Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1083: 3 Alliance Leader, Shiling Giant


The middle-aged man was directly blasted out of the golden sky by Qin Chuan's palm.

Although Qin Chuan's strength is not at the Immortal level, the average Immortal level is really not taken seriously by Qin Chuan. Now that Shen San still has grace and the treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon, there should be no problem for Phoenix City to protect itself.

"You, you, you are so brave!" The middle-aged man pointed at Qin Chuan and was very angry. He felt aggrieved by being beaten by Qin Chuan.

The stranger has been in a daze. His strength is so strong now. He used to be able to follow his footsteps, but now he can't even catch up. There is a trace of futility and confusion in his eyes.

Naturally, this fight caused a lot of commotion, and many people came to watch.

After all, this place is magnificent, a cash cow for the Phoenix Merchant Alliance, and an important symbolic place. Who dares to cause trouble here?

It appeared today, so everyone wants to know who is causing trouble here, and to see the reaction of the Phoenix Merchant Alliance.

Anyone who can come to Phoenix City is not a fool. If you dare to come to the magnificent city to cause trouble, you must have some skills, but I don't know how long you can last in the Phoenix Merchant Alliance.

Many people came, and when they saw Qin Chuan beating up the people from the Phoenix Merchant Alliance, even if they were prepared, they were all stunned.

"There's a lot of excitement now. Someone beat up someone from the Phoenix Merchant Alliance."

"Yes, young people are too impulsive. They don't take anyone seriously even if they feel they have some strength."

"You are going to reap the consequences. Phoenix Merchant Alliance, losing such a big person will definitely make this young man pay a heavy price."

"Why do I feel that this young man is very pleasing to the eye? He is not an arrogant person. He is so powerful. Do you think the Phoenix Merchant Alliance will capsize in the gutter this time?"

"Brother, don't be ridiculous. If just one young man could capsize the Phoenix Merchant Alliance, it would have capsized long ago. We can still wait until now."

"Look who's coming." Someone looked into the distance at this time.

"The third alliance leader is here, and he is actually the third alliance leader. It seems that the Phoenix Merchant Alliance has taken matters here seriously."

"This splendid and resplendent place is a facade and a symbol of the Phoenix Merchant Alliance. There is no room for any mistakes. It has already made many people laugh today, so it must be suppressed with the most straightforward means.


Dong Dong...

"Are these three alliance leaders the same person? They are really too big..."

Qin Chuan was also stunned when he saw the three leaders.

Because this is hardly human.

It is more than ten meters tall and as strong as a small house.

This world is boundless, with thousands of races, and there are also many races with huge bodies. The three leaders like this are the Shiling Giants. They are tall and powerful, and their ability to resist attacks is particularly terrifying.

They are a natural war race. It is said that the Shiling Giants have the blood of the God of War in their bodies. There are also many Gods of War among their ancestors. The Giants and Titans are said to belong to the same race.

With the appearance of the three alliance leaders, the people around them consciously stepped aside.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this huge man.

The opponent is very powerful and should have special combat skills and abilities.

"Who is causing trouble in my magnificent city?" The huge voice rolled in like thunder and yin and yang, shaking the people around them so much that they covered their ears and kept retreating.

Qin Chuan stared at this huge human being. This is also a kind of human being. In fact, it is just big. This race, whether male or female, is a clan of giants, Shiling Giants. However, Qin Chuan did not expect that someone could actually force Shiling Giants. Arrived in Phoenix.

Or this is not forced by humans, such as forced by the same kind.

"Brother, are there many Stone Ridge giants in Phoenix City?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Not many, I only know this one. He is a special being of the Phoenix Merchant Alliance. He is definitely one of the few strong men in Phoenix City. At least no one is sure that he can kill this third alliance leader." Shen San After thinking for a while he said.

Qin Chuan looked at this huge existence, smiled and said, "Are you alone in Phoenix City? Do you want to go out?"

The huge figure of the third alliance leader trembled slightly, with a look of disdain on his huge face: "You come here and want to go out, just dream!"

"I'm just going to ask you if you want to go out for the last time. If you don't answer, I won't consider you again in the future. I hope you won't regret it then." Qin Chuan said lightly.

The third alliance leader's eyes were as big as a basin. He was staring at Qin Chuan. He wanted to go out, so much. He was tricked into coming in. It has been a hundred years. He missed his people, his wife and children, and she was here. He was the loneliest and felt the most wronged. He wanted to get out, more than anyone else.

Qin Chuan knew it by looking at his reaction. Moreover, Qin Chuan found that although this big guy was very big, he was not that vicious. Generally, people who came here wanted to go out. Many people even knew that going out was dangerous, but still wanted to Go out and give it a try.

Speaking of which, why did you come in in the first place? Sometimes you come in when your brain gets hot. Although this is a small world, it is like a small well compared to the outside. Many people want to get out.

The three alliance leaders stared at Qin Chuan, who looked at him calmly.

"How can I trust you?" The three alliance leaders looked at Qin Chuan and said.

"You don't have to believe it." Qin Chuan said.

"Are you kidding me?" The three alliance leaders stared at Qin Chuan.

"What's the benefit of playing with you? Okay, let's talk about the conditions now. I can take you out when the time comes, but it should take at least one year, but no more than three years at most. What you need to pay is this magnificent building." Qin Chuan said.

The third leader narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Chuan. He wanted to see if this young man was talking arrogantly.

If he could take him out, he really wouldn't care if it was a magnificent place. Although he was the leader of the three alliances, and the magnificent place was also a special existence of the Phoenix Merchant Alliance, as long as he could get out, this magnificent place could also make the decision.

"What you said again, how can I believe you?" said the third leader.

"You don't have to believe it. Well, in that case, let's not talk about this deal." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"No, okay, I will believe you just once, and I will give you this splendor." The three alliance leaders stared at Qin Chuan and said seriously.

Qin Chuan was stunned. To be honest, he himself didn't believe it was going so well. He knew that some people wanted to go out and were extremely eager to go out. Besides, money was nothing to a strong man. They didn't care about how much Jin Jijingshi earned in a day. They didn't care at all. Qin Chuan didn't care. Chuan was surprised that the other party believed that he could take him out. In other words, the three leaders never missed any opportunity to get out.

In fact, everyone has their own standards of judgment. It's not just someone who can say this to the three leaders. Sometimes it just feels like it, and if it feels right, anything can be done.

"Okay, I am the one who owns this magnificent place. Except for the stewards here, everyone else will stay." Qin Chuan said.

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