Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1175 Lover's Street, progress

"For you, do you like it?" Qin Chuan smiled and looked at the blushing woman.

"I like it, I like it very much!" Feixue Qianye said happily.

Qin Chuan helped her put it on himself. Looking at that bright and charming face, Qin Chuan really couldn't imagine that this woman would take the initiative to confess her love to him. Thinking about it now, he felt a little dazed.

"Why do you like me?" Qin Chuan took her hand and walked forward.

The corners of Feixue Qianye's mouth curled up. She was still hesitating how she should take the initiative, to what extent, what he would think if she took the initiative, and even thought that she had already taken the initiative, and she didn't care about doing it one more time. He didn't want Qin Chuan to never Leaving by her side, she knew very well that if she couldn't be together this time, she would have no chance in the future.

Well now, this guy actually understands people very well.

"Like is like, do you need why?" Feixue Qianye, with a smile on her lips, at this moment she is holy like an angel.

Qin Chuan was a little dazed, and shook his head slightly, but felt that the hand holding her was a little harder, as if he was afraid that he would let go.

"I don't know why, but my instinct tells me that you will be my only choice, unless I am alone in this life, if I want to find a man, it must be you, but I am afraid that you will disappear, it is not me Establish a good relationship with you in advance, in case of emergency..."


Qin Chuan still couldn't hold back, he wasn't angry, but was completely speechless by this woman's logic and thoughts.

"I'm serious." Feixue Qianye said seriously with a holy face.

"So you're actually just trying to get along with me now, but you're not ready to become my woman?" Qin Chuan said.

Feixue Qianye looked at Qin Chuan with a little anxiety: "Don't be angry, I am indeed like this now, but you are my only male friend besides my family, you are already like this, I will only be your woman."

She talked about the hand held by Yang Yang, as if it wasn't enough, she said softly: "You even kissed me."

Qin Chuan rubbed his head with the other hand, and kissed away the tears on her face last time, if he insisted on kissing, it would be fine.

"I'm not angry, I just feel so flattered." Qin Chuan looked at her and smiled.

"Hmph, duplicity, you let me pursue you,

No, you want to pursue me, I am a woman, let me feel being pursued, okay? Feixue Qianye looked at Qin Chuan with holy eyes flickering.

"You are not a woman, just a girl." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Feixue Qianye gave Qin Chuan a red-faced look.

"Okay, I pursue you, beautiful lady, can you be my woman?" Qin Chuan took her hand and said seriously.

"Just chase like this?" Feixue Qianye looked at Qin Chuan speechlessly.

Qin Chuan scratched his head: "Then how to chase?"

"You ask me?" Feixue Qianye looked at Qin Chuan in a daze.

"Do you know that there is a way of pursuit that calls the Overlord to force his bow and cook raw rice into cooked rice." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Bastard!" Feixue Qianye blushed and waited for Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan picked her up and walked slowly along the street.

"Ah, let me down, there are a lot of people." Feixue Qianye buried her face in Qin Chuan's arms in shame.

"Don't let it go, isn't it good?" Qin Chuan looked down at her with a smile.

At this time, Feixue Qianye's holy face was covered with blushes, her bright eyes dodged, and there was a slight tremor in the watery purity, which made people's hearts tremble, as if they were going to be sucked in.

"I want to be like them too." A female voice came.

Qin Chuan saw a woman talking to the man beside her and pointing at Qin Chuan.

The man naturally had nothing to say, and directly hugged the woman.

This seems to be a disease, and under the surprised eyes of Qin Chuan and Feixue Qianye, many men and women on this street are like them.

Feixue Qianye also seemed to let go, it was like this all around, but many people were looking at them.

The men all looked at Qin Chuan with envy. He was able to hold such a peerless beauty like Feixue Qianye, and she was still the kind of woman who was holy and pure to the bone.

Feixue Qianye leaned against Qin Chuan's arms, feeling very comfortable, comfortable, and down-to-earth. Sometimes when she looked up at Qin Chuan, she found Qin Chuan's clear and bright eyes were always looking at her.

At that time, she would avoid Qin Chuan's eyes unnaturally and flusteredly, her heart beating faster.

"The little girl is so shy, what should we do if we want to sleep together in the future?" Qin Chuan lowered his head and asked softly.

Her face was almost pressed against Feixue Qianye's, and her breath could be heard.

Feixue Qianye blushed even more, and pressed her face directly to Qin Chuan's heart.

With a straight Qiong nose and warm sandalwood mouth, you can still feel the subtle touch through a layer of light clothes.

This road is very long, the two of them chatted about some light topics, walked slowly, and the sky darkened unknowingly.

They go back.

Feixue Qianye felt very good, and walking slowly like this seemed to be good.

In the evening, everyone returned to Thyme, and after dinner, they went back to their rooms.

Qin Chuan and Feixue Qianye actually reserved two rooms.

Back in the room, Qin Chuan lay on the couch, thinking about something.

The night darkened unknowingly, the moonlight was like water, the hazy room, and the shadows cast by the trees outside the window.

Boom boom boom!

There was a light knock on the door, so abrupt in this quiet night.

Qin Chuan was taken aback, and walked over to look at the door.

Feixue Qianye stood outside the door.

Seeing Qin Chuan lower his head slightly.

Under the moonlight, beauties are more beautiful, Qin Chuan's strength can clearly see the blushing jade face, even his neck is blushing.

Qin Chuan took her hand, pulled her in, closed the door, and hugged her up.

"Qin Chuan!" Feixue Qianye called softly.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I'm not ready, so let's just sleep, okay?" Feixue Qianye asked nervously.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile: "Yes, sleep, your little head is impure."

"Ah, you bastard, you are not pure." Feixue Qianye blushed even more, and said angrily.

"My Yeye is the purest, let's go to sleep." Qin Chuan hugged her and lay down on the couch.

The two lay side by side, Qin Chuan stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and stretched out his hand to untie her skirt.

Feixue Qianye grabbed Qin Chuan's hand nervously, not daring to look at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan helped her take off her coat, leaving only her pajamas.

Like gauze, as thin as if she was not wearing any clothes, her exquisite body was in Qin Chuan's arms.

Her body was shaking all the time, as if she was very nervous, and her heart was beating so fast that Qin Chuan didn't dare to make any more movements, fearing that she would not be able to bear the rapid heartbeat.

This holy and talented woman is actually very shy and shy, but she has made it this far, which shows how much determination she has made to achieve it.

I have shed tears for myself and accommodated myself like this, Qin Chuan still hesitated, and hugged her pitifully: "Sleep, I will wait for you to beg me to eat you, I want you to undress me personally, and put yourself Give me."

"No way!" Feixue Qianye muttered, with a faint smile on her face, she closed her eyes.

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