Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1081: Meet a stranger again, the past is over

Qin Chuan is naturally not sure of breaking the formation at the moment, but if he has the ability to break the formation, should he break it?

The rules of heaven, since they exist, are reasonable, even if they are evil, good and evil, without evil, how can righteousness come from, so in the law of heaven, under the rules of all things, evil is reasonable.

Qin Chuan finally discovered that even if he could break this formation, Phoenix City had formed its unique existence over the years, and if he broke it, he would have to accept its consequences.

There may be many people who are grateful to him, but there are also many people who hate him.

Sighing slightly, Qin Chuan told himself not to think about this issue at the moment, improve his strength first, and settle down in Phoenix City first.

Phoenix Plaza!

This is the most central and most prosperous place in Phoenix City. The traffic here is busy and the flow is endless. The level of prosperity is even greater than that outside.


Qin Chuan saw a huge restaurant called Jinbihuanghuang. From the outside it looked really magnificent, with a faint fragrance filling the air. From the outside it looked much more upscale than Phoenix Restaurant.

There are a lot of people, but Qin Chuan can be sure from the fragrance that the dishes here are not as good as those made by Shen San, there is a big difference.

However, there are dozens of times more people here than in the Phoenix Restaurant.

Sometimes eating is not just about eating, but also the environment, service, mood, etc.

Qin Chuan looked at the splendor and was still in a good mood. He smiled and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Okay, this splendid thing belongs to the Phoenix Merchant Alliance. It is a fortune tree. In the Phoenix Merchant Alliance, this is an important industry." Shen San smiled.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Then you should go and see it."

A group of people walked into the splendor.

It's already extremely gorgeous from the outside, but it's only when you get inside that you realize how luxurious it is. It's worth a visit just to see the facilities here.

The facilities here are as gorgeous as the Jinluan Palace. Qin Chuan doesn't know how to describe it, and he has never seen the Jinluan Palace, but he just feels that this place is a bit like the Jinluan Palace. It is extremely gorgeous, but it no longer makes people feel tacky, because if it can be tacky, To this extent, it can be regarded as vulgar to the point of becoming magical.

Soft music sounded,

It sounds great. The people here are not loud, but they don't seem to be restrained in suppressing their voices. Everything here feels so harmonious.

There were two rows of women standing inside the door. They were not maids, but they could still be considered maids.

It's just that they are not ordinary maids. They are dressed like fairies, and all of them are extremely beautiful. They don't do anything, they just stand there, just having one duty, acting as vases, and even seem to be an item in the hall. Decoration, it is undeniable that this decoration has the finishing touch effect.

It makes people who come in feel that this place is really like the Golden Palace.

These fairy-like people are all well-educated, and their status is not low. Qin Chuan looked over and glanced over casually, but he was suddenly stunned.

Because there is actually an acquaintance here...

Although she was dressed like a fairy in palace gauze, she was still herself. Qin Chuan could recognize her at a glance. She was more delicate than a flower, with picturesque eyebrows and a wisp of lightning-like threads between her eyes. Silver light, a ray of wildness, a ray of unruliness in the bones.


That body of thunder and lightning, the one who used to be with him and Luohua, when only two of them could leave, she asked for a spot and left.

But in the end, it was just a test. Both Qin Chuan and Luo Hua survived, reached the top, and finally reached the Nirvana Pool. Choice was opportunity. At that time, strangers could say that they had lost everything.

This was the second time for the stranger to kill Qin Chuan mercilessly for the first time. Although everyone was right in order to survive, she insisted on a spot, and Qin Chuan gave it to her, but at the same time the stranger's choice was the same. Let her disappear completely from Qin Chuan's world.

She was right, but Qin Chuan would feel uncomfortable, people are so strange.

It is also for this reason that Qinchuan feels the preciousness of fallen flowers even more.

But Qin Chuan doesn't know whether Luo Hua is still in Luo Hua City now, and whether he still remembers himself. After all, time can change everything. Qin Chuan is not sure whether Luo Hua still remembers him. It has been too long, and he may have married and had children...

The stranger also saw Qin Chuan, and her body trembled involuntarily. She recognized this man. She couldn't forget this man. She didn't expect Qin Chuan to appear here. This was a holy land. She felt like she was about to forget this man. , but he appeared.

Qin Chuan didn't feel that she had done anything wrong at the beginning, nor did he feel that she owed him anything. What's more, Qin Chuan's state of mind was different now, and he seemed to take it lightly. People like strangers could be treated as strangers or just acquaintances. , and can even be regarded as the most ordinary friends.

So he smiled and nodded and said hello: "See you again!"

Qin Chuan didn't know why she was in Phoenix City, but the stranger was very shocked. After all, this was Phoenix City. It would take a lot of fate to meet Qin Chuan in Phoenix City.

She was forced to come here, but this man also came here. There is only one possibility for people who come here. Who would come here if they were not forced to have no way out.

She was unaccompanied here, lonely and helpless, and even felt extremely desolate. When she met Qin Chuan, she felt sorry for him, and she had even removed herself from him.

But when she saw Qin Chuan, she suddenly couldn't help but her eyes were red, and big tears fell down.

She really didn't expect that this man would still talk to her, and when she saw Qin Chuan's eyes, she felt so wronged, as if she were seeing a relative. She wanted to hug this man, but she knew she couldn't.

She didn't want to cry in front of this man, but she couldn't help it.

She used to be the senior sister of Tianlin Temple, but her true identity is the daughter of the head of Yinkui Sect.

But now it's the Holy Land, or the Phoenix City. She is actually very ordinary now, so ordinary that she can be a vase maid here.

Just a high-end maid.

Qin Chuan didn't expect that his words would make her burst into tears. He even regretted saying this hello. Why did he say this since he wanted to be a stranger.

There is still one thing to say, this woman is not bad enough for Qin Chuan to completely ignore her, because Qin Chuan will still think of her from time to time.

Although there were only two places at the beginning, she looked at Qin Chuan and said, I can't die, I still have things to do, I can't die...

But even so, Qin Chuan also knew that it was impossible for the two of them to return to the past. Although they did not have a close relationship, they could be considered good friends, very good.

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