Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1091: Level 10 formation, graceful eyes...

The stranger looked at Qin Chuan complicatedly. She wished she was the one standing next to Qin Chuan.

It's a pity that she knows there is no hope in this life. She understands Qin Chuan's character. Although Qin Chuan is very tolerant to girls, he is also a proud man and has his own line in his heart, and she is the one who touched that line.

The gentle voice asked with concern, and that elegant and magnetic voice made Qin Chuan's heart tremble.

What is the purpose of life? I am invincible and am the only one in the world?

Although this is very tempting, it seems more tempting to lie drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman and wake up to take over the world.

Why? Because there is a drunk woman lying on the lap of a beautiful woman.

Qin Chuan has also thought about being invincible in the world. Men have thought about it, and even women have thought about it. The practicing woman does not want to be invincible in the world, but she is not the first in literature and the second in martial arts. Besides, there are always strong people emerging, even if you You are No. 1 in the world. Even if you ascend to the throne of No. 1 in the world, so what. How many people are eyeing this position? Maybe if you don't sit still, you will become a stepping stone for others.

But Qin Chuan's temperament doesn't like to force things, and prefers to let nature take its course. In fact, he doesn't like fighting and wants a peaceful life.

Even Qin Chuan has never had any big dreams, he just wants to guard the woman he likes and live a simple life with his family.

But now he knows that this is no longer possible. As a warrior, the only way to reach this point is to keep going, to go on strong, and to keep moving forward. Otherwise, some people will definitely not let themselves be so comfortable, not to mention that strong strength is the guarantee of happiness.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"You're already vomiting blood." Fengzi frowned slightly.

Qin Chuan thought that she had wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with her hands before, but now there was still blood on her snow-white hands. Now Qin Chuan felt that she was a gentle woman, at least very gentle to him.

"It's much better and smoother when I spit it out. I'm fine. I feel okay. I'll take a look again." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Vomiting out this mouthful of blood made Qin Chuan think a lot, and he also had an idea, as if a door had been opened, unlike before where he had no way out.

Fengzi looked at Qin Chuan's serious expression and said softly: "Don't force it, haste makes waste. We can stay here for a while, don't be in a hurry."

The gentle voice made Qin Chuan feel melted in his heart.

He hugged her slightly uncontrollably, but it seemed a bit inappropriate after hugging her.

"Good sister, you are so kind!"

Fengzi's face suddenly turned red and she gave him a slightly angry look.

Qin Chuan smiled and let go: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Qin Chuan continued to look at the patterns on the wall. This time he seemed to have found the direction. Now he could proceed step by step. This time he really saw the essence of these patterns.

Time passed little by little.

Qin Chuan was so mesmerized at this time that he was truly uninterrupted by the outside world. Others were sensible enough not to disturb him, and even retreated far away, leaving this place to Qin Chuan.

Three days passed in a flash.

Qin Chuan was like a madman, with nothing in mind. From time to time he would reach out and draw like carvings in the air, but there was nothing. However, Qin Chuan would usually draw in about half an hour.

Seven days passed.

The consumption of energy and energy made Qin Chuan lose weight. However, his strong willpower and excited expression at this time made Qin Chuan more energetic. But everyone knows that this is overdraft, this is overdraft of potential. .

Fengzi wanted to wake up Qin Chuan, but she held back. It was not easy for a warrior to have such an encounter in his life. It was like an epiphany, like being reborn. This was a great opportunity.

But any opportunity will be accompanied by danger, and the same is true for Qin Chuan now, because he is likely to continue to be crazy like this until his life disappears.

Unknowingly, the energy and spirit of the body will disappear. After all, the consumption in this state is terrifying. This is Qin Chuan's powerful physique. Otherwise, anyone else would have died long ago.

So Fengzi was very worried, and so were the others. They were really afraid that Qin Chuan wouldn't wake up.

In fact, it was useless for them to call Qin Chuan now. The situation was even worse and they could only wait for him to withdraw on his own.

Another week has passed. At this time, Qin Chuan is looking very thin. He is really thin and frightening. The clothes that were originally suitable for him are now hanging loosely on his body.

Fengzi's eyes were red, but she was helpless.

It was only then that she realized how much she cared about this man, and even felt that this man was everything to her. Suddenly she seemed to have seen through many things. But now Qin Chuan has reached a desperate situation, can he wake up? Come here, it’s all unknown.

Qin Chuan's body has actually reached a very dangerous point, but Qin Chuan is still at a loss.

The madman was extremely anxious, but he was helpless.


I don't know when, Fengzi didn't notice the little girl, and when she found out, her face changed drastically, because now the little girl was holding Qin Chuan's legs, raising her little face and shouting.

Qin Chuan's body trembled, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then he fainted.

But at the moment he fainted, a faint golden light flashed past, briefly as if it had not appeared, and Qin Chuan's face became very calm, as if he had fallen asleep.

Fengzi couldn't care less at this time, and others rushed over. She blamed herself, and her tears fell uncontrollably.

It was already the second day when Qin Chuan woke up. He felt that his body was very weak, but he was very happy because his formation had broken through.

Level 10 formation!

This step is extremely critical and important.

At this time, he looked around. This was Fengzi's cabin. The little girl was sleeping next to him. Fengzi was sitting at the door of the cabin, looking outside in a daze. She did not see Qin Chuan wake up.

But she knew that Qin Chuan was not dead, but she didn't know if he could wake up.

"Ahem!" Qin Chuan moved and coughed slightly.

But the sound of coughing sounded like the sound of nature to Fengzi. She suddenly turned around and saw Qin Chuan about to start. She quickly came over, supported Qin Chuan and looked at him with surprise on her face: "Great, you are finally awake. , you finally woke up."

Her voice was a little hoarse, but it was still full of magnetism, and it was still extremely pleasant to hear. Coupled with her concerned eyes, there was also a trace of indescribable beauty, but her eye circles were slightly red, and as she spoke, she shed crystal tears. It dripped down.

Who is she, Dark Phoenix, a woman of unparalleled beauty, but now she is crying, crying for a man.

Qin Chuan was very touched at this time. A woman sheds tears for you and worries about you, which means a lot, because she is not his relative or his lover, but he can turn her into his relative, or spouse.

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