Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1102: We can only break the Phoenix Prison Formation

After the old monk finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes!

Qingdan walked in without any hesitation and entered Phoenix City.

At this time, Lang Qingyun was holding a clear letter in her hand, her face turned pale. The letter was very simple, just a few words, and she went to find Qin Chuan.

At the same time, Qin Chuan and others finished drinking in Fuyu City. Everyone else left. Qin Chuan, Shen San and others were going to Fanyun City first. After all, they came out and wanted to tell the Lang family and Qingdan. .

The next day, Qin Chuan and his party arrived at Lang's house.

A year later, I was naturally happy and surprised to see Qin Chuan, Lang Qingyun and others. After all, the reason why the Lang family is what it is today is also because of Qin Chuan.

"Grandpa, where is Qing Dan'er?" Qin Chuan saw that Qing Dan didn't show up after such a long time.

Lang Qingyun sighed and handed a piece of paper to Qin Chuan sadly.

Qin Chuan's face changed as soon as he saw it, and his body was trembling: "How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Qingdan went to Phoenix City, just before dark yesterday.

It's all her own fault, it's all her own fault. If she had come here as soon as she came out, she would have gone in after dragging it out for a day. Fortune has played a trick on people. Qin Chuan felt uncomfortable all over his body at this time, and his violent aura was rising.

Lang Qingyun sighed: "I'm sorry, I didn't take my fancy to the girl."

"It's my fault, it's my fault. I wish I had come earlier." Qin Chuan said regretfully.

"I don't blame you, I just blame the girl for being too persistent. This is fate." Lang Qingyun was also sad, but there was nothing he could do.

Qingyuan also came at this time. When he saw Qin Chuan, he didn't say anything in the end. He couldn't blame Qin Chuan. He could only blame his daughter for being too infatuated. She had waited for a year and couldn't wait a few more days.

In fact, people are like this. Many times, after waiting for years, in the end they can’t wait for even a few days.

"Father-in-law, grandpa, I will definitely bring Dan'er back." Qin Chuan said with certainty.

Lang Qingyun shook his head: "Chuan'er, don't do stupid things. Unless you are 100% sure, don't do stupid things."

"I want to destroy the Phoenix Prison Formation." Qin Chuan finally said with an ugly expression.

One sentence caused a stir.

Break the Phoenix Prisoning Formation, break the Phoenix Prisoning Formation, these words echoed in everyone's ears like a demonic voice.

Who are the people in Phoenix City? What kind of existence is Phoenix City? This is like the prison of the Empire. Everywhere is full of desperate, vicious people. People in Phoenix City, one, two, ten, or hundreds are not scary, but after so many years, How many people have gathered and how terrifying this power is, who can say clearly.

Once the Phoenix Prison Formation is broken and the Phoenix City reappears, no one is sure whether it will be good or bad, but it will definitely have a huge impact on this generation of the Holy Land.

Just like before, Qin Chuan didn't want to break the Phoenix Prison Formation, but he just didn't want to transfer some of the karma of the people inside to himself.

But now that Qingdan has gone in, he has no way out.

"Qin Chuan, even if you can break the Phoenix Prison Formation, you can't do this. Do you know how much trouble it will cause?" Lang Qingyun's face turned a little pale.

Lang Qingyun still knew about Qin Chuan's ability, and he knew that the man his granddaughter was looking for could be said to be a genius in formations. He might really be able to break the Phoenix Prison Formation. He didn't know why. Believe it or not, that's why he was afraid. He was afraid that Qin Chuan would really break the Phoenix Prison Formation.

Qin Chuan naturally knew, looked at Lang Qingyun and said: "Grandpa, my current ability is not enough, but I must break it so that Dan'er can come out."

"Qinchuan, listen to grandpa, we are thinking of other ways. We cannot take this step lightly, and we cannot bring countless disasters to others because of this girl." Lang Qingyun said with a pale face.

Qin Chuan is not entangled at this time. He needs to think about it carefully.

Originally, coming out should be a happy thing, but now I can't be happy.

Lang Qingyun was very open-minded. He liked the little girl very much when he saw her, and the little girl also remembered Lang Qingyun.

Lang Qingyun also greeted Fengzi and enthusiastically welcomed everyone into the hall to host a banquet.

"Chuan'er, if there is no one who is suffocated to death, we will definitely find a way. With your ability, I believe you can find loopholes in the formation without breaking it, and then bring Tan'er out." Lang Qingyun said.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "Grandpa, there are only two ways."

"Those two?" Qingdan's father Qingyuan asked at this time. He actually felt very uncomfortable.

The couple owed it to their daughter, so he was very sad at this time.

"Wait for a hundred years, or destroy the Phoenix Prison Formation." Qin Chuan said.

"Destroy the Prison Phoenix Formation." Qingyuan's face was ugly, but he said with certainty.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I will destroy the Phoenix Prison Formation as soon as possible."

"Chuan'er, you will bring disaster to many people." Lang Qingyun said.

"Grandpa, I thought about it. The so-called time is destiny. This is their fate and their cause and effect. Why there are disasters? It is because they planted the cause. Grandpa, anyone who kills has a reason. Anyone who kills has a reason. Everything you do has a reason, no matter how innocent it seems, there is a reason. This is the so-called cause and effect. I have thought about it. It is not easy to bear the cause and effect of others, so don't worry."

Lang Qingyun thought about it and felt relieved. Yes, just like the tide of beasts, cities are submerged in the world every day, there are battles every day, and cities disappear. If cause and effect were so easy to bear, then there would be no crime and no war. There is no more killing.

After living in the Lang family for a few days, Qin Chuan, Shen San and others bought a large manor in Fanyun City and lived in it.

Now Qin Chuan also knows that Fengzi's trouble is still very difficult. Yin Palace is very powerful, but Yin Palace is still just an unpopular existence. The real big head is Tianyin Palace behind Yin Palace.

As for the reason for the feud, Qin Chuan didn't know.

Fengzi didn't say anything, Qin Chuan didn't ask either.

However, the news that Fengzi, Qin Chuan and others had come out still spread, so today the people from Yin Palace came to the door first and surrounded the manor where Qin Chuan was located.

Qin Chuan looked at the middle-aged man leading the opposite party with a sneer: "The ghost is really lingering!"

Qin Chuan is now in the Immortal Realm. He really has no fear of anyone now. Even in the Holy Realm, the Immortal Realm is an extremely powerful existence. Qin Chuan has never encountered anyone who has surpassed the Immortal Realm.

As long as he does not exceed the Immortal Realm, Qin Chuan is not afraid of anyone, even though he only has the first level of Immortal Realm.

"Fengzi, you can hide from the first grade of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifth grade of junior high school. It really surprises me. You have already gone into Phoenix City and you can still come out. This shows that the fate between us is really good. How about it? Have you figured it out? Follow I, Yang Xuzi, will make you a master and the happiest woman." The middle-aged man said seriously.

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