Nine Realms God Emperor

One hundred and ten three flowers gather at the top of the formation, Qin Chuan enters the formation

After defeating Big Bear, everyone was shocked!

The talent of three and a half stars, even if it won't go far in the future, everyone has been shocked by this step, and some people have even begun to doubt whether Qin Chuan's talent is three and a half stars.

Qin Chuan left the wooden house and entered Daxiong's small courtyard, which has belonged to him ever since.

Five small courtyards are not far apart, with a distance of 50 meters between each.

This represents the top five disciples of the outer sect.

Qin Chuan walked into the fifth manor, a two-storey pavilion, a small courtyard, very good facilities, a good environment, very quiet.

Qin Chuan tidied up, and then began to form formations around the manor.

Pei Shao is an elder of the Nine Spirits Sect, but he is not one of the eight elders. Only the suzerain and the eight elders have power in the Nine Spirits Sect, and the remaining elders are dependent on the suzerain and the eight elders.

The affairs of the sect are all discussed by the eight elders, and the final decision can be made, and the minority obeys the majority.

Qin Chuan has the ancestral map of the ancient formation in his mind, and it was still disassembled. This is the ability of the golden pupil. Even the woman in the formation building is not as good as Qin Chuan in the formation.

Qin Chuan decided to set up a five-element ecstasy array around the small courtyard.

The material, the production, the five elements animal bones and some spirit stones, etc., have the golden pupil to help him control the overall situation, which is very easy.

But it is difficult for others to accurately grasp the overall situation without the golden pupil. This will cause flaws in the formation, making it unstable, and even allowing the strong to forcibly destroy it.

Qin Chuan's physique doubled the power of the formation, doubled its duration, and doubled its resistance to destruction...

In less than half a day, the formation was ready. Qin Chuan moved into the small courtyard, which is his safe place. I hope that Young Master Pei will not go crazy so early.

Normally not, he will definitely let Luo Ge kill himself, he will let Zhaoxing see one of his apprentices kill another apprentice, and it is Shengli, the disciple who betrayed the teacher.

Only in this way can Pei Shao feel at ease. In Pei Shao's view, Luo Ge's talent is only a matter of time before killing Qin Chuan. He is not afraid of wasting electricity time, as long as it can make him feel at ease.


Qin Chuan is safe for the time being, so he should try to improve his strength. The dragon leopard beast is his trump card, which is usually not used. In addition, the dragon leopard beast is not around all the time. Qin Chuan asked him to hunt for treasure in the Jiuling Mountain.

If the earth golden bear breaks through by itself, it will take time. The lifespan of monsters is very long, Qin Chuan is not equal, and the Jingyuan pill has not stopped.

Now it's just the finishing touches.

What Qin Chuan refined was Beast Yuan Pill.

The materials were all ready, and the refining went very smoothly. The seal of the Chaos Furnace had been released, and there was no problem with the quality and success rate.

Three golden Beast Pills, the size of a walnut, are moist and glowing, surrounded by a delicate fragrance.

Beast Essence Pill can only be used by monsters. It increases the cultivation level and assists breakthroughs. The increased cultivation level is related to the blood of the monster.

Qin Chuan directly fed a golden bear to the earth.

There shouldn't be any problem breaking through to the realm of a great martial arts master this time.

A circle of golden light flashed, and the earth golden bear suddenly stood up.


Let out a roar that shook the sky, fortunately there is a five-element ecstasy array to isolate here, otherwise the high-level officials of the Nine Spirits Sect will definitely come.

With a roar that shook the sky, a piece of golden light shattered, and the earth golden bear emitted a dazzling golden light, as well as that violent momentum.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, Qin Chuan smiled with satisfaction, and the golden bear of the earth broke through, and his bloodline seemed to be improved again, and his strength reached the second level of the martial arts grand master.

This can be regarded as thick and thin, the earth golden bear is now more than six meters long, three meters high, and covered in gold, like a King Kong bear.

Mighty, Qin Chuan looked at the current Dadi Jinxiong with special satisfaction, and now he has completely got rid of his infancy,

The blood of the earth golden bear has been further strengthened.

After breaking through the strength of the great master of martial arts, Qin Chuan found that Dadi Jinxiong's ability is stronger.

The previous blast ability has changed from double the speed to twice the current speed. Speed ​​is power, and speed is king. This is a powerful ability, and it does not consume physical strength.

The domain of gravity has also been doubled. The Earth Golden Bear can control the power of the earth to triple the gravity within a range of 200 meters around itself, without affecting itself and its owner.

The other is the natal ability of the Earth Golden Bear, the Earth Golden Armor, which cannot be seen to have improved much, but Qin Chuan feels that it should have also been greatly improved.

After breaking through the Grand Master of Martial Arts, Dadi Jinxiong gained another ability.

Earth stab!

Manipulate the power of the earth to form sharp earth thorns on the ground to attack.

Qin Chuan looked at Dadi Jinxiong. Now that this guy is fighting Big Bear, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat him. Qin Chuan's physique will also double all the abilities of Dadi Jinxiong.

Formation, you still have to learn formation, then you can cooperate with your own monsters, communicate with each other, and cooperate more easily.

Two yin and yang arrays, this one is better to cooperate with people, yin and yang interact with each other, three flowers gather at the top, four elephants destroy demons...

Three flowers gather at the top!

Qin Chuan began to study the Three Flowers Gathering Formation in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was separated from the ancestor map of the ancient formation.

Qin Chuan chose this formation mainly because he wanted to cooperate with the dragon leopard beast and the earth golden bear.

The formation of three flowers gathered at the top is to open up another realm on the formation of Yin and Yang in Liangyi.

Qin Chuan stared at the image of the three-flower gathering-top array in the sea of ​​consciousness, and deduced and decomposed it little by little. Only Qin Chuan's golden pupil had such ability.

Gradually, Qin Chuan seemed to have walked into the interior of the Three Flowers Gathering Formation, constantly deepening and analyzing...

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Chuan suddenly woke up.

He found that he was still sitting in the courtyard, but the leaves had fallen all over the courtyard, and the weather had even turned cooler.

It's late autumn!

Qin Chuan found that he hadn't changed much. He could absorb the energy of heaven and earth from the space between heaven and earth. He sat for so long.

Two or three months!

This is called entering the formation. Entering the formation is a dream state, but entering the formation is also dangerous. If it takes too long, you will never wake up.

If Qin Chuan hadn't had a strong physique, he would have been useless if he was not dead.

Qin Chuan stood up, but when he turned around, he saw a person standing not far away.

It's her, and only she can come in.

She was still dressed in a blood-red floor-length dress, and her intelligent and cold eyes exuded a strange charm. There was a seductive aura in the coldness, and her beautiful eyes were slightly narrow and long, with a sexy atmosphere.

But she was very haggard at this time, and she lost a lot of weight.

Her figure was still graceful, her demeanor was still noble and arrogant, and she was still the kind of stunningly beautiful woman who coexisted with danger and charm.

"Teacher!" Qin Chuan's heart warmed, but she was still worried about herself, so she came, that's enough, there is no need to say anything.

Caring, this is caring, needless to say, you can clearly feel it with your heart.

This time the woman didn't say not to let him call the teacher, but just looked at Qin Chuan quietly, this time she used up a lot of energy to enter the formation.

Then Qin Chuan was stunned, and the woman hugged him very tightly.

Qin Chuan was stunned by the sudden change, and his whole body tensed up.

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