with them, and appeared in front of Qin Chuan and Baili Tian.

After many years, Bailitian saw the Chaos Sect Master again. The anger in his eyes could no longer be tolerated. His whole body was shaking, his hands clenched into fists, and he stared at the Chaos Sect Master: "Why, why did you do that, you tell me."

Baili Tian roared loudly.

"Evil disciple, if I don't kill you because of my kindness, why do you still want to kill me?" The leader of Chaos Sect also said loudly.

"If killing a master was possible, I would have killed you long ago. Are you worthy of being a master? Do you really think you can hide what you do from everyone?"

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