Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1056 Qin Chuan vs. Level 1 Immortal Realm...

When he first saw Qingdan, Tang Wuchao thought that he would get her no matter what the cost.

She is tall and tall, and her face is full of beauty.

Especially those beautiful eyes, the deep and clear bright eyes carry a kind of wisdom and a hint of indescribable flavor as they look around. They are as elegant as a fairy, but also sparkling with water. As they look around, they look fairy-like and enchanting, with an enchanting and pure temperament. , this is an indescribable visual impact.

The Tang Wu Dynasty had seen countless beauties, and each one was extremely beautiful. They were all women among women, but compared with this woman, they were as different as a firefly and a bright moon.

The lotus steps move lightly, like a fairy strolling, like a witch dancing.

There is such a woman. She is definitely the nemesis of men. Her breath, her temperament, and her charm can already make people ignore her appearance, her figure, and her voice. This is a mysterious woman. , a woman who can truly bring disaster to the country and the people.

She is enchanting, yet pure and pure, she is like a fairy, yet more feminine than those women, she is elegant, she is extraordinary.

But now she was kissing me with another man, which made him feel so confused. He wished he could hold this woman in his arms and give him all his love. Only such a woman could satisfy him spiritually.

Tang Wuchao felt like going crazy at this time, and his eyes staring at Qin Chuan had become as cold as water. If he had the chance, he would definitely kill Qin Chuan without hesitation.

Qin Chuan walked up to the martial arts platform at this time and looked at Tang Wu Chao. He saw this man's every move and had a sneer on his face.

The Immortal Realm, Tang Wu Dynasty is the Immortal Realm. He is the pride of the Tang family and a peerless genius. But now from Qin Chuan's point of view, he does not feel too much pressure. This battle must be fought well. If he can kill the opponent, Qin Chuan will not be lenient either.

"Let's do it. I'll do it first. I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to take action." Tang Wuchao said.

"Since you insist on doing so, fine!"

The Nine Flowers God's Table has been used.

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

Thousand-jin cauldron!

Bahuang** Avenue!

King Kong Avenue!

Qin Chuan looked at Tang Wuchao,

He smiled and used his magical eyes to cast his power.

Just when the other party was stunned.

Qin Chuan's terrifying mental power swept across violently.

Golden magic sword!

This is a golden divine sword with the meaning of chaos added to it.

Forged sword hammer!

Qin Chuan's body actually burst out violently.


There was a thunderous roar of dragons. The moment Lang Qingyun gave Qin Chuan the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill, it was metallic, which made the Ancestral Dragon Golden Yellow reach the second level of the metallic position of the nine divine dragons.

Tang Wuchao couldn't believe it at this time and was stunned for a moment.

This weakening really made him feel unbelievable, and it directly weakened him and fell out of the immortal realm.

Half step into the fairyland!

Now he only has the actual combat power of a half-step immortal.

Half a step into the immortal realm, Qin Chuan smiled when he saw it.

It seems to Qin Chuan that this strength can directly kill him.

Now, Qin Chuan unscrupulously rushed over with the Forged God Sword Hammer.

The Yin and Yang Nine Palaces cross the world!

Yin-Yang Forged Divine Hammer!


Tang Wuchao was still in a daze and rushed to fight. He was hit by Qin Chuan and staggered back, his face turned pale.

Qin Chuan was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He moved the Forged Divine Sword and Hammer in his hand one after another. His speed and moves were so exquisite that they reached an extreme level.

Boom boom boom...

Now the Tang and Wu Dynasties had no time to think about it and could only passively fight.

I couldn't even speak for a while.

The yin and yang divine power on the yin and yang forging hammer continued to enter Tang Wu Chao's body.

In fact, Qin Chuan did not expect that the opponent's actual combat strength would be directly weakened and he would fall out of the Immortal Realm. The opponent's biggest advantage was the Immortal Realm. Once he fell out of the Immortal Realm, in Qin Chuan's view, he would be vulnerable.

Qin Chuan now has no pressure against beings under the immortal realm.

After a while, Tang Wuchao felt something was wrong. At first, he felt uncomfortable and didn't care. But as time went by, he felt that the discomfort was worse than death. The pain was really indescribable and even more painful than capital punishment. , this kind of indescribable and indescribable pain, it hurts directly to the soul, and I wish I could die directly.


The Forged God Sword hammered the opponent's heart. Tang Wuchao vomited blood and flew out. He fell to the ground dying. Whether he could be saved depends on his fate. Even if he was saved, he would still be a useless person.

The battle is over!

It ended so simply, without any suspense. From beginning to end, Tang Wu Chao could only resist.

"Before, Tang Wuchao asked Qin Chuan to make the first move, saying that if he made the first move, Qin Chuan would have no chance. This time, he asked Qin Chuan to make the first move, and he would have no chance."

"This is really funny."

"Langli, you should be lucky that Qin Chuan is at the first level of Immortal Realm, making it impossible for the opponent to fight back. It seemed like he was just playing with you before."

"The man Dan'er is looking for is really extraordinary. I also said that he is not worthy of our sister Dan. It seems that I am too worried."

"Can you know my sister's vision?" Qingliu said coldly.

Everyone in the Fuyu Sect looked livid. The leader, Tang Hongzhi, was trembling when he saw Tang Wuchao. This was his favorite child, and he even thought about handing over the Fuyu Sect to him in the future...

But now he was actually destroyed in front of him, completely destroyed.

"Little beast, you are so poisonous." Tang Hongzhi looked at Qin Chuan and said coldly.

"Old dog, I have ordered your dog's head. You may not die today, but I will definitely take off your dog's head one day." Qin Chuan said coldly.

"Do you think you can survive today?" Tang Hongzhi said every word, gritting his teeth.

"You will die here today." Lang Qingyun said.

"Very good, without further ado, let's start the competition!" Tang Hongzhi said.

"If you are still in the mood, let's get started!" Lang Qingyun said.

Qin Chuan's previous action shocked everyone, including Qingyuan.

Qingyuan's strength is actually about the same as that of Tang Wu Dynasty, especially in life and death battles. It's impossible to tell who can beat whom. Qin Chuan's performance makes Qingyuan a little bit shocked, but he is also happy.

He is already a genius and the hope of Fanyun Sect, but now his son-in-law can definitely crush him...

He felt lucky that Qin Chuan was his son-in-law. If he was from the Fuyu Sect, he would definitely be the one who ended up like this in the Tang Wu Dynasty today.

"In the first game, we all wrote down the people who were going to appear on paper, and then opened them together." Tang Hongzhi said.

Lang Qingyun nodded: "Okay!"

This is the old rule, win two out of three games. This is for the sake of fairness. Otherwise, if one side attacks first, the other side will be targeted. Therefore, it is written down on paper and the opponent will attack at the same time.

Both of them thanked their names and opened it.

Tang Honghai!


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