Nine Realms God Emperor

One hundred and twenty-eight Qin Chuan's ranking, berserk bombardment

The Ranking Monument is guarded here. Qin Chuan received a token for the first time. With this token, he can come here to challenge once a month.

Those who receive the badge for the first time can challenge once for free. This challenge requires the entry of the Lingshi sect, but there is only one chance.

"Okay, it's your first time here. The spirit stone sect you need for the first challenge will be given to you. This opportunity will become invalid if you don't use it for a month. You can decide the challenge time yourself."

It was the first time for Qin Chuan to participate in this ranking competition, so he still had some expectations.

This is a world where strength is the most important thing. The cultivation resources of sect disciples must be won by strength, and no one will value waste without strength.

The people around were gearing up one by one. The ones who came today were all newcomers. Naturally, the ones who challenged were all on the ordinary list, and the ones who challenged were those who were at the bottom of the ordinary list.

The guardian put the spirit stone into a formation groove.

The challenger went up to a stone platform, closed his eyes and remained motionless, then his expression changed slightly, his face turned pale after a while, and he immediately woke up.

Sigh, needless to say, everyone knows that it failed.

Then again, no one was on the list, Qin Chuan stepped forward, and the disciple guarding the ranking monument put in a spirit stone.

Qin Chuan directly chose the 98th on the genius list, Wild Wolf!

This move surprised everyone around, even the middle-aged man and the person guarding the ranking monument were taken aback, but they didn't say anything.

Qin Chuan walked up the stone platform, then his consciousness flickered, and he entered an empty place. Qin Chuan was taken aback looking at this place.

Because he saw the ranking monument, but it was a little far away. He was right in front of the ranking monument, and there was a man standing not far away, the wild wolf.

It's a phantom, not real, so there's no harm in getting killed here or killing the other person.

The Ranking Monument is also the wealth of a sect, it can be used to train actual combat experience, but it consumes a lot of money, a high-grade spirit stone is needed for a battle, it is said that the stronger the strength to enter, the better the quality of the spirit stone needed.

This is an illusion, but it is a real illusion. Everything is real. Qin Chuan looked at a weapon rack not far from him. , sword in the sleeve, big knife, giant knife, heavy hammer, double hammer...

There are also bows and arrows, heavy bows, crossbows, sleeve arrows...

Qin Chuan directly took out an epee. Among the weapons, swords were used by the most people, and more than 80% of them used three-foot long swords. Ruler long sword.

The wild wolf on the opposite side was holding a short knife. This weapon was fierce and violent.

At the beginning of the battle, the wild wolf turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Qin Chuan.


A blow from the storm!

Like a tornado in the air, there was a terrifying sharp whistling sound, sweeping towards Qin Chuan.

The wild wolf is very strong, to be on the genius list, even if it is at the bottom of the list, this strength is also very strong, the martial arts master Yae has completed the realm.

The wild wolf has rich experience in actual combat, high-level moves, vicious, domineering, suppressing opponents in one go, and playing like a storm.


Qin Chuan burst out with a sword, this is an illusion, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Chuan's mouth, a sword burst out, and a sword with all his strength.

Kowloon Divine Power!

Golden pupil!

The golden light on the sword is grand!



A sword directly blasted the wild wolf into scum...

The huge force of a million catties, under Qin Chuan's full blow, was indescribably violent.

Qin Chuan opened his eyes, his name appeared on the list of geniuses, number ninety-eight, and the previous wild wolf name disappeared directly.

The ranking challenger wins and exchanges directly. Qin Chuan didn't have any name before, so the name of the wild wolf disappeared directly, so the salary of the wild wolf will be greatly reduced this month.

Once a month, he has no chance this month. I don’t know if he will challenge himself next month. If he does, it will definitely make him feel depressed and vomit blood. He personally saw being bombarded and killed, and he didn't know what it felt like...

Qin Chuan's fame suddenly spread in the Nine Spirits Sect, the 98th genius list, and the wild wolf was killed by him.

One must know that Qin Chuan is still a disciple of the outer sect, how far can he go if he enters the inner sect?



This came from the small courtyard of the wolf. In the living room, the wolf smashed the table in front of him with a punch.

The salary is gone, this is second, mainly because Qin Chuan knocked him off the ranking tablet, which is a big shame, and he was knocked off the ranking tablet by an outside disciple.

This tone made him extremely depressed, but unfortunately he had no chance to challenge. He didn't know how Qin Chuan won the challenge, but he didn't think he would lose.

"Brother, anyway, there are only a few days left in this month. If you call back after this month, call back from the ranking monument first, and then call back in reality." Luo Ge said.

"I've never lost face like this before. This time, I'll definitely make him look good, and play him to death sooner or later." A fierce light flashed in the wolf's eyes.

"Senior brothers, Master told you to go there!" An inner disciple shouted outside.

"Understood!" Luo Ge responded.

The two came to a poetic and picturesque manor, which was much more upscale than theirs, filled with the fragrance of flowers, pavilions, rockery and fish ponds, small bridges and flowing water.

At this time, Young Master Pei was sitting on the reclining chair with a glass of wine in his hand, and two beautiful maids helped him pinch his legs, so comfortable.


Wild Wolf and Luo Ge stepped forward.

"Trash, what's the matter with the ranking monument?" Pei Shaoyin stared at the wild wolf with cold eyes.

"Master, the disciple will definitely fight back next month. Not only will he fight back, but he will also suffer in reality." Ye Lang said in fear.

"Okay, next month, remember, next month, you only have one chance, if you fail, do you know what to do?" Pei Shao narrowed his eyes.

"The disciple knows!" The wild wolf trembled.

"Luo Ge!"

"The disciple is here!" Luo Ge trembled.

"How long has it been since I picked you up from Shuixi County? What have you done for me?" Pei Shao looked at Luo Ge coldly.

"Master, within three months, I will be able to break through. At that time, I will kill him with my own hands." Luo Ge said seriously.

"Well, the talent and aptitude of eight stars and eight are almost the same. I will wait for your good news."


Qin Chuan is still deducing the Three Flowers Gathering Formation at this time, and the formations are also divided into realms, and the power of the formations arranged by different realms is also different.

The realm of the formation is divided into levels, first level, second level, third level...

The power of the first-level realm increases by 10%, and the power of the second-level realm increases by 20%. The higher the realm, the greater the difficulty.

Qin Chuan already felt that he was just a little short of reaching the third level. Every time he breaks through a level, it will increase his terrifying power for Qin Chuan. After all, he has the mighty body and the eye stone of the beast array.

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