Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1023: The Haoran Hegemony of the 7th Level

Zulong Golden Emperor Pill!

Qin Chuan was stunned. This woman could see that she needed the Zulong Golden Emperor Pill.

You must know that most people don't know the Zulong Golden Emperor Pill at all. Even if it is presented to him, they don't know, let alone what its use is.

But this woman knew that this thing was useful to her.

Qin Chuan took it directly without being polite: "Thank you then!"

"No, I still need your help," the woman said.

She was very direct. Qin Chuan smiled and nodded: "I hope you won't harm me. I don't want to be your enemy."

The woman was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Chuan, with a faint smile in her eyes that darkened the world: "Sir, don't worry, I won't harm you, I won't harm anyone. Man, even if you want to harm me, I will not harm you."

This time it was Qin Chuan's turn to be stunned and looked at her with a smile: "Really, I want to harm you, but you won't harm me?"

The woman nodded affirmatively.

Qin Chuan suddenly reached out and lifted her chin.

Qin Chuan himself didn't know why he acted so frivolously, but when he realized it, it seemed that everything was too late.

The woman was slightly startled. She had never been treated like this before. She was the daughter of the Buddha, a Buddha fairy. Some people said that she was heartless and desireless, not a mortal, because she had no normal human emotions. She was invulnerable, she was invincible. I have no boundaries.

She has supreme Buddha power, and normal people cannot get close to her, so even if someone wants to have evil intentions towards her, they cannot do it. However, Qin Chuan is an exception. He is a person who is destined to the Buddha, and he has The most precious god and Buddha, so Qin Chuan succeeded.

Not only that, Qin Chuan's hand seemed to be stuck. At this time, the five-element Buddha emitted powerful energy, which directly caused the two people to stick together.

Qin Chuan was so surprised that he felt a little confused today. At first, when this woman said such words, he had an impulse to offend the beautiful woman.

Like the bright moon in the vast starry sky, she took it off with the attitude of giving it a try, but she didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

The daughter of Buddha was very calm, just surprised that Qin Chuan could touch her. She looked at Qin Chuan calmly,

Even when their bodies were pressed together, they didn't show any of their daughter's demeanor. They just looked at Qin Chuan curiously.

Qin Chuan was defeated: "Aren't you afraid?"

"Why are you afraid?" the woman asked.

"Don't you think you're at a disadvantage like this?" Qin Chuan said with a wry smile.

"It's just superficial. If you can touch me, that's your ability." The woman said softly.

The wind is light and the clouds are light, and there is nothing and no desire.

Qin Chuan was completely defeated. Now the two of them are still close to each other, surrounded by Buddha's light, and they feel like they are in harmony. Qin Chuan's yin and yang power also moved uneasily, and finally invaded the woman's body.

Then a familiar scene appeared.

But it was also the most embarrassing scene for Qin Chuan.

The two people were entangled in their consciousness, but the woman was not shy or resisting, but she didn't react at all. Instead, she just looked at Qin Chuan without blinking...


A scene that shocked Qin Chuan appeared. This woman broke through.

She broke through and crossed a huge threshold.


But soon his cultivation was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth to the level of half-step immortal.

Although Qin Chuan felt the pain in his bones, he had also suffered the biggest blow, and anyone else would have felt a little shadowy.


The Yin-Yang Dao is the perfect state of refining the void and combining it with the Dao.


The second level of the strongest!

The third level of the most powerful!

Qin Chuan was shocked that the realm of the most powerful person actually rose to two smaller realms in a row, but thinking that the woman directly broke through the immortal realm, it didn't seem so strange.

Just when Qin Chuan thought it was over.

A certain doorway in the body is opened again.

A familiar power arose, that feeling was too familiar and too exciting.

Haoran's hegemonic body broke through.

The awe-inspiring hegemonic body of the seventh level.

This made Qin Chuan very ecstatic. He had not broken through for a long time. This was the foundation, and this time he had continuous breakthroughs. It felt really good.

Qin Chuan had already felt the pain before, but the current breakthrough almost made the previous shadow disappear.

The seventh level of awe-inspiring hegemony increases one's own strength by seven times, and can achieve eight times the power of any ability.

Qin Chuan wanted to laugh just looking at it. This was the foundation. As long as Haoran's hegemony improved, all of Qin Chuan's other abilities would improve. This is why Qin Chuan was particularly happy.

This Haoran Hegemony is a god-level physique and is Qinchuan's foundation. To a certain extent, this is Qinchuan's proudest and happiest existence.

The third level of the strongest realm, Yin Yang Avenue has also broken through a small realm, and now Qin Chuan's actual combat strength has improved a lot.

His whole body was filled with power that made him feel powerful.


When the golden light dissipated, Qin Chuan discovered that the Five Elements Buddha, the most precious treasure, had undergone a slight change, which he would not have noticed if he had not been confident and felt.

It is more rounded and makes people feel more divine. It is a subtle feeling, as if thicker and tougher is the hardest existence.

"Can you let me go?" the woman asked.

Qin Chuan is now stuck together with the woman. Qin Chuan is in a daze while hugging her. In reality, the two of them are just stuck together like this, but everything before was extremely clear. The communication of consciousness is more real than in a dream, as if they are in a dream. The same memory can change the emotions of two people.

The daughter of the Buddha is not like other women, but she also knows some of the attempts of men and women, but she does not have those thoughts and ideas. All the frank encounters before, and even such intimate things happened, still left her a little unable to explain. Feel.

She herself couldn't describe how she felt.

Qin Chuan let go of her sheepishly and looked at her.

"Is there anything else?" the woman asked.

Qin Chuan was completely defeated: "No, no more, then I will come to you later."

"Yeah!" The woman nodded.

Qin Chuan left feeling dejected.

Seeing Qin Chuan's figure disappear, a blush suddenly appeared on the woman's face, which was extremely stunning. She lowered her head slightly, and she was suddenly at a loss.


The Taoist heart is broken, the Taoist foundation is broken!

Or rather it was broken!

She needs to re-cultivate her Taoist heart and Taoist foundation, and the way of cultivation is to find it wherever it is broken.

When she found it, she thought about Qin Chuan, who was this guy? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

When she thought about it, she actually found herself a little flustered, as if it was an afterthought. She didn't seem to be too resistant to what she had done before, which made her uneasy.

She is a woman, and that may be a good thing. People need emotions and desires, but the foundation of her avenue is broken. Ordinarily, this should be very serious, just like a skyscraper. If the foundation is broken, it is over.

The same is true for Daoji, but her Daoji was destroyed, but it did not collapse or end. It was just that something else was added to Daoji, which made Daoji more stable, but Daoji changed.

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