Nine Realms God Emperor

One hundred and seventeen let go of your reserve, let go of your self-esteem

Qin Chuan's words hit Li Yan's heart word by word, those beautiful peach blossom eyes were hazy, and tears fell down drop by drop.

She felt that she was so cheap today... She never thought that such a thing would happen one day, and she would be rejected even if she begged for nothing.

The pear blossoms were raining, and that pretty little face was crying heartbreakingly.

I was overjoyed to meet him, and felt that God treated her very well, but he was my nemesis. When I met him, I let go of my reserve, my self-esteem, and everything, what else could I do?

He doesn't like himself, not at all...

Suddenly Li Yan's heart was empty, and his whole body seemed to lose his soul all of a sudden, he just stood there in a daze, his face was pale, and even his breathing was a bit short of breath.

Qin Chuan stretched out his hand and pointed at her, taking a breath.

"Are you okay?" Qin Chuan sighed.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry to bother you." Li Yan turned and walked back.

"Aren't you going to the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain?" Qin Chuan frowned.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Qin Chuan, and suddenly opened his mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Chuan was stunned, stepped forward to stop her, and stuck a few golden needles in. At this time, some people surrounded her.

"Boy, what did you do to Eldest Sister?"

"It's none of your business, go away." Li Yan said to the male disciple.

A handsome young man in the crowd stared at Li Yan with bewitching eyes. His eyes were full of possessive madness, and when he looked at Qin Chuan, he had an unconcealable murderous intent.

Luo song!

"Why are you doing this!" Qin Chuan sighed and hugged her up. He didn't like her at all as he said, he just wanted to cut off her thoughts.

But he didn't expect this woman he met for the first time to be so affectionate to him. She saw him at the outer door, several times, maybe she didn't only see him once, but it was really unbelievable to reach this level.

She is an inner disciple, and she is just an outer disciple.

"Qin Chuan, I'm sorry, I didn't hold back, don't be burdened, don't worry, I won't bother you again." Li Yan said with a forced smile, her face was pale and bloodless.

Qin Chuan looked at that heartbroken little face, making people feel pity, and said softly: "I want you to accompany me to the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain, will you accompany me?"

"Yes, yes!" Li Yan looked at Qin Chuan with bright eyes.

Qin Chuan hugged her and walked towards the secret place of Jiuling Mountain like this.

"Qin Chuan, I will leave by myself after the secret realm is over. Li'er likes you, but I won't let you give alms. If you are unhappy, I will not be happy either!" Li Yan said softly, leaning on Qin Chuan's chest.

"Love cannot be given. If you can feel my love, then it is not charity. It is love. If you can't feel it, it is not love." Qin Chuan said softly.

"Love is a matter between two people. No matter how one person loves another person, it is not love. Love cannot be forced. I think about it, Qin Chuan, thank you!" Li Yan smiled, but the smile was sad bitter.

Qin Chuan can be sure of her love, that mouthful of blood is not something that can be spurted out casually, and she suddenly finds that she is burdened with a relationship debt, a relationship debt that does not make sense.

Concubine Qian is the one who really has something to do with Qin Chuan, but she doesn't know where she is now.

The relationship between Yuan Su and Qin Chuan is a bit complicated, and Qin Chuan himself cannot accurately define the relationship between the two.

With Qin Chuan around, Li Yan's body recovered quickly, and he summoned the Earth Golden Bear. Qin Chuan and Li Yan sat on it and continued to rush towards the secret place of Jiuling Mountain.

Many people around were also riding monster beasts, and there were even a few flying monster beasts.

The sky is blue and white, the sky is clear, and the wind in the air is very comfortable. Sitting next to Qin Chuan, Li Yan has flying hair, very beautiful.

There are many people around,

Basically they are inner disciples, and most of them know Li Yan.

"Why did Li Yan and Qin Chuan get together?" A young man next to Luo Ge frowned.

This young man is called Wild Wolf. He is well-proportioned but refined, like a leopard. His eyes are dark and cold, deep and cold, full of wildness.

"I don't know, let him stay in the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain forever this time. As for Li Yan, hehe." Luo Ge sneered with a hint of greed.

Luo Ge is Pei Shao's apprentice, and his status is still good. Although there are nine forces in Jiulingzong, the suzerain is only one of them, but the suzerain is still the largest in name.

"Luo Ge, what if Li Yan also stayed in the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain?" Ye Lang squinted his eyes.

"Wild wolf, you are not immune to women, especially beautiful women, such as Li Yan, you dare to take no matter how big the danger is, as long as you can kiss Fangze, you don't even need to die." Luo Ge Said helplessly.

"Dying under the peony flower, being a ghost is also romantic. This is my hobby. If I don't do this, I will regret it for the rest of my life. I am afraid that I will do something more extreme in the future. It is better to do it in the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain. Maybe I can do it." Conquer this woman." The wolf's eyes lit up.

"That Qin Chuan is not simple. Although he is not very talented, his understanding is amazing. You should know that he defeated Nie Yun with one move." Luo Ge was defeated by Qin Chuan before, and there was a shadow in his heart.

"To defeat Nie Yun with one move, there are many things that inner sects can do, so why make such a fuss, are you still afraid that he will fail as an outer sect disciple?"

Ye Lang is also Pei Shao's apprentice and Luo Ge's senior brother.

Luo Ge shook his head: "Of course I'm not afraid. I'll let him die this time. Before he dies, let him watch Li Yan and our performance. It must be very exciting."

There was a gleam in the wild wolf's eyes and he laughed: "That's a good proposal!"


Everyone felt it before dark, but the secret place of Jiuling Mountain will be opened at three poles at sunrise tomorrow morning, so everyone will spend the night in this valley tonight.

After setting up the tents, many people directly set up a bonfire and began to barbecue or something. Many people chatted while eating. Everyone was from the Nine Spirits Sect, so the atmosphere was quite good.

Qin Chuan and Li Yan were together, which attracted many people's ideas, but Qin Chuan didn't feel any awkwardness.

"I heard that you are an outer disciple?" A burly young man walked over and looked at Qin Chuan playfully.

"Is there something wrong?" Qin Chuan said without raising his head.

"Hey, young people are very arrogant, why do you feel that the third person in the outer sect is so great?" The burly young man said with a sneer.

"I am arrogant and you still come? Are you trying to show that you are more arrogant than me?" Qin Chuan lit a fire and began to skillfully grill the meat.

These things are all prepared when you come here. Mustard seeds can keep fresh, so you can get some clean raw meat and throw it in, so that you can take it out and roast it directly.

"Damn, teach him a lesson, even an outer disciple is so arrogant." Someone shouted loudly.

There is a beautiful woman beside Qin Chuan, and many people are jealous. Li Yan is the dream lover of many inner disciples. Seeing Qin Chuan together at this time, he will naturally feel jealous. If he can see him being taught a lesson at this time , let him lose face, nothing could be better.

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