Nine Realms God Emperor

One hundred and twelve divine beast array eye stones, array mage artifacts

He barely closed his eyes, and just kept guarding Qin Chuan, exactly the same as when he guarded his senior brother.

It's just that the senior brother never woke up again, but Qin Chuan woke up.

That moment made her feel relieved. It would be fine if she didn't know Qin Chuan, but she did. Many outer disciples came here to help her, but she didn't remember any of them.

But Qin Chuan was different, he broke through the big formation she set up on the first day, and at that time he was swimming, and he was still wearing nothing, so he saw him clearly.

Next, she showed a superhuman talent in formations. Unknowingly, she couldn't help showing him the ancestor map of the ancient formations, but she never let Qin Chuan hold enlightenment.

But even so, he still entered the battle!

Qin Chuan will be eighteen soon, and he will be eighteen in two more months. He is already an adult, not to mention he is already an adult psychologically.

He could see the look in the woman's eyes, which was too complicated to fully figure out, but he could feel how much she cared about him.

It's very complicated. There are elders who care about juniors, and even the kind of care they have for their lovers. When he saw her weak appearance for the first time, he really wanted to hug her tightly and give her warmth.

I have followed her for four months, and she is my teacher, and will always be. She is the person who misses me the most in Jiulingzong, no matter in action or in heart.

Meet, get to know each other, have intersection, fate comes, fate arises.

Qin Chuan believes in fate, it is an unpredictable thing, the world is vast and boundless, hundreds of millions of creatures just meet her, and there are such intersections, how many such situations can be encountered in a lifetime?

Follow the fate, when the fate comes, then follow the fate, it is to grasp this fate, not let it happen, fate is also cultivated, this cultivation is hard work, everything can be achieved by hard work.

Qin Chuan hugged the woman all at once, and hugged her tightly. Qin Chuan didn't even know what this hug meant, but he wanted to hold her.

"I'm sorry, even if you kill me, I won't let you go." Qin Chuan said with a hoarse voice.

The woman's body trembled, she would not kill Qin Chuan, and she would not even think of killing him before, but when she heard Qin Chuan's words, an indescribable feeling suddenly arose.

She put her arms around Qin Chuan's waist, leaned on his shoulder, and remained motionless.

Qin Chuan's mood calmed down, and his heart was slightly enriched. Only then did he slowly let go of her: "Teacher!"

"Call me Yuan Su!" the woman said softly.

Qin Chuan's heart skipped a beat, and he said softly, "Sister Su!"

Yuan Su suddenly smiled, showing off her face with a smile, full of charms, turning all living beings upside down, her beauty has a kind of brilliance, this is a kind of majestic empress air, mixed with seductive danger, this is an elusive and stunning beauty.

The woman took Qin Chuan's hand.

The bare hands are as warm as jade, and the skin is delicate. Qin Chuan's palms are sweaty and his heart is very nervous. Among the women he has come into contact with, he is the closest to Concubine Qian. It's easy.

But the rest of the women made him feel uncontrollable, Zhai Xing, Chu Shi Qingzhu, and this Yuan Su.

It would be a lie to say that Qin Chuan has no thoughts about them. Everyone likes such beauties, but he is not at all sure that he can catch up with any of them.

"Qin Chuan, tell me your story." Yuan Su took Qin Chuan's hand, walked out of the room, and walked slowly in the courtyard.

Qin Chuan nodded and talked about some things about himself.

In the middle, Yuan Su also talked about her. She was originally a disciple of a master of formations, and later came here with her senior brother. Later, the senior brother entered the formation and did not wake up, so did the apprentices.

What she said was very simple, but Qin Chuan still heard some of them. For example, she didn't say the name of the master of the formation before, and even her disciple was vague, and didn't say why they came here.

Also, she didn't say that she has no parents. Now she is alone, truly alone.

Qin Chuan didn't ask any further questions, but just tightened his grip on her plain hand even tighter.

"Sister Su, from now on, you will have me." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Then who do you say you are to me?" Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan seriously.

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the hands they were holding, thought for a while and said, "You are my teacher, sister Su, relative, lover..."

The corner of Yuan Su's mouth curled up in an arc: "Hmph, don't think too much, you're just a kid, don't let me think about it."

Qin Chuan smiled wryly. He really couldn't figure out what she was thinking or what she was thinking. Even Qin Chuan himself didn't know what relationship he had with her now, nor what relationship he wanted to be... …

Yuan Su got up and left!

Qin Chuan kept sending her outside.

"Don't take such risks again in the future." Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan with serious eyes.


"Your job is still to go to the array building." Yuan Su smiled and left.

Qin Chuan watched her beautiful figure disappear before returning to the courtyard.

When he arrived at the room, he suddenly thought of the things Yuan Su gave him, the small pendant, the little purple and gold beast.

Wearing it on the body makes the brain feel cool, what is this thing.

Golden pupil!

Sight Stone of the Divine Beast Formation!

The strange god spar has a mysterious ability, and those who enter the battle can recognize the master.

Qin Chuan saw the method of identifying the master.

Yuan Su's formation is very powerful, but he didn't enter the formation. It takes opportunity and talent to enter the formation, and it is also very dangerous to enter the formation.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Chuan followed the method of identifying the master, using blood essence to refine a drop of blood essence into each of Tianding, Shenwei, Yunshi, and Zhongque of this little purple-gold beast.

Some treasures are recognized directly by blood, some are self-recognized, and some are inherited by blood. There is also a need for chance, such as special pupil skills, just like this eye stone of the beast array, Qin Chuan can see the method of recognizing the master, and there is a need Those who entered the battle.

But it is also possible that a person with a special physique will recognize the owner by himself as soon as he takes the eye stone of the divine beast formation.

Treasures are destined for those who get them.

A purple-golden light flashed, and then Qin Chuan saw the ability of the eye stone of the beast formation, and was completely stunned for a moment, this is the magic weapon of the formation...

The Beast Formation Sight Stone can double all the power of the formation, including duration, consumption, attack resistance, etc.

Only Qin Chuan's formation and formation will be effective.

It took Qin Chuan a long time to come back to his senses, what a good thing, an artifact of the formation master.

This luck can't be stopped, it was given to her by Yuan Su, she was able to come into contact with such things, it seems that her life experience is also very unusual, but she didn't say it, it seems that it is inconvenient for her to say it.

Her sect is the Great Formation Sect, and this thing is an artifact of the Formation Master. Could it be that this thing belongs to her sect?

Putting on the Eye Stone of the Divine Beast Formation again, this thing has recognized its owner, and it cannot be lost, and the artifacts are extremely hard, even with the sharp weapon of the Divine Weapon.

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