Nine Realms God Emperor

One hundred and twenty-one is in Qinchuan, fighting for a place for myself...

Feng Wuji looked around and sat down on the altar.

No one objected, this seat became Feng Wujian.

Qin Chuan didn't say a word either. Anyway, there were still eight seats left, and he was sure to get one.

"I'm Yu Dalong, is there anyone who wants to fight with me?" Yu Dalong stood up and looked around.

This young man is not big, with a bald head, but his muscles and bones are like steel, he is extremely powerful, his eyes are sharp, and he holds a simple iron rod.

"This is Yu Dalong. It is said that he is the strongest among inner disciples, and his cultivation level is no worse than Feng Wuxian's."

"He must have one of the nine seats, and there is no competition."

Yu Dalong looked around, then walked to one of the seats.

There is no distinction between the nine seats here, they are exactly the same, only in different directions.

Qin Chuan doesn't know these people, but he can feel the opponent's strength. There are too many seats now, so there is no need to fight. Let's wait and see.

Seven more slots left!

"I want to take a seat, I hope you don't compete with the little girl?" Yeyue walked out.

"Yueyue, even if you are a beauty, I don't agree with what you have to do with us." A cruel young man stepped out, seemingly not showing Yeyue's face at all.

"Langchuan, let's see who wins."

"Okay!" Lang Chuan took out his long sword.

Yeyue used double swords, and her face was no longer swollen.

"What's the point of bullying a woman? Whoever refuses to accept it, come to me, Yeyue, go and take a seat on it, and let me see who refuses to accept it?" A wild young man came out.

Qin Chuan recognized him as soon as he saw him. This young man was the one who had been by Luo Ge's side all along.

"Wild wolf, you..." The young wolf before him stammered.

"Get off!"

"Thank you, brother wolf!" Yeyue winked at Yelang.

The wild wolf smiled, his eyes were full of wildness, staring at Yeyue, as if he wanted to eat her directly, Yeyue made a gesture of a child, and looked at the wolf as if he wanted to refuse and welcome, Only to make the coyotes swoon.

Yeyue was originally a beautiful woman, and many people coveted her beauty, and Ye Lang was one of them. He is Pei Shao's direct disciple, and he also has a high status in the inner sect.

Seeing the expressions of the two, many people around sighed and envied. Everyone wanted to touch the beauty, but most of them could only think about it.

In this way, Yeyue took a seat.

Yeyue, who took the seat, looked at Li Yan provocatively, as if she was showing off and proud of herself, which meant clearly, come and take a seat if you have the ability.

Most people don't want to argue with a woman, let alone a beautiful woman, and the wild wolf is also a ruthless character, if he loses face, he will definitely be punished miserably.

"Hahaha, since that's the case, it's my turn. I'll take a seat. Do you have any opinions?" Wild Wolf smiled proudly.

"Okay, since I don't have any objections, I'll just sit on one!" After finishing speaking, the wild wolf proudly walked towards a spiritual altar.

The wild wolf took the next seat.

"Duanlang, I'll take a seat. If any brother refuses to agree, you can come and fight." A young man came out.

Qin Chuan knew that this was Duanlang with the nine-star innate aptitude, born with a spirit body, and a direct disciple of the Great Elder.

"He is Duanlang with a nine-star talent, and he will become a master in the future!"

"Yeah, it's better not to be his enemy!"

Just like that, Duanlang took a seat.

Four seats left!

Now the competition is fierce, and there will be no chance if you don't fight.

"Li Yan, go and take a seat!" Qin Chuan said to Li Yan.

"Me?" Li Yan said in surprise, she didn't want to take a seat, even if Yeyue provoked her before, she didn't see it.

"Well, go, I'll get it for you!" Qin Chuan said.

Li Yan believed in Qin Chuan very much, even if he was an outer disciple, he nodded: "Then you must be careful, it doesn't matter if you don't have a seat."

Qin Chuan nodded!

"Li Yan has a seat. If anyone fights, you can come to me." Qin Chuan smiled and said to the surroundings.

"Damn, who do you think you are, an outer disciple also learns from wild wolves?"

"That's right, did this kid get kicked in the head by a donkey? Even if he is lucky enough to be favored by a beautiful woman, he still needs to have some brains!"

"Beat him, what the hell, an outer disciple, everyone doesn't care about you, but you are pretending to be a master here, and you don't know how to live or die!"


Luo Ge looked at it with a smile, even the wild wolf on the altar was full of smiles, this is the difference between people, at this time he was extremely satisfied in his heart, the importance of strength.

"I'm here to challenge you!" A young man stood up!

"Interesting, this is Yi Chen who is number one in the outer sect. Two outer sects are fighting for the spiritual platform here. It's really funny."

"Yeah, I really thought there would be no tigers and monkeys in the mountains to become kings, but it should be interesting to watch, just watch dogfights!"

"Yes, let's see how the two clowns perform."

The number one in the outer sect, Yi Chen, is the first time Qin Chuan has seen this guy who is the number one in the outer sect, he seems to be in his twenties, he looks ordinary, he is wearing plain clothes, his eyes are calm, and his expression is also calm.

Martial Dao Grandmaster Seventh Level Realm!

This strength will enter the inner sect this year!

"Please!" Yi Chen said to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan drew out the golden sword, looked at Yi Chen, and then rushed over directly, stabbing out with the golden sword.

Dragon look up!

Swipe, the golden sword qi spewed out four feet directly, pointing directly at Yi Chen, this sword was full of charm, powerful and sharp.

Yi Chen also had a long sword in his hand.

Surprised by a sword!

The long sword in Yi Chen's hand also greeted Qin Chuan with a bright profound energy, drawing out a sword shadow that shocked everyone.

Qin Chuan's golden sword remained unchanged, and with a violent blow, the dragon raised its head and suddenly fell down, like a giant dragon swooping down.

Panshan Huju!

The tiger goes down the mountain!


The epee has no front, and the skill is useless. Qin Chuan's violent sword directly sent Yi Chen to Beng Fei.

Qin Chuan didn't kill him, so Yi Chen could only feel the blood surging all over his body, but he was not injured. He looked at Qin Chuan in amazement, completely unable to accept this fact.

I am number one in the outer sect, and will soon enter the inner sect, and the opponent is only the third in the outer sect, and loses in one move, how is this possible?

The cruel reality was before him, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

Qin Chuan didn't look at Yi Chen, but looked around: "Is there anything else I want to teach, if not, her seat will be her."

The surroundings were completely silent, the ones who had laughed at Qin Chuan before closed their mouths, and the people around looked at them and suddenly felt that they looked like a group of clowns, looking stupid.

The face was slapped, and many of the previous inner disciples were silent at this moment, and they didn't even dare to look at Qin Chuan.

"Do you think that one of the nine spiritual platforms will be occupied by an outer sect disciple?"

"I don't know, it would be a shame if so many inner disciples were occupied by him!"

"It's a shame, the group of inner disciples kept laughing at him, now it's all right, they're all quiet, Li Yan has a seat, and this Qin Chuan will also have a seat."


There are only nine Lingtais, and it is said that they sit on the basis of their strength and cannot stand up for others, but the rule is that the dead are alive, and the wild wolf made a start, and Qin Chuan's place will be much smoother.

No one around spoke anymore.

The sixth seat was taken by Li Yan, and there were still three seats in Lingtai. Qin Chuan said with a smile: "I'm going to Qin Chuan, fight for a seat for myself."

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