Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1047: Piaoxiang Pavilion, Miss Yin 2

Qin Chuan looked at the little guy. He didn't know how long he had been hungry. He looked at a restaurant not far from the roadside.

The little girl's nose shrugged.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Take you to eat."

Although the little girl is only three or four years old at most, she can still communicate simply, not to mention eating, which is instinctive.

"Eat, eat." The little girl said happily.

It is the nature of children to adapt quickly to various bad situations, even if they are away from their parents.

Some parents will be devastated by the loss of their children, some will go crazy, and some will even be unable to survive.

Piaoxiang Pavilion!

The name is very good, and there is a lot of traffic and people coming and going in front of the door. However, Piaoxiang Pavilion seems to be a small place, but it should be a very high-end restaurant, and you can feel it from the people coming in and out.

These people are not simply dressed in luxurious clothes, the main thing is that all the people coming in and out here are warriors.

Although the Holy Realm is much more powerful than the Realm of Chaos, ordinary people still occupy 90% of it. Among the remaining 10%, 90% of them will always be in the tenth level of martial arts and will never enter it in their lifetime. Martial arts master.

However, the number of people in this world cannot be measured by trillions, so the number of people without torture will naturally be very large, making up this wonderful world.

Qin Chuan walked in holding a little girl who looked like an exquisite porcelain doll, attracting the attention of many people.

After all, Qin Chuan is a man. There are very few people who come here to take care of their children, and even fewer people come here to take care of their children.

Qin Chuan didn't care about this, but a maid came over and said, "Sir, please come this way!"

Qin Chuan nodded and followed the maid to a seat.

There are private rooms here, but they are very few. In fact, almost no one who comes here to eat comes into the private rooms. The purpose of eating here is to have fun. After all, the guides are all warriors. Here you can make friends, even meet love, and exchange martial arts. .

Therefore, Piaoxiang Pavilion is also called Warrior Restaurant.

"What would you like to eat, sir?" the maid said softly, with a very good attitude.

The maids here are all beauties,

Polite, classically dressed, and as gentle as water, this is also a characteristic of Piaoxiang Pavilion.

"Let's have a few signature dishes and cook something suitable for her," Qin Chuan said.

"Okay sir! Just a moment!"

The maid went down after saying that.


"I'm not your father!"

"Who are you!"

"I'm not!"

"Who are you!"

Many people around are looking at this. This is really a strange father and daughter.

Qin Chuan finally said helplessly: "Okay, I am, what is your name, daughter?"


Many people around me complained, and I asked myself what my daughter’s name was...

"Why are you like this? You can't treat such a good daughter like this." A clear voice sounded.

Qin Chuan was stunned, and when he looked back, he saw that this was a girl with exquisite facial features and big eyes. She was wearing an emerald green warrior uniform, like an emerald leaf. At this time, she was looking at Qin Chuan.

"Who are you?" Qin Chuan asked in shock.

"I just came here to eat, and I happened to see you. You are doing harm to children." The girl said seriously.

"This is my daughter." Qin Chuan said.

The girl was stunned for a moment, yes, this person's daughter, what qualifications does she have to dictate here.

"This person is really ignorant, and Miss Yin Er is also doing her best." Someone said.

"Yes, this kind of person is really bad. Whoever becomes his daughter will be unlucky."

"Second Miss Yin, don't be on the same level as him. You can't get angry with him."

For a moment, Qin Chuan felt like he was being criticized by thousands of people, but he didn't take it seriously.

"You are not allowed to bully daddy." A milky voice sounded.

Qin Chuan was stunned. This little girl still knew how to defend herself and smiled happily.

"Look at how sensible your daughter is. You have to treat her well. I'll pay for your meal this time." The girl looked at the little girl with a smile and said.

Qin Chuan looked at this girl and didn't know her as well. Miss Yin Er, Qin Chuan knew nothing about this place, but it could be seen from the surroundings that this Miss Yin Er was a famous person, but Qin Chuan felt that she should have a good family background. .

Second Miss Yin sat opposite Qin Chuan, looking at the little girl with a smile on her face: "Your daughter is so beautiful, can I hug her?"

"If you like it, I can give it to you." Qin Chuan said.

"Why are you like this..." Miss Yin Er said angrily.

The Yin family where Miss Yin belongs to is very powerful. Although Miss Yin is famous because of her relationship with the Yin family, it is more because Miss Yin is a kind-hearted person who is willing to do good and has helped countless people. They all say that Miss Yin is a Bodhisattva. Reincarnation.

Of course this is pure nonsense.

Miss Yin Er can do this, partly because of her true intention, and partly because of the support of the Yin family. Without the support of the Yin family, Miss Yin Er cannot help so many people.

The Yin family is very smart, and being on one side has stabilized their position and made countless people admire the Yin family. This is a kind of power of faith, and the benefits to the Yin family are immeasurable.

What the people want is also what the great road points to.

So the potential benefits, the intangible benefits are unimaginable.

It is said that heaven is fair. The more you lose, the more you will gain. Likewise, the more you gain, the more you will lose.

Of course, this kind of gains and losses cannot be seen immediately, or even after several generations. For this reason, most people simply do not consider this, live in the present, and consider future generations. Moreover, they cannot see it yet, and they need to make a big decision. Sacrifice, there is very little you can make up your mind to do.

Because there is no hope or reward.

"You're kidding, this is my daughter, how could I let it go." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Soon the food came, and the little girl looked at the steaming food and was about to take action.

Qin Chuan quickly hugged her: "It's hot, I'll get it for you."

The food tastes pretty good, which shows that the chefs here are good.

Qin Chuan took out a small bowl and put some vegetarian vegetables and meat into it.

The meat is well cooked and tastes good.

Qin Chuan fed her, and now he really became a nanny.

The little girl's mouth was greasy after eating, but she might be starving, but Qin Chuan didn't let her eat too much and wiped her mouth.

"Daddy, I want to eat!" The little girl looked at Qin Chuan pitifully.

"It's not good to eat too much. Eat it later." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

This time the girl didn't object.

Qin Chuan just started eating at this time and looked at Miss Yin Er opposite: "Do you want to eat?"

"Eat!" Miss Yin Er snorted.

In this way, Qin Chuan's first meal in the sanctuary was settled.

After dinner, Qin Chuan settled the accounts. There was no need to accept favors for no reason, let alone such small favors.

Second Miss Yin did not insist. He could see that Qin Chuan was not short of money and he had to pay the bill. He might make things worse. This was a matter of dignity.

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