Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,112 The guest of the city lord's mansion goes to heaven...

Qin Chuan was a little surprised and understood why Master Canglan was so willing. However, why Master Canglan found him, Qin Chuan did not understand.

The holy aura of this woman is really a bit compelling. Master Chu Qingzhu has the aura of immortality, the daughter of the Buddha has the aura of Buddha, and this woman has the bones of a saint, and the holy aura all over her body is the true aura of holiness.

"Hello, I'm Qin Chuan!" Qin Chuan came back to say hello.

"Mr. Qin, please come inside!" the young city lord said with a smile.

But she didn't smile, it was just that ray of holiness that made her look easy-going.

Three people entered the living room.

This is a huge living room, spacious and bright, with simple facilities, but it is very grand and spotless. This is the living room of the young city lord. This is the place where the young city lord entertains her own friends.

The position of young city lord is unusual. Because the position of city lord is hereditary, so the young city lord will undoubtedly be the city lord in the future. He will dominate the existence of a huge city. This city lord is very cautious, otherwise the city lord is likely to be easily changed. host.

The three of them took their seats.

"Mr. Qin, what do you want to say?" Young City Master asked, her tone and expression were just right, not very close, but not alienating.

Qin Chuan thought for a while and said, "Young City Master should know about my affairs. If Young City Master feels that it is a trouble, I won't say anything."

Tianyin Temple cannot compare with the status of Young City Lord, but there is a circle behind Tianyin Temple. This circle can compete with Young City Lord, and this circle may not be complete, but behind Young City Lord is Jiang Yuecheng’s City Lord’s Palace. , Naturally, I am not afraid. This is one of the top ten cities in Jianglang County, and the city lord's mansion is definitely a giant.

The young city lord looked at Qin Chuan. He was naturally not afraid of any circle. She was in the circle herself. She was just a little curious about Qin Chuan's confidence. After all, Qin Chuan was only a first-level Immortal Realm warrior. He was alone but not afraid of the sky. The temple exists like this.

"I'm not afraid of trouble, but Mr. Qin also wants to show his expression." Young City Lord said.

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and said, "I have pretty good attainments in formations and talismans."

The Young City Master thought for a while and nodded. Although she did not see Qin Chuan's formation in the small courtyard with her own eyes, her people would naturally tell her that formation masters, powerful formation masters, still have a good status.

Qin Chuan saw that although the Young City Lord nodded,

But there doesn't seem to be much of a surprise.

"My medical skills are pretty good. At least I haven't seen anyone whose medical skills can compare with mine." Qin Chuan said again.

This time the Young City Lord's eyes lit up, even in the daytime, it still made the whole hall seem to light up. At this level, she believed that Qin Chuan would not speak out and speak arrogantly.

"Okay, then Mr. Qin is welcome to join." Young City Lord said.

"A few of my friends..." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"It's up to you. This is your sign. You can enter and exit the city lord's palace freely. You will have a separate courtyard where your people can live." The young city lord said.

Now that Qin Chuan has joined the City Lord's Mansion, to be precise, he belongs to the Young City Lord's force, and his position can be regarded as a guest minister, which can be said to be very good. Except for the Young City Lord, no one else has tried their best to ask him to do anything.

Even the young city lord would usually ask a guest like Qin Chuan to do something difficult.

Now that the negotiation was settled, Qin Chuan was going to deal with Fengzi's matter. After handling Fengzi's matter, he would come to the City Lord's Mansion.

After bidding farewell to Young City Master and Cang Lan, Qin Chuan went back that day.

Qin Chuan felt at ease. This was not considered cooperation with Cang Lan, but Qin Chuan never understood why Mr. Cang Lan wanted to win over him.

Unable to figure it out, Qin Chuan stopped thinking about it and decided to establish a foothold here first.

Three days later, Qin Chuan returned to Fanyun City.

When we returned to the small courtyard, it was quite peaceful here.

Fengzi, Shen San and others were relieved when they saw Qin Chuan coming back.

"Are you okay?" Fengzi asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's fine. I just miss you." Qin Chuan smiled.

Fengzi blushed and spat.

The two of them were talking quietly, and just at this time, Shen San and his wife also came over.

After joking for a while, Shen San asked with concern: "How's it going?"

"Now that the matters here have been dealt with, let's go to the Lord's Mansion of Jiangyue City." Qin Chuan said.

Shen Sansong smiled: "Not bad!"

At night, Qin Chuan held Fengzi and gnawed for a long time...

Fengzi looked at Qin Chuan speechlessly, blushing. She didn't even know why she was like this now.

Now she has no choice, but she is not ready to commit to that man yet.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Chuan felt Feng Zi's inner conflict, hugged her and asked softly.


"Don't think so much. You are already my woman. Do you still want to find someone else?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Asshole, stinky bastard!" Fengzi said angrily.

"Zier!" Qin Chuan hugged her tightly.

"Hmm!" Fengzi let out a soft sound from her nose.

"Get ready, I'm going to take you to Tianyin Palace." Qin Chuan said.

Fengzi trembled and looked at Qin Chuan.

"Your matter must be settled, and it should be settled. Don't you want to know that your sister is alive? Can't you just ask when the time comes?" Qin Chuan said.

Fengzi's body trembled again, and her face turned a little pale.

Qin Chuan held her face, feeling his face slightly cold, and knew what she was worried about.

Qin Chuan: "You have already prepared for the worst. Why are you still worried? It would be a surprise if your sister is still here. You should be happy no matter what."

Fengzi: "I know, but I'm still scared."

"I'm here, don't be afraid." Qin Chuan's arms were slightly stretched, and he lay directly on Qin Chuan's body gracefully.

She blushed and glared at Qin Chuan.

Nephrite is in your arms, its fragrance is charming.

Three days later, Qin Chuan and his party left this small courtyard and headed to Langhong City.

Tianyin Temple is in Langhong City, and Feng Zi's enemy is her father's adopted son and the people from Tianyin Temple.

It only takes one day to get to Langhong City from here.

Qin Chuan knew that the whereabouts of his group should have already fallen into the eyes of Tianyin Palace.

Two hours later!

Qinchuan stopped, and the group of people were riding Qinchuan's colorful dragon bird.

At this time, an Aquila appeared in front.

It was completely black, with a length of more than fifty meters, and with its arms spread out, it was three hundred meters tall. It had the head of an eagle and the body of a beast, with huge wings and a pair of eyes like lightning.

At this time, there were three half-old men standing on its back, all dressed in black robes, with a skeleton figure embroidered on their chests.

It's eerie, even in the sunlight it still feels a bit spooky.

"You are indeed safe in that small courtyard, why did you come out to die?" the old man in the middle said.

His voice was like a broken gong, harsh and hoarse, and unpleasant to listen to. It was a huge torture to listen to him speak.

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