Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,076 Qinchuan’s Contradiction

Soft moonlight!

The woman who captivated the country!

All this had a dreamlike feeling. Qin Chuan looked at the woman and smiled. With this smile, the woman blushed and gave Qin Chuan a complicated look.

She looked at Qin Chuan and met his eyes without giving in. Those beautiful eyes seemed to be brighter than the bright moon in the starry sky.

Qin Chuan was a little unable to resist, it was so beautiful. Qin Chuan dodged and avoided. He didn't know whether it was because he was angry or because he couldn't resist blushing first.

When the woman saw Qin Chuan blushing, she actually didn't dare to look at her. She suddenly smiled and looked at Qin Chuan as if she was seeing him for the first time.

"Ha, even a shameless person like you knows how to blush." ​​The woman looked at him funny and said.

In fact, Qin Chuan is not thin-skinned. He only blushes when his heart is moved.

He was a little excited.

He did not continue the topic, but said softly: "It's getting late, go to bed early!"

"What about you, don't you want to rest?" the woman said softly.

"Rest, I'm here, you can go and rest too."

The woman saw that this place was just a sofa chair, and there was actually no room for lying down on it. Although for a warrior, meditating could be a rest, but she gritted her teeth slightly and said: "The bed is enough space. You are not comfortable sleeping here, and you are also very tired."

Women lower their heads slightly when they speak.

In fact, she thought of the scene when Qin Chuan helped her massage before, and her face turned red at the thought. She had not been able to hold back making such a sound before.

Qin Chuan looked at her. He knew that it was not easy for such a proud woman to say such things.

But Qin Chuan didn't want to provoke her, which put him in a dilemma for a while.

He wanted to refuse, but he was afraid of breaking her heart.

"I said you are a grown man, and I am not afraid of you. What are you afraid of? Do you have plans for me?" The woman looked at Qin Chuan and said.

Having said that, Qin Chuan nodded: "Okay, but let me tell you first, you can't do anything to me while I'm asleep..."

"Smelly bastard!"

The woman blushed and glared at Qin Chuan,

Turn around and leave.

Qin Chuan smiled and walked in.

The little girl in the middle.

The two stood on each side.

The dim moonlight coated the room with a layer of silver sand.

In the quiet night, there were only a few insects chirping outside from time to time, or the faint roar of beasts coming from nowhere.

"What's your name?" the woman asked softly.

Until now, neither of them actually knew each other's name, and Qin Chuan only knew that she was Black Phoenix.

"Qin Chuan, what about you?" Qin Chuan asked.

"My name is Fengzi." the woman whispered.

"What a name!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You're making fun of me." There was a hint of anger in the woman's words.

"No, really not, I just think the name is pretty good." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Do you believe in fate?" the woman asked.

Qin Chuan was stunned and looked at the woman strangely, but she was lying there quietly, and the thin blanket could not hide her exquisite and fiery figure. Just like her name, she was a woman with infinite grace.

"Believe it!" Qin Chuan said seriously.

The woman stopped talking. She was actually very uneasy inside.

He didn't expect that one day he would take the initiative to ask a man to sleep in the same bed, but now it happened. If it were any other man, let alone him, it would be impossible for him to take the initiative himself.

No matter what the reason is, since it has come to this point, it cannot be one reason.

She never thought about marrying again, and she was actually struggling with her thoughts, but she finally made the decision.

"Who else is there in your family?" Qin Chuan asked, changing the subject.

"Everyone in my family is here, isn't it?" The woman chuckled and pointed at the little girl.

Qin Chuan was stunned. This woman with enemies everywhere was actually lonely, but a little girl was her inner support and support, but in the end she was forced to leave the little girl in a sea of ​​strangers.

What kind of situation was that? If there was no way out, how could she take this step?

Qin Chuan could understand that kind of helplessness, pain, reluctance, and unwillingness. Fortunately, he met him. This may be why he can get along with her like this now.

Qin Chuan seemed to understand something.

No matter what the reason was, he should now have a high position in this woman's heart.

"You woman, you can't abandon your daughter even if you have no other choice. You don't know how wronged I was when I met her." Qin Chuan sighed.

The woman's body trembled slightly: "You are my daughter's noble person, and you are also my noble person."

"I forgot, my daughter and I promised to help her beat you up." Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"You go ahead and fight, I won't fight back." Fengzi said.

"Where are we going?" Qin Chuan looked at her from top to bottom.

Fengzi blushed: "What are you looking at..."

"I think it's better to wait until my daughter wakes up and ask her where to hit her. By the way, where do you usually hit your daughter?"

After Qin Chuan finished speaking, he looked at her with a smile.

Feng Zi was stunned and her face suddenly turned red. She was actually not an older daughter, but the little girl would naturally pat her on the butt when she was naughty. If he discussed it with his daughter, it would definitely be a spanking.

When he thought of this, he blushed and glanced at Qin Chuan: "No!"

"Then where do you want to fight?" Qin Chuan thought it would be interesting to tease her.

"I have no idea!"

Naturally, Qin Chuan would not really spank her. The relationship between the two has not reached a certain level. Besides, Qin Chuan has no intention of provoking her. He has a daughter and she is her daughter's mother. This is enough. Sometimes it is better to be simple. .

Qin Chuan thought so.

"Take it easy!"

The woman lowered her head slightly and said in a low voice.

Qin Chuan shuddered, sometimes it's like this, you don't want to, but things slowly came to this point.

Qin Chuan was so conflicted at this time, late at night, with a peerless beauty, he still didn't know or understand why the woman agreed, but he was sure that the woman did not fall in love with him.

This made him very conflicted. He gritted his teeth and said as calmly as possible: "I'm not willing to beat you. It's getting late. Go to sleep!"

Fengzi seemed to feel a little bit disappointed in her heart, but she didn't know why.


Qin Chuan couldn't sleep, and even felt a little regretful. There was an inexplicable flame in his body, which seemed to be burning.

I don’t know when I fell asleep.

Qin Chuan had a dream, and he met his woman in the dream. Naturally, it was a breakup that was better than a wedding, but he seemed to not be able to see his woman's face clearly.

Suddenly woke up.

Then he discovered that there was really a woman in his arms.

I was shocked. Fortunately, my pajamas were fine and nothing happened, but Fengzi looked at him with a red face.

Qin Chuan smiled awkwardly, looked at his position, and realized that he had crossed the line.

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