Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1264: Drunk life and death, treatment


The wine is really good.

"Come on, have a try, this wine is really extraordinary." Jian Qing smiled and poured a glass for Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was not polite. He took a sip and fell into a strange feeling. This feeling was not strong, very small, but very refreshing. It was as if he had experienced a life, a reincarnation, like a drunken dream. But it's so clear.

After I came back to my senses, it was like being reborn...

Is this a drunken dream?

This name is just Qin Chuan's feeling, but Qin Chuan doesn't know what the real name is.

"This is a broken wine recipe, one-third of the ingredients are missing, and my craftsmanship is not good, otherwise it should taste better." Jian Qing said regretfully.

"What's the name of this wine?" Qin Chuan asked.

"This wine is called drunkenness, dreams, and death in ancient times," Jian Qing said.

"It's really appropriate." Qin Chuan thought and smiled.

"Good wine, really good wine." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Brother, you should have your own channels to see if this wine recipe can be perfected." Jian Qing handed an ancient recipe to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and did not refuse. He really wanted this wine recipe and he could compensate him in other ways.

"Then I'm welcome." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Why are you being polite? If you are being polite, you don't treat me as a brother."

Qin Chuan looked at the wine table, his golden eyes slowly condensed, and three illusory fonts appeared in the broken place, Yue Ronghua, and then another name...

These are the names of some plants.


This is the ability of Qinchuan's Golden Divine Eyes, which can perfect certain incompletes, including exercises, combat skills, medicines, elixirs, etc.

eat and drink!

At this moment, the young woman from before ran over quickly: "Madam, something happened.

Something happened to the madam..."

Jian Qing's expression changed: "Brother, I'll excuse you."

"Let's go, I'll go take a look with you!" Qin Chuan stood up and said.

Jian Qing did not refuse and walked over nervously.

At this time the girl ran over.

"What's wrong, madam?" Jian Qing asked with a frown, without stopping.

"The poison is taking effect!" the girl said nervously.

Jian Qing quickened his steps.

Qin Chuan also followed and arrived in the room. The woman was lying on the bed, her face was blue, but her expression was peaceful, as if she was relieved.

"Yun'er, Yun'er..." Jian Qing, a grown man, couldn't control himself. Tears kept falling, which made Qin Chuan feel sour in his heart.

This man really loves this woman, very much.

Qin Chuan walked over and his eyes lit up: "Brother, there is still hope."

"Ah, brother, you mean..."

"I'll explain it to you later, please give in." Qin Chuan said.

"Okay!" Jian Qing got out of the way in panic.

Qin Chuan took out the golden bauhinia needles and began to apply the acupuncture. The golden bauhinia needles were inserted one by one, and the woman's face slowly turned from green to white.

Qin Chuan began to tighten the needles.

But in the end, a needle was left, and droplets of green liquid continued to overflow.

Falling drop by drop.

Qin Chuan wiped the sweat from his head. Fortunately, his physique was strong enough and the Nine Medical Scriptures were sufficient. He originally planned to just save this woman's life, but finally found out that he could detoxify, so he might as well save the person until the end.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work!" Jian Qing looked at the woman nervously.

"Don't worry, brother, it's okay!" Qin Chuan smiled.

Jian Qing breathed a sigh of relief: "I only have her. If she leaves me again..."

The woman was lying there with tears in her eyes. She had woken up and naturally heard Jian Qing's words.

Qin Chuan smiled and pulled out the last needle.

"Sister-in-law, try to sit up." Qin Chuan said.

This sentence made the room very quiet, and the woman suddenly opened her eyes, her arms moved, slightly, huh?

Can move!

A woman is a warrior, and her body is naturally different from ordinary people, so she slowly sat up, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Jian Qing will also open his eyes hugely.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." The woman cried with joy, hugging Jian Qing and crying and laughing at the same time.

Qin Chuan has left.

Leave your time to them!

Qin Chuan, who came back, looked at this ancient recipe that he had restored, an ancient recipe for making wine.

However, Qin Chuan felt that this drunkenness just felt good and tasted good, but had no benefits, so Qin Chuan wanted to improve it and replace some of the ingredients to make the entire wine beneficial to the body.

The next step is to look for materials. Most of the materials are easy to find and can even be purchased directly.

The main thing is that there are two types that are relatively rare, and that's just relative.

Star Dreamweed and Death Flower.

The name of the Death Flower sounds like it is highly poisonous, but in fact it is not. The Death Flower only allows people to fake death, which is indispensable for the configuration of Drunken Life and Dreams of Death.

Qinchuan added some precious herbs such as Long Tai Sui that can enhance but not destroy the ingredients of the formula.

In this way, drunkenness and dreams will become medicinal wine.

In the end, Qin Chuan found all the ingredients, but he didn't brew it. This was a special time and it was not the right time.

In the evening, Jian Qing and the woman came.

The woman came to say thank you to Qin Chuan. The woman's face was glowing. Jian Qing was very happy. He went up and gave Qin Chuan a bear hug: "Brother, I can't thank you enough for your kindness."

"I really don't know how to thank you." The woman bowed and said.

Qin Chuan quickly stopped him: "Sister-in-law, don't say goodbye. Okay, let's all family members, come on, I'll introduce you to you, this is my wife..."

The Demon Lord looked at him angrily and went to talk to the woman.

Qin Chuan was drinking and chatting with Jian Qing.

If you haven’t enjoyed your drink before, continue.

"My brother is really secretive. His medical skills are unparalleled. He is an absolute miracle doctor."

The two chatted about various things, and naturally they talked about the Shenlong Sect and the Dragon-Slaying Thieves.

Jian Qing still knows a lot about Shenlong Sect, and his strength is also very strong, even better than Elder You.

"The strength of the first master and the second master is definitely not at the saint level. This is for sure." Jian Qing said.

"That's good, then there's no need to worry." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Would you like to see the guardian beast of the Shenlong Sect?" Jian Qing said with a smile.

Qin Chuan was stunned. He could be regarded as a master of taming beasts. In addition, he had many precious tamed beasts and even treasured beasts, so he had never particularly wanted to go to ordinary monsters.

"Okay!" Qin Chuan was really interested.

The two of them went all the way to the back mountain!

The guardian beast is to protect the entire sect. Generally, it will almost never take action unless the sect is in danger.

Not every monster can become a guardian beast.

There are many kinds of guardian beasts. For example, some are plants. There once was a super sect whose guardian spirit was a huge man-eating vine.

Some special plants can better serve as guardian beasts and guardian gods. After all, they protect the sect. Don't leave, just absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and moon.

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