Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1044: Young Master of Beitian Sect, Wedding Banquet Martial Arts...

The two of them were talking, and the night was getting late before they knew it.

Qin Chuan pulled Mu Yuwu towards the bedroom.

He could feel that the woman was nervous, her heartbeat was beating fast, and her palms seemed to be sweaty.

"Why are you nervous?" Qin Chuan asked her with a smile.

"I'm not nervous." Mu Yuwu said.

"You're really not nervous?" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"Don't be nervous!" Mu Yuwu said stiffly.

Walking into the bedroom, the elegant room and the pink bed that makes people feel excited just by looking at it are spotless and exude an indescribable charm.

Mu Yuwu blushed.

"Let's take a rest!" Qin Chuan smiled.

"Yeah!" Mu Yuwu's voice was very small.

Lying side by side on the couch, covered with a thin quilt, also pink, with a faint fragrance and hazy light, Qin Chuan was a little nervous.

"Are you wearing clothes when sleeping?" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

Mu Yuwu blushed, but Qin Chuan held her in his arms to compensate for his love for her.

Mu Yuwu's body trembled, and she took the initiative to hug Qin Chuan and squeeze into his arms.

Nephrite was in her arms. Although she was pregnant, she was carrying a fairy fetus. It was not obvious and not so fragile. It could not be seen without paying attention.

Naturally, nothing will be delayed.

Qin Chuan kissed her and slowly got better.

Mu Yuwu responded abruptly to Qin Chuan. She was very bold but had no experience.

Playful and charming, she is definitely the woman that men dream of.

The lights flicker!

The mesmerizing vocal music sounds, heaven and earth are harmonious, yin and yang merge.

Until late at night, Mu Yuwu happily nestled in Qin Chuan's arms.

The amorous feelings on the face have a shocking beauty,

Just like blooming flowers.

Qin Chuan's foundation was only a little more stable this time, but Mu Yuwu made a breakthrough again, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of physique and flirtatious character.

Qin Chuan hugged her lovingly and said something that only two people could say.

The two of them got up very early the next day. Mu Yuwu's face was radiant and radiant. This was due to the change in her physique. The wedding date was set in the next few days.

The Mu family sends out invitations.

Qin Chuan planned to get married here once, and then take Mu Yuwu home to get married once.

Qin Chuan didn't plan to take his family over.

The news that Mu Yuwu was getting married spread quickly.

This news is shocking. After all, Mu Yuwu is a very famous woman. Everyone has thought about who can control this woman.

Unexpectedly, this day came suddenly. Mu Yuwu had a fiancé at first, but he was a loser.

Not to mention that Mu Yuwu didn't take him seriously, nor did anyone else, only the Pan family took him seriously.

However, there are still some people who are pretentious and feel that only they can be worthy of Mu Yuwu, such as the young master of Beitian Sect.

The young master of the Beitian Sect in the Shifang Realm is definitely the number one among the young people. He has always felt that he is the only one worthy of Mu Yuwu, and Mu Yuwu can only marry him in the end.

But now it was reported that Mu Yuwu was getting married, which shocked him.

"Master, this is Qin Chuan." A young man walked in and said to the young master of Beitian Sect.

The young master of the Beitian Sect has also had adventures in these years, and his strength is much stronger than Qi Zhi, especially in terms of actual combat strength.

"Qin Chuan, are you back again?" The young master of Beitian Sect was stunned.

Qin Chuan left such a deep impression on everyone at the beginning that even after all these years, they still cannot forget this name.

Back then, Qin Chuan stole the show and trampled everyone under his feet.

Now he wants to step on Qin Chuan and marry Mu Yuwu when the time comes.

The young master of Beitian Sect clenched his hands and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Langyuan came back, and Qin Chuan also returned to the Holy Mountain. She was very happy to know that Qin Chuan was going to marry Mu Yuwu, which made Qin Chuan look at her speechlessly.

"You are really so generous." Qin Chuan was a little depressed.

Langyuan smiled: "Okay, you don't have only one woman, and you won't be around me often. It would be good for me and Yu Wu to be together in the future."

Qin Chuan shuddered: "Do you like women?"

"Asshole, you know how to talk nonsense!" Langyuan glared at Qin Chuan angrily.

"Good-looking." Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

Mu Yuwu stayed at Mu's house.

Time passed day by day, and soon it was the day of Qin Chuan and Mu Yuwu's wedding.

On this day, the door of Mu's house was full of people, all of whom were respectable people.

The Mu family of Zhongxuanzong is the top strength in the Shifang Realm, a giant that dominates one side.

But Beitian Sect is also, to a certain extent, even slightly better than Zhongxuan Sect, or half as good.

Representatives from Beitian Sect, Nandi Sect, etc. came.

Qin Chuan was wearing a groom's suit, red clothes, with a delicate appearance and natural temperament. Coupled with this special outfit, he indeed had a good appearance, especially Qin Chuan's temperament.

Coupled with his current strength and state, he is calm and calm, which is rare to see in a young man.

The young master of Beitian Sect and his party looked at Qin Chuan from a distance.

Especially the young master of the Beitian Sect, he wished he could just go up and knock Qin Chuan down and replace him himself.

Qin Chuan stopped and turned back to look directly at the young master of Beitian Sect.

His consciousness is very sensitive now. Being stared at by someone makes him want to kill him. Naturally, he feels very clearly. When he saw the young master of Beitian Sect, Qin Chuan saw something in the other person's eyes.

But he is not worried, not worried at all. The current young master of Beitian Sect, not even the entire Shifang Realm, is taken seriously by Qin Chuan.

The other party now made no secret of his intentions and directly gave Qin Chuan a provocative look.

Qin Chuan turned around and didn't bother to pay attention to him. As long as he didn't mess with him, Qin Chuan would not do anything to him.

Many people knew Qin Chuan, so they all greeted Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan is also responsible for welcoming guests. Many people know Qin Chuan, and even if they don't know him, they can still recognize the unique groom's clothes. Everyone knows that he is the groom's official.

This was Mu Yuwu's man. No one dared to look down upon him, and even those who knew Qin Chuan did not dare to look down upon him. A young man once had the Shifang Realm under his feet.

Open the banquet!

Wedding officiant!

Wedding banquet martial arts stage!

Everything is going on, toast!

The martial arts stage at the wedding banquet soon arrived, and martial arts was prevalent, so everyone knew that the martial arts stage at the wedding banquet was just for fun, but it would also be the focus of the entire event.

It was okay at the beginning, it was relatively free and anyone could go up. The people here were all major sects from the Shifang Realm, so taking this opportunity, many people challenged each other, which made the atmosphere particularly lively.

I don't know when, the young master of Beitian Sect stood on the martial arts platform.

No one went up this time.

"He's up there, how can everyone still play?"

"That's right, let him go up and see who goes up to play with him."

Many people are unhappy because it usually looks better when they are evenly matched.

As soon as the young master of Beitian Sect came up, he attracted the attention of many people, and soon the place became quiet and quiet.

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