Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1037: Another test of life and death

This is aging!

This is accelerated aging and loss of vitality!

Qin Chuan was shocked. This is true. What is lost here is longevity. The longevity of a warrior is because cultivation strengthens his own vitality, and this is the place that can accelerate the aging of the human body.

Even a strong person would probably die in this kind of existence within a year and a half.

Fortunately, it is only two hours now, and a lot of life force has been absorbed before. Even so, ten years of life will be lost here. For those with strong strength, it may be less.

Ten years of lifespan is very precious. However, such a loss of lifespan can be compensated with elixirs. However, elixirs that increase lifespan are very valuable. Even if they increase one and a half years, elixirs are very valuable. precious.

Some old monsters are approaching their end, but there are still very important things that have not been done. At this time, a pill can extend his life for one year, which may make him a comeback.

Qin Chuan found that his vitality was not lost quickly and he was aging very slowly. Even if the vitality he had absorbed before was not enough, it would only add up to one year of life.

He looked at Fan Qingchen and found that this woman was slower and lost more slowly than him. The life force she had absorbed before could not be used up. If this continued, she would still make money...

Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan with a slight smile on his lips. This was an angelic temptation, a holy charm, which made Qin Chuan really look forward to the happy life after finding her in the Holy Land...

Fan Qingchen gave him a slightly angry look, and Qin Chuan woke up as if from a dream. He approached her with a smile, breathed in the fragrance of her body, and exhaled with satisfaction.

"Stinky guy!" Fan Qingchen said with a half-smile but not a smile.

When these three words came out of her mouth, they sounded particularly pleasant, heart-warming, and strange. She felt nothing but warmth and intimacy. Qin Chuan was very happy. Other men didn't want her to say it. This qualification...

The others were all ready, Qin Chuan and Fan Qingchen were relaxed.

Two hours passed in a hurry.

On one side of the scene, it was still the same scene as before, but now it was filled with a bad smell, like rot, like decay, and what caught the eye was a smell that was more serious than weakness.

This is illness.

Birth and old age.

Before, I was angry and aging!

Now it is sickness, first the four seasons, then the dark light, now it is birth, old age and illness, and if nothing else happens, the next one is death.

Qin Chuan's body is strong, and these disease Qi cannot enter Qin Chuan's body.

Fan Qingchen is fine, but the others are a little embarrassed. Several powerful people from the Human Emperor Sect are fine, but two or three of them are pale and look like sick people.

"What's the next level?" Qin Chuan asked Fan Qingchen.

"The test of life and death." Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan and said seriously.

This level is difficult to say, but if you don't have enough strength or physical fitness, you will definitely die if you get here, and the disease will directly enter the body and cannot be cured.

But if you are strong and physically strong, then this level is nothing.

Qin Chuan is now a King Kong Dao who has reached the state of perfection. In terms of physique, with the Haoran Hegemony, there are only a handful of people who are physically stronger than Qin Chuan.

Two hours later, the group left here and appeared in a lifeless city.

The air of death billows around.

The whole person is here, as if his soul is about to be stripped away. This is a test of mental strength.

Birth, old age, illness and death are the rules of heaven. Practitioners' pursuit of immortality, fighting for destiny, seizing luck, and competing with heaven for life are nothing more than seeking immortality. The way to immortality has always been the first avenue. Immortality is not about immortality, but to live longer and better. a little longer.

There were only two people here, him and Fan Qingchen.

Fan Qingchen's expression changed slightly when he arrived.

Qin Chuan asked: "What's wrong?"

"It wasn't like this here before." Fan Qingchen said.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, but smiled: "It's okay!"

"Qinchuan, although it is different from last time, the rules here should be the same. You must leave here within two hours, otherwise you will die." Fan Qingchen said.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Don't worry, I will take you out!"

He wasn't very worried. He had the Golden Eyes and the Heavenly Gate Escape, but he didn't know if the Heavenly Gate Escape could be used, which made him a little uneasy.

Qin Chuan looked at it and his expression changed.

Tianmen's Escape failed again.


Time passed little by little.

Fan Qingchen and Qin Chuan found the exit at the last quarter of an hour.

This is an energy transmission array.

I should have been happy, but I couldn't be happy, because this teleportation array can only teleport one person out, and after the teleportation, the energy disappears.

At this time, the death energy in the sky was rolling like a dragon, as if it would soon engulf this place.

Qin Chuan thought of that time with Luo Hua and Stranger. That time there were three of us and only two could go.

That time the Heavenly Gate Escape also failed.

Another time, she faced the Moon Wolf King in a similar situation to this time. The Moon Wolf King attacked her and asked her to leave, while she waited for death. That time God opened her eyes, it was a test.

He has experienced two tests. This time Qin Chuan really doesn't know if it is a test. Luck will not always accompany a person. It has been twice. Qin Chuan already feels very lucky.

"Qin Chuan, I have a way to leave. You go over and wait for me." Fan Qingchen smiled.

Qin Chuan also smiled: "I also have a way, and it's not just one. You go over and wait for me."

Fan Qingchen thought for a while and said, "Then you leave in your own way first, and then I leave."

"I told you, woman, not to be so stubborn." Qin Chuan said and walked over.

Fan Qingchen took a step back and looked at Qin Chuan: "Qin Chuan, listen to me."

Qin Chuan stopped: "You are the only person I care about in this world. If I leave and you are here, I can't survive. Do you understand?"

Qin Chuan is not sure now whether this is a test or whether it is real. Everyone is afraid of death, and Qin Chuan is also afraid. However, he still hopes for the most precious gods and Buddhas. He also hopes that he can fight against this place, that he can not die, and that he has precious beasts. When the time comes, he will use other methods. You can escape.

At this time, Fan Qingchen expressed his thoughts and looked at Qin Chuan. She was serious, she was happy, and she did not have the pain and entanglement of choosing between life and death.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I can't watch my woman die while I'm alive." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"I'm not your woman, I'm not, you go quickly, there's not much time." Fan Qingchen said angrily.

"If you want to go, let's go together. If you want to stay, let's stay together." Qin Chuan shook his head.

"You are just an idiot. You still have a family and relatives. You are different from me. I only have you as a relative. When you leave, I am very happy and satisfied. What about you? You can't be so selfish. You are not alone. , you have to leave for the sake of many people." Fan Qingchen spoke loudly for the first time.

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