Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1021: The Thunder Talisman, the trump card?

The Dragon Falcon stopped over the Chaos Gate.

Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King came out, then looked up at the three people in the sky, and then directly raised their hands to make a big handprint.

Either the big yin-yang hand covering the sky divine dragon seal, or a very simple yin-yang hand seal.

A huge handprint fell from the sky and hit the dragon falcon.

"You little beast is rampant!" The old man looked at him angrily.

At the same time, the other two middle-aged men raised their hands to block Qin Chuan's handprint. However, their expressions changed slightly because they felt an uncomfortable force in their bodies. Although it was not much, it was very uncomfortable and dissipated. Don't fall off.

Qin Chuan's casual move made the two men suffer a little loss. This time they did not dare to be so careless. This time they came here to get rid of this young man.

The three of them are from the Yao Clan and are strong men from the Yao Xian family. Especially this old man, who is a cousin of the head of the Yao Xian family and has a very high status in the Yao Xian family.

"Old dog, shut your mouth." Qin Chuan said coldly.

Although the half-old man is half-old, he doesn't think he is old. Now he is not only called old, but also called old dog. He is a strong man from the demon clan, and his body contains the blood of the Tianhu clan. Now he is called old dog, which is very... anger.

"Okay, very good. I haven't seen such a bold young man like you in so many years." The old man said while suppressing his anger.

"Don't sound like you're relying on your elders. Who do you think you are? If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. If you have nothing to do, get out of here. Who are you pretending to be here?" Qin Chuan said disdainfully.

Many demons have demon blood. In fact, strictly speaking, they are the same as humans. For example, Qin Chuan is also a human, but he can also be said to be a demon. So Qin Chuan said that he was pretending to be someone, but he was actually swearing.

The old man was so angry that he almost vomited blood and stared at Qin Chuan: "You killed Tyrant Dragon and Chi Zhu?"

"No, I didn't kill him." Qin Chuan said simply.

"Nonsense, don't you dare admit it even if you kill him?" the old man yelled angrily.

"I said it's because my balls hurt. Since you know it, why don't you ask me that? Are you a fool? Is your head filled with water?" Qin Chuan cursed.

Qin Chuan disliked these people very much. He had scolded him when he opened his mouth before, and he was very unhappy when he didn't scold him.


The Moon Wolf King smiled happily. This guy was not a loser. Anyone who made an enemy of him would be angry to death first and then beaten to death.

This smile shocked many people around him.

Knowing that people from the Yaoxian family were coming, many people gathered here now. Now seeing the smile of the quiet and divine Moon Wolf King, countless people were immediately fooled.

Beautiful, so beautiful, a smile can only amaze the immortals.

Many people feel that today's visit was worthwhile. This smile will definitely last a lifetime. This is the most beautiful picture. It is a kind of beauty to think of it from time to time.

This smile is because of Qin Chuan, it is for Qin Chuan, and it makes countless people around him envious.

"Go home and laugh, you're going to cost me a lot." Qin Chuan said quickly.

"Nonsense!" Moon Wolf King Yi Xiyi glared at Qin Chuan angrily.

Many people no longer pay attention to this battle, but focus on the Moon Wolf King. After all, you can't see it all the time. If you can see it now, you must look hard and remember it in your mind.

Even the half-old man and the other two middle-aged men forgot what they were here for at this moment, and they all stared at the Moon Wolf King in shock.

They are all strong men, and when they come here they feel that they are superior to everything here, so as long as they like it, it is easy to get it. At this moment, their eyes naturally reveal the greed of human nature.

People can restrain themselves, but sometimes they don’t need restraint, or they disdain restraint and are too lazy to restrain themselves. It’s not necessary and the level is different.

"Put away your dog eyes." Qin Chuan could naturally see the restlessness deep in these people's eyes.

This is his woman. If you dare to attack his woman, you are seeking death.

"Treasures are obtained by those who are virtuous, and the same goes for beauties. You are not worthy of her, not to mention that you are going to die today. This beauty can choose a better one, and I can take her to a more exciting world of warriors." The old man said Said once very gracefully.

Qin Chuan was so angry that he looked at the old man and said coldly: "I will blow your ass off."

"Don't say bad words." Moon Wolf King said angrily.

"You little bastard, you're looking for death."

After speaking, the old man rushed directly towards Qin Chuan, and in a flash, he pulled out the figure of a huge sky tiger.

Qin Chuan sneered and looked at the half-old man who rushed towards him. This man was only in the Dzogchen realm of the strongest, but the actual combat strength of the same realm could be different in heaven and on earth.

This half-old man's actual combat strength is very strong, which is much higher than that of the people here. He has his own martial arts, so he doesn't pay attention to the people here at all, not to mention that Qin Chuan is only a person in the first level of the strongest realm.

He doesn't like even the geniuses among geniuses. He has seen too many geniuses.

Golden Eyes!

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

The Golden Divine Sword, the meaning of chaos!

All of this was done instantly, and when the opponent was surprised, Qin Chuan had already attacked.

Shenlong Five Elements Hand!


The golden light suddenly appeared, and every strike was like the Vajra Dragon Claw, but it was not as powerful as the Vajra Dragon Claw, but it was more flexible, faster, and could be continuous.

The divine power of yin and yang is contained in it!

Qin Chuan is pursuing speed this time.

An airtight attack.

With a powerful body, he attacks and confronts without restraint, and even hits the opponent despite the attacks of an old man.

Fight yin and yang!

Qin Chuan's yin and yang hand is contained in the five elements of the dragon. The ability to fight yin and yang is super terrifying, and the ability of the treasure yin and yang diagram is still very powerful.

The old man didn't know it at first, but as time passed, he felt it.

Originally, Qin Chuan's attack was very violent. He thought that this was Qin Chuan's full strength, but he did not expect that Qin Chuan's real trump card was boiling frogs in warm water. Slowly, when he felt it, it seemed that everything was too late. .

The half-old man's face finally turned pale, because he had already felt the danger, it was too dangerous.

"Go to hell!" The old man suddenly took out a talisman and threw it towards Qin Chuan.

Thunder Talisman!

Advanced sky thunder talisman.

With the appearance of this Heavenly Thunder Talisman, the vitality of heaven and earth began to converge crazily towards the Heavenly Thunder Talisman.

The waves were turbulent, visible to the naked eye, and instantly gathered into a black cloud. It was so black that it was terrifying. It was extremely black, and it kept rolling, making people's scalp numb when they looked at it, as if they were about to be swallowed up.


A huge thunder and lightning directly locked Qin Chuan and crashed down.

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