Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1026: The Demon Immortal Family and the Human Emperor Clan also come...

The dangers of this section of the road can make most people stop, even some of the most powerful people have to think twice. "ωωωiLαMore and more complete"

This place was deserted and extremely desolate. Qin Chuan and Fan Qingchen stood at the foot of this huge mountain.

But at this moment, Qin Chuan's consciousness suddenly moved and he looked into the distance.

somebody is coming?

Qin Chuan didn't expect anyone else to come. Looking at Fan Qingchen, she seemed to say calmly: "No need to be surprised, they are people from the Yaoxian Family and the Human Emperor Clan."

"Have you notified them?" Qin Chuan asked.

"If you want to get through, you can't do it alone." Fan Qingchen said.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It just so happens that I have some conflicts with the Yaoxian family. Maybe we can solve it."

"It doesn't have to be solved by force." Fan Qingchen said.

"I like to use force. Is this more manly?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I don't know!" Fan Qingchen glared at him fiercely.

She could feel a hint in this bastard's language.

At this time, a group of people appeared. There were ten people in total, including five people from the Human Emperor Sect and the Yaoxian Family.

The leader of the Yaoxian family is an old man. He is dressed simply, but still has an innate luxury. He is a mature man, with two strands of white hair on the temples, and has an aura of a demon.

This person is really powerful. If I guess correctly, he should be half a step into the immortal realm.

The other four people were also men. One of them looked very young, as handsome as jade, and exuded a strong demonic aura. At this time, he looked at Fan Qingchen in surprise. He felt Fan Qingchen's Variety.

Well, the Taoist heart is broken?

His expression changed again and again. He was a capable person. Fan Qingchen's Taoist heart must have been broken by a man. Whoever could break her Taoist heart and foundation would most likely get this man. This made him extremely of envy. "ωωωiLαMore and more complete"

He looked at Qin Chuan. If this young man could be with the Buddha's daughter, his status must be different.

Seeing that the Buddha's daughter's Taoist heart and Taoist foundation were broken,

Not only this man, but others also saw it, and they were all shocked at this time.

The leader of the Renhuang Gate is a middle-aged man, wearing a golden robe, with a golden dragon embroidered on the sleeve of his left hand, lifelike, and exuding supreme aura in his movements.

He looked at the Buddha's daughter and then at Qin Chuan.

"Fairy Buddha, should I congratulate you?" the leader of the Human Emperor Sect smiled, with a hint of surprise in his words.

He felt that the Buddha's daughter had broken through to the immortal realm.

But I can't be sure, but it's still close to ten.

Fan Qingchen shook his head and said nothing. The leader of Renhuang Sect seemed not to be surprised, and said with a smile: "Okay, now that we are here, let's get started. I hope I have better luck this time and can get more benefits."

The group of people went directly through a specific passage and entered the secret realm of the sanctuary.


Once inside, you are directly in a valley, surrounded by four huge icebergs, and the biting cold is raging. It is beautiful here, but it is very cold. Even if everyone is strong, they still feel cold.

If you were injured here and your vitality was severely damaged, you would probably freeze to death here.

Qin Chuan looked around. This is the most mysterious and terrifying place in the Chaotic Realm. How magical and terrifying it is here.

Walking on thin ice!

Qin Chuan stepped on ice crystals under his feet, and at this moment he suddenly felt like he was walking on thin ice.

Fan Qingchen said to Qin Chuan: "Don't be careless. There will be some terrible accidents here. You have to go with your mind and don't let the ice crystals here freeze your consciousness."

Qin Chuan looked at Fan Qingchen in disbelief.

"Maybe you can't feel it now, but you will soon know that the horror here is here. This is why this secret realm among the top ten secret realms cannot let more people in. This first hurdle is too terrifying. "Fan Qingchen said.

Qin Chuan nodded. As he moved forward, his feet seemed to feel cold. If you didn't pay attention, you really wouldn't care, because it's really cold here, so you would think this feeling is normal.

Suddenly his hand was held by Wen Run. Qin Chuan was startled and found that Fan Qingchen had held his hand, and a warm force entered his body.

Qin Chuan understood that this woman was probably doing herself a favor because she thought her level was low.

He really has the heart of a Bodhisattva.

I just don’t know if there is selfishness in it. Qin Chuan hopes that she will be selfish towards him, the kind between men and women. He hopes that Fan Qingchen helps Fan Qingchen because of him...

Qin Chuan suddenly grasped the catkin tightly. It was warm and smooth, and his hands were tender. Qin Chuan felt particularly satisfied.

Sometimes men are very contradictory. Qin Chuan doesn't think he is good or dirty, but sometimes he just can't control his heart. In addition, this woman makes him feel uncontrollably close to her.

Is it because of Buddha?

The most precious gods and Buddhas also contributed to it.

Fan Qingchen trembled slightly and stared at Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan pretended not to notice and held the jade hand tightly without letting go.

She can see clearly now that this guy is also a bastard, just a little more subtle, but still a bastard.

Sighing: "You!"

She couldn't say anything. The first time Qin Chuan met her, she said it was just superficial. She said that Qin Chuan could meet her because of his ability. But now it is different. It has really changed. This change Qin Chuan still likes it.

"Do you always help others like this?" Qin Chuan asked her with a smile.

Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan and said calmly: "Only a bastard like you can touch me."

Qin Chuan forgot about it and looked at her with a smile: "God has treated me so well. I wonder if I will be well in the end."

The two people were whispering, and a vicious gaze not far away was staring at Qin Chuan.

Others also understood that Fairy Buddha was ruined by others and her Taoist heart was broken, and she finally stepped into the world of mortals. Now everyone is extremely envious of Qin Chuan, even to death, even the leader of Renhuang Sect is no exception.

If you are not a gentleman, you cannot be good at sex. The difference between good people and bad people is that they know good and evil and can control their evil thoughts. This is considered a good person.

Human nature is inherently good, and human nature is inherently evil. It is not absolute. When thinking about good and evil, some people say that human nature is inherently good, while others say that human nature is inherently evil.

For example, it is difficult to learn well, but it is easy to learn bad. People have seven emotions and six desires. If you want to satisfy all these, sometimes evil thoughts will appear, unless everything is going smoothly...

Qin Chuan naturally noticed the attention of everyone, especially the young man from the Yaoxian family. He looked at Qin Chuan with a look that made him want to tear him into pieces.

But Qin Chuan really didn't take him seriously.

He is so proud now that there are people behind him who are jealous and jealous. This feeling is not bad, especially for that kind of person. The more jealous and angry he is, the more Qin Chuan feels particularly happy.

He'd better not do anything impulsive, otherwise Qin Chuan wouldn't mind leaving him in the secret realm of the sanctuary.


... (..)(Nine Domains Divine Emperor)

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