Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1089: Blood Dragon Demon versus Fire Dragon Demon...

A roar came, it was a dragon's roar, and Qin Chuan could make a very pure dragon's roar.

The current Dragon Roar Wheel may not be as pure as Qin Chuan, but combined with the terrifying appearance and real visual effects, it is shocking.

The huge dragon head is lifelike, really just like the dragon in the legendary painting. After all, no one has ever seen a real dragon. It is majestic, domineering, and full of mysterious power.

Qin Chuan used his own breath to protect the little girl, and then handed it to Feng Zi: "You guys leave first."

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

The big housekeeper also turned pale. This fire dragon demon beast is really terrifying. This strength is as strong as the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm is perfect, or is it stronger, surpassing the Immortal Realm?

This is a demon beast with a dragon head and body. Just like the treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon, this fire dragon demon beast is a spiritual beast. It is powerful and has a strong ability to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, especially its ability to absorb the power of the five elements of fire. powerful.

"No, Qin Chuan, this fire dragon demon beast should be a perfect demon beast in the Immortal Realm. It is dangerous." Fengzi pulled Qin Chuan.

In this hurry, he directly grabbed Qin Chuan's hand and did not let go.

Qin Chuan looked at the anxious woman with a smile. He could see that this woman cared about him. She cared so much about him. It was not a disguise, and it couldn't be faked.

Sometimes it's strange that two strangers can become like close relatives even though nothing happens between them.

Qin Chuan held her hand tightly. It was delicate and soft, as warm as jade. The faint breath seemed to be connected together and poured directly into his heart. The feeling was wonderful, a kind of spiritual sublimation, as if he had held it. The most expensive treasures are still fragile.

Qin Chuan was cautious, both in action and in mind. He didn't know why he was like this. He didn't think about what to do. He just wanted this woman to get better and be happy, without thinking too much.

Maybe it's this kind of simplicity, this kind of pure friendship without any intention, that makes Fengzi feel natural, otherwise she and Qin Chuan could develop to sleep on the same couch. Although nothing happened, it doesn't make sense at all. .

Even if the two people are pure now, they are still confidants, each other's close confidants.

It's hard to find a confidant. Everyone knows that in a person's life, you may have more than one woman, but if you can meet a confidant in this life, it is definitely God's love.


The person who knows himself best.

Qin Chuan didn't know how well Fengzi understood him, but getting along with her felt very natural, happy, and pleasant. It felt like fine water flowing through his heart, moisturizing things silently. She was very considerate and gave her a good position. The first thing Qin Chuan thought of was his confidant.


It's hard to find a confidant, and it's even harder to find a confidante.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Take care of our children." Qin Chuan gently pulled out his hand.

Fengzi's body trembled slightly, and the feeling in her heart was extremely complicated. At that moment, she had an indescribable feeling. It would be great if the little girl was her and his child.

The chief steward and Lu Xianweng's faces turned pale at this time. Seeing Qin Chuan coming, the chief steward said quickly: "Sir, you leave first, I will hold him back."

Qin Chuan looked at the butler, his face turned pale, but his eyes were firm.

The housekeeper is actually not sure, but he still does it, because without Qin Chuan, he will soon be useless, and then he will feel that life has no fun. He is a man, although not everything in life is between men and women. The joy of it, but without it, it is indeed lifeless. We are all common people, and few can really look past it.

So it's better to gamble once. He still has a little treasure. Maybe he can escape, but no matter what, this time he really gambles his life.

Qin Chuan smiled, this person could be a friend.

He shook his head and smiled: "Maybe we don't have to run."

Qin Chuan directly displayed the power of the divine pupils.

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

In an instant, the target's total strength was reduced by 30%. It made people feel that the strong pressure was reduced, and it was reduced a lot at once, and the suffocating feeling disappeared.

At this time, Fengzi had summoned the precious beast Blood Dragon Demon.

Nine Flowers Goddess, Holy Buddha and Five Elements Formation.

Qin Chuan did not want to expose himself too much, so it was necessary to weaken the target, but the Nine Flowers God's Throne was only given to the treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon, while the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation was given to everyone.

The Nine Flower Goddess also gave grace.

The treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon was the first to rush towards the Fire Dragon Demon Beast.

The treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon also has a dragon head, but it is a bit ferocious, and its whole body is blood red, which makes people a little uncomfortable, but it is very powerful, but many people think it is not very beautiful in appearance, but some people think it is very powerful.

Blood red, vigorous and strong, Qin Chuan felt good looking at it.

The Fire Dragon Demon Beast is almost an enlarged version of the precious beast Blood Dragon Demon. It is much larger in size, and its whole body is covered with flames, flowing like water, full of spiritual power and aura.


At this time, the treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon was already fighting with the Fire Dragon Demon Beast. At this time, the treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon was not afraid of the huge Fire Dragon Demon Beast at all.

Instead, the Fire Dragon Demonmon had to keep a careful eye on the precious beast, the Blood Dragon Demon.

The Blood Dragon Demon is much larger than the Dragon Leopard Beast, but it is very small in front of the Fire Dragon Demon Beast. The Blood Dragon Demon is also like a diamond, and its teeth and claws are extremely sharp. Even the Fire Dragon Demon Beings like Warcraft dare not let the Blood Dragon Demon get close.


A cloud of fire erupted.

Treasure beasts are generally proficient in the five elements. Of course, they cannot be as good at the fire element as the fire dragon demon beast, but the flexible treasure beasts can dodge and even shuttle through fire.

This fire is earth fire plus dragon flame. Of course it is not pure dragon flame, but it is still terrifying.

The outer flame is golden, and the center of the flame and the inner flame are blood red, like magma, as if they can flow.

This is Earth Fire Dragon Flame!

The earth fire dragon flames suddenly enveloped the treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon.


The precious beast Blood Dragon Demon roared angrily. Its bloodline was also very noble, and it was also a precious beast. The blood in its body was boiling.

The chief steward and Lu Xianweng were also stunned. They also knew about this treasured beast. It was one of the most proud treasures of the Blood Sea Sect Master. Yes, this treasure beast was a treasure in the eyes of the Blood Sea Sect Master. It was the biggest Treasure, but why is it here now?

They don't believe this is the second one. They have seen the treasured beast of the Blood Sea Sect Master, and the one in front of them is unmistakable. However, it seems that the current treasure beast, the Blood Dragon Demon, seems to be stronger than when it was in the hands of the Blood Sea Sect Master. Too much too much.

This precious beast can actually compete with the Fire Dragon Demon Beast. Although it is at a disadvantage, as long as it can hold the opponent back, it is difficult to say whether it will win or lose, because the Blood Dragon Demon is a treasure beast.

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