Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,107: The body of a crippled person and the body of a yin human being

Qin Chuan had seen too many such self-righteous people, so he just smiled disdainfully.

The middle-aged man just frowned when he heard Qin Chuan's words. He was the lord of the Yin Palace and had a distinguished status. What's more, he had other identities, even more noble than the lord of the Yin Palace.

So he really didn't take Qin Chuan seriously.

"Young man, it's okay to have some ability. Don't think too highly of yourself. This world is not as simple as you think, and there is no shortage of capable people in this world. How many people are just like you, pretentious, as if you are the strongest in the world? But in the end, I didn’t even know how I died.” The middle-aged man preached with an elder’s attitude.

Qin Chuan looked at him and said in a very calm tone: "Do you know what I hate the most?"

"What?" the middle-aged man asked very gracefully.

"What I hate the most is some people who are obviously nothing but pretend to be the strongest and like to think of themselves as seniors. In fact, people like them are just clowns and cannot stand on the stage," Qin Chuan said. Please be clear, but not loud.

The sound is not loud, but it can be heard clearly from far and wide.

This time the middle-aged man also looked ugly. Men, no one likes to be looked down upon by others, especially people with status. Who is he, the Lord of the Yin Palace, with a noble status, and his age and everything, let me teach you, I think highly of you.

The face of the Palace Master of the Yin Palace was as gloomy as water. After all, this was in public, with so many people watching and listening. Naturally, he was extremely angry when he was treated like this by a young man, so he got angry.

"Very good, no one has spoken to me like this for many years. You succeeded and you made me angry. Next, I hope your strength can be as powerful as your tongue."

"Fight or not? If not, get out of here, are you annoyed by the chirping?" Qin Chuan was unhappy when he saw the middle-aged man pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

At least in Qin Chuan's eyes, this is pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, but in the eyes of others, Qin Chuan doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.

This time, the middle-aged man's face was no longer as gloomy as water. It had an indescribable complexion, purple-black, black-red, and a black bottom...

His eyes were like fire. This time, as a strong man, he didn't say anything and took action directly, rushing towards Qin Chuan.

Yin|Water Palm!

Raise your palms,

Rolling yin | water appeared and instantly surrounded her. With one hand, a black water dragon-like shape rushed towards Qinchuan with feminine power.

The sound was huge, and the air was filled with a gloomy atmosphere. It was as if the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly dropped. The surrounding ground was frozen. Many people shrank uncontrollably and began to retreat. It was too cold.

This kind of cold is not ordinary cold. You must know that ordinary cold, even if the temperature is low, is not afraid. Warriors can withstand very powerful cold air, but the power of the Yin cold of the Yin Palace Master, this kind of cold is as cold as the bone marrow of the body. And of the soul, it is bleak.

If the strength is not good enough, just this kind of yin energy can cause loss of half a life, or even death.

Qin Chuan took a step forward, and the fiery breath burst out from his body.

Haoran is upright!

Yin Yang Mudra Yang Dao!

Yin and Yang are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Heaven is Yang, earth is Yin, male is Yang, and female is Yin.

Qin Chuan is a man, and the Lord of the Yin Palace is also a man. In terms of nature, no matter how suitable a man's physique is for Yin power, there will always be a woman with higher talent who can surpass him, and Qin Chuan's talent in the Yang way will definitely surpass him. The Lord of the Yin Palace.

In the way of yin and yang, heaven is supreme and earth is humble. This is the law of heaven and earth.

So the way of yin and yang, to a certain extent, yang restrains yin.

The Yin|Water Palm and Yang Dao collided, but there was no sound, but the golden light shone, and the black objects collided and melted. The danger in this was only felt by the two fighting.

Especially the Lord of the Yin Palace.

After this confrontation, the Lord of the Yin Palace was completely shocked. He knew how scary this young man was. Originally, he didn't take this young man seriously at all. That is, he thought that the other party's formation was good, so he wanted to recruit him. His own subordinates.

But he didn't expect that the other party would have such cultivation at such a young age.

This is not the point. The point is that the opponent clearly only has the first level of Immortal Realm, but his actual combat strength is too terrifying. It is a bit too scary.

Young, extremely powerful in actual combat, and proficient in formations? What kind of monster is this?

A trace of fear spreads uncontrollably and spreads rapidly. Human fear comes from the inability to grasp what is going to happen next.

Qin Chuan didn't react at all. The opponent's strength was within his expectation. He was not afraid of him, and now he was restraining him to a certain extent. What's more, Qin Chuan still had his trump card that he had not used yet.

Besides, the Yin Palace is really not taken seriously by him. Maybe the Tianyin Palace behind the Yin Palace can make Qin Chuan take it seriously.

The divine power of yin and yang, fight yin and yang!

The Lord of the Yin Palace didn't pay attention at first. Although he felt that Qin Chuan was a bit troublesome, he didn't take it to heart.

But soon he realized something was wrong, and the pain began to erupt in his body like a spring. The pain was indescribable.


The Lord of the Yin Palace swayed and appeared directly a hundred meters away.

Yin force Hunyuan!

The surrounding yin energy gathered crazily into his body, instantly resolving the previous discomfort.


Qin Chuan watched the energy in the air gather and be absorbed. The golden divine eyes allowed him to see that this man's physique was truly a rare and sinister one.

This kind of physique is very strong, but it is a pity that it appears in men. This is a tragedy, because the Yin human body is also called the eunuch's body, and it is a natural eunuch.

The eunuch's body is a type of body that can be destroyed by nature, and it is also a relatively powerful one among the bodies that can be destroyed by nature.

Although powerful, as a man, few would like to have such a physique.

But it's okay to be born with this kind of physique, because he doesn't know what it feels like, so being born with this kind of physique is not very painful.

However, the Lord of the Yin Palace is tall and strong, unlike ordinary Yin people. Normal Yin people's bodies are usually feminine, and their appearance is also feminine. Due to their physical constitution, they are even more beautiful than women, and they are even indistinguishable. Find out whether he is a boy or a girl.

Tianyin gathers!

So yin and soft!

Tianyin poisonous snake hand!

The body of the Palace Master of the Yin Palace carries a shadow, which is a huge black poisonous snake, circling like a dragon and rushing towards Qin Chuan.

Black mist filled the air, bringing with it a black wave of water.

There was a slight fishy smell in the cold sky.

Although this smell is very light, it is like a demonic barrier. It is poison, extremely poisonous, eroding the target's body bit by bit.

Qin Chuan will not be careless this time. After all, there are too many examples of boats capsizing in the ditch, so he does not dare to be careless. Although he still feels that what is in front of him is not enough, he must guard against the other party's back moves.

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