Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,100: Despicable City Lord, Stop Qin Chuan...

"Young man, knowing too much will not do you any good." The city lord looked at Qin Chuan and said calmly.

Qin Chuan also smiled, looked at him and said: "I advise you to stay here, at least you can live, it is better than going out and being beaten to death!"

The city lord narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Chuan sharply. His eyes were like knives, like two black holes, exuding a chilling aura.

Well, it’s still a special eye.

Qin Chuan looked at him calmly, without any concession or fluctuation.

The city lord thought, this young man really has two skills. He is still very confident in his own eyes, but this young man is not affected at all. He originally wanted to try his eyes. If he can control the other party, Of course it's best. Not only can you go out, but you can also get a lot.

But now the effect of the eyes seemed to be unsatisfactory, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to try. He didn't want to have too much trouble with Qin Chuan now, so he had to wait until he went out. Once outside, he couldn't help but decide whether he lived or died.

"Take me out, otherwise, you will die, and everyone around you will die, including your daughter." The city lord said coldly.

Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed. Those who are familiar with him know that once Qin Chuan narrows his eyes, he is really angry. This is a sign that Qin Chuan has been completely touched.

Qin Chuan wanted to kill him, but it would be too easy to kill such a person. When dealing with a person, it is natural to give him hope and then give him despair.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer: "You will die miserably."

"Hahaha, boy, unless you don't go out, I will definitely go out. If you really have no way to go out, I will make your life worse than death. I will let you know what hell is on earth." The city lord looked at Qin with a sneer. Chuan, what he said made people feel cold all over.

After saying that, the city lord laughed and left.

Qin Chuan is very calm. He has made a breakthrough and is in a particularly good mood. Now Qin Chuan does not take him seriously, but he cannot kill him here. Who knows how deep the water in Phoenix City is, what will happen at this pass? It would be bad if something goes wrong.

So Qin Chuan planned to take him out if it didn't work, and kill him when he got outside, giving him hope and then giving him despair.

"Qinchuan." Fengzi stood next to him a little worriedly, looking at the disappearing figure of the city lord.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It's not difficult for me to kill him now.

But not here. "

Fengzi looked at Qin Chuan. She knew that Qin Chuan had broken through, but he was only at the first level of Immortal Realm. However, he also knew that Qin Chuan was different. At least she could feel that she was no match for Qin Chuan now.

Time passes quickly and the time is up soon.

One day in advance, Qin Chuan and others arrived at the Phoenix Prisoning Formation, while Qin Chuan was watching the Phoenix Prisoning Formation.

This time he had to seize the opportunity. It happened once in a hundred years. If he couldn't get out, he had to wait here for a hundred years. Qin Chuan couldn't think about it. He couldn't wait for a hundred years, so he had to get out this time.

The three alliance leaders, Lu Xianweng, the chief steward, the city lord, Shen San and his wife, the stranger plus Qin Chuan, Feng Zi and the little girl.

It's been a year, and Qin Chuan is still a little excited at the thought of going out.

The city lord was standing next to Qin Chuan at this time, looking at Qin Chuan with complicated and strange eyes, and also looking at Feng Zi and others.

"Remember my words, when I point in that direction, you will rush over without hesitation." Qin Chuan said.

Others nodded.

"The order is the same as before." Qin Chuan emphasized again.

"There can be no chaos, otherwise no one will be able to get out, and time will be tight." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Qin Chuan said that he was the last one to go out, while the city lord insisted on going out second to last. He was originally the second to last in terms of charm, but now he is the third to last.

Qin Chuan also had no objection.

There was an imperceptible smile on the city lord's face, and there was a hint of sinisterness deep in his eyes, but no one saw it.

Time passed little by little.

Qin Chuan kept staring at the black door with concentration.

It will soon get dark, and one more hour will pass today, and the time when the black door opens is Zi hour, which is the hour when the two nights intersect.

Qin Chuan did not dare to relax.

Suddenly, Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed.

The black door was slowly opening, and a gleam of brightness appeared. Qinchuan's golden eyes looked outside. When he saw it, his mind was shocked. He actually saw a high mountain outside. This is outside Phoenix City.

The door is opening when it is possible to get out alone.

Qin Chuan said: "Start, speed!"

The first one is Shen San. At first, no one was willing to be the first one to try, so Shen San stepped up to be the first one.


Shen San naturally has great trust in Qin Chuan.

He immediately entered the black door, disappeared, and then appeared on the top of the mountain. Qin Chuan could still see it, so he felt relieved.

"the second!"

Shen San’s woman gets out quickly!

The third!


The fourth Lu Xianweng!

At this time, the black door has been completely opened.

Three leaders!

The Third Alliance Leader is a Stone Ridge Giant. Qin Chuan was worried that the door was too small, but the Third Alliance Leader still gave it a try.

At this time, the city lord was staring at the Phoenix Prison Formation, his black eyes getting brighter and brighter.

He could also see the door, so he was calm and not panicked at all.


The huge bodies of the three alliance leaders rushed towards the black door.

In everyone's surprised eyes, the figure of the three alliance leaders seemed to become smaller. When they reached the black gate, they passed easily and then disappeared.

At this time, the black door has begun to close.

Great housekeeper!

The butler looked at Qin Chuan gratefully, and then appeared at the door in a flash.

Next it’s time for Fengzi and the little girl.

When Fengzi was holding the little girl and was about to leave, Cheng took the initiative and appeared at the black door very quickly. However, he stood at the black door and did not go in. Instead, he looked at Qin Chuan with a sneer. And grace.

The black door is slowly closing.

Fengzi's face turned pale, and she looked at Qin Chuan. She knew that Qin Chuan had to go out, but now everyone could see the city lord's plan.

Feng Zi is actually very calm and can go out or not. She is a cold person and can be anywhere. She has no ardent hopes. However, there seems to be an inexplicable relationship between her and Qin Chuan now, and there is more to say no. out fluctuations.

Qin Chuan looked at the city lord coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Hahaha, what do you mean, hum, I don't know what is good or bad, my meaning is very clear, I just don't want you to go out." The city lord smiled a little unscrupulously at this time.

"Qin Chuan." Fengzi looked at Qin Chuan worriedly.

Qin Chuan put his arm around her shoulders and said gently: "It's okay, don't worry."

"If you don't go out now, I hope you won't regret it in the future." Qin Chuan said.

"Haha, boy, I can also see this door. Do you think you are the only one who can see it?" The city lord said disdainfully. He could see it, but the formation was too big and the time from opening to ending was too short. He could only open the door. You can only see it in a moment, and you need to look carefully, otherwise you won't be able to see it. If Qin Chuan hadn't found it in advance, if it hadn't been for the people who passed by before, he wouldn't have been able to see it.

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