Nine Realms God Emperor

The one hundred and twenty-sixth new year is here, lonely people, right...

Qin Chuan locked himself in the small courtyard and didn't go anywhere.

The Chinese New Year will be over in a month, and Qin Chuan will be eighteen years old after the Chinese New Year. He can't help but think of Yuan Su, this capricious woman, which makes him very powerless.

Qin Chuan is a person who is kind to him, and he will repay it a hundred times and a thousand times. Yuan Su is kind to him, from the bottom of his heart. The last time he joined the battle, the softest part of his heart was completely touched.

He also gave himself the most precious eye stone of the beast array.

So Qin Chuan must treat her well, even if he wants to kill himself, he must treat her well until he feels that he can repay or touch the bottom line.

For a person like Yuan Su, Qin Chuan knew that the most he could do was to attack him. A proud woman like her would never do other things, and she disdained to do them.

Just like what happened this time, she beat Qin Chuan with her hands, but she would never go to Li Yan.

He didn't go to the outer gate, Yi Chen who was number one in the outer gate, he had also fought, and he defeated the third one, but he was still in this small courtyard and didn't bother to move.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

Qin Chuan's injury has healed, something happened at the outer gate today, that is, Yi Chen entered the inner gate, leaving the first small courtyard empty.

Qin Chuan was not the only outer disciple who went to the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain last time, all the top disciples went, so Qin Chuan knew that after defeating Yi Chen, the No. 1 courtyard was vacant and no one moved in.

At this time, besides his normal practice, Qin Chuan was just comprehending the formation.

With the eye stone of the beast array and his own physique, if he still can't walk out of a road, he can really commit suicide.

Before you know it, the New Year is here!

The Nine Spirits Sect is also full of joy, and the smell of the New Year is everywhere. Even if the relationship is not very good, they are still welcoming them with smiles now.

Alone, alone, Qin Chuan was a little homesick at this time, even if he returned to Xianyunzong, he would not be so lonely.

Missing loved ones, father, grandpa, grandma, uncle and siblings at home.

I also miss Master Chu Qingzhu.

This woman has a very special position in Qin Chuan's heart. Even no matter how the sea changes, she will be a piece of pure land in his heart, a position that no one can replace.

This position may not be the lover's position, not the wife's position, but it is definitely the most unique position.

For her, Qin Chuan can become a monster and a demon, no matter what.

Qin Chuan felt lonely, so he naturally thought of a lonely woman here, Yuan Su, she was more lonely than himself, and she still had a home. Although she couldn't go back, they were all there, so she wouldn't be lonely spiritually.

But Yuan Su is different, here alone, and very likely without a home, this is the only way to be lonely, the loneliness in the heart, think about being alone, with no relatives, nowhere is your home, the vast sea of ​​people, the great family, What kind of loneliness is that.

Qin Chuan looked at everything that was full of festive New Year's spirits everywhere, and walked towards the formation building. At worst, he would be beaten up by her, who would let her be kind to him.

When he walked to the formation building, he stood there for a long time in a daze, planning to go in.

The door is open!

Yuan Su stood there, looking at Qin Chuan, she was still beautiful, tall and graceful, but at this moment she looked at Qin Chuan, feeling a little haggard.

Qin Chuan walked over slowly and hugged her boldly: "Sister Su, I miss you!"

Yuan Su's body trembled, and she hugged Qin Chuan lightly. She was very strange, and suddenly felt full when holding Qin Chuan. This little man seemed to be her spiritual sustenance.

Otherwise, she would have been so worried when she saw him joining the battle. If Qin Chuan was gone, she really didn't know how uncomfortable she would be.

"Qin Chuan, I'm sorry!" Yuan Su said softly, hugging Qin Chuan vigorously, as if trying to squeeze her body into him.

Qin Chuan smiled. She is such a cold, arrogant, capricious and cruel woman who can say these three words,

How much determination is required.

"I never felt that you were sorry for me, Sister Su, I hope to see you happy, I hope you are happy." Qin Chuan's low tone rang in her ears.

"Are you leaving me?" Yuan Su froze and looked up at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "No, never, even if you kill me with a knife or a sword, I will not leave. Am I cheap..."

Yuan Su laughed all of a sudden, and suddenly hugged Qin Chuan's neck again: "You must mean what you say."

"I'm a man, of course what I say means what I say."

"You're just a brat." Yuan Su said lazily with his whole body hanging on his body.

"I'm a big man, big man, big." Qin Chuan said firmly.

Yuan Su didn't quite understand, but she always felt weird, and couldn't help being curious: "Why is it so big?"

"Big men, men are big, just like women. Some are big women. Of course, it's not a matter of age. Small women can also be big women." Qin Chuan explained seriously.

Yuan Su understood this time, looking at Qin Chuan, her face blushed slightly, because she saw Qin Chuan looking at her chest inadvertently.

Reminiscing about Da, I couldn't help but push him away: "The four images of a man are all so dirty, obscene, and dirty!"

Qin Chuan was overwhelmed, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"The continuation of life is sacred, why do you think that, this idea is bad, bad."

"You still say it!" Yuan Su gave him an angry look.

It smells like a little woman, Qin Chuan smiled: "A big woman can also be a small woman."

"It's almost Chinese New Year, Sister Su, it's very lively outside, shall we go and have a look outside?" Qin Chuan smiled.

Going outside to have a look, Yuan Su was taken aback for a while, since he hadn't been out for a long time, he nodded, "Okay!"

Qin Chuan and Yuan Su walked out of the Nine Spirits Sect, called out the Earth Golden Bear, and sat on it with Yuan Su to see the beautiful scenery of Nine Spirits Mountain.

It is said that looking at the scenery does not care about the beauty of the scenery, but who is around you. Yuan Su feels this way at this time. Being with Qin Chuan feels very warm. As for the scenery here, it is not important.

"Qin Chuan, you came to the Nine Spirits Sect with the Nine Spirits Stone."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"That means you have elders who used to be in the Nine Spirits Sect, but now you seem to be hated by others, are you the father and son of the Pei family?" Yuan Su asked hesitantly.

"Well, yes!" Qin Chuan's matter was no secret.

"You can enter the inner sect next year. Come to me. I can't help resolve conflicts, but I can protect you." Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan and said.

"Well, then I won't thank you."

"Qin Chuan, what kind of relationship do we have?" Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan and asked.

Qin Chuan was silent. Apart from Qin Chuan biting her Qiong's nose intimately last time, the two of them mostly hugged and held hands. There was a feeling of confidant, lover or relative between them.

Relatives, without blood relationship or other connection, are not considered relatives.

Friend, sure, but Friend seems a bit too much.

But there are not many who surpass, they are teachers and students in name, Qin Chuan thought for a while and said: "Lover?"

"Are you talking to me again?" Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan angrily.

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