Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,322 The feeling has changed, cracks

He looked at Xue Qianxun and smiled: "I have to say, I am really not as good as you when it comes to attracting women to like you."

"You are jealous." Qin Chuan smiled.

"That was when I was young, but now I'm really not jealous anymore. The more women the better," Cang Lan said with a smile.

"We haven't seen him for such a long time. As his level has increased, his talkative skills have improved." Qin Chuan looked at Cang Lan and said.

"But I still don't want to compete with you." Cang Lan shook his head.

Qin Chuan took out some good wine and even several plates of barbecue, and started eating and drinking along with the food and wine in the restaurant.

"It's delicious and delicious. To be honest, I really don't want to be an enemy of someone like you, but I found that we are natural enemies and cannot be changed." Canglan said while looking at Qin Chuan while eating.

"Women, friends, and rivals. If one of these three is missing, life will not be perfect. You are my rival. A good rival is very important to a person. They say that to look at a person, you can look at the people around him. Women, or friends around him, or looking at his opponents, you can know the level of this person." Qin Chuan poured him wine.

"Come, let's have a drink because we are rivals. I am honored to have you as my rival." Canglan raised his glass.


The two of them had a drink, very casually, and to outsiders they looked like two very good friends.

Xue Qianxun was a little confused. The conversation between the two seemed to be natural enemies, but they were more like friends, which made her a little confused.

"Are you your opponent?" Xue Qianxun asked curiously.

"Yeah!" Qin Chuan nodded.

"Why are you opponents?" Xue Qianxun became even more curious.

Qin Chuan smiled awkwardly, it was because of the woman in the first place.

"What's there to be embarrassed about? All the women I like have become his women, and all my fiancées have been taken away by him." Cang Lan said with a wry smile.

The hatred for seizing your wife is like the hatred for killing your father!

This is inner demon!

Canglan has also changed now. He is much more free and easy. He has put aside many things. He is not as fussy as before.

Be careful.

"We made an agreement when we were young." Qin Chuan immediately expressed his position.

"But we are engaged."

"How have you been lately? Are you married?" Qin Chuan looked at Cang Lan with a smile.

Canglan's face twitched slightly: "It's done!"

"Why didn't you bring your sister-in-law here so that we can all get together?" Qin Chuan said sincerely.

"Don't dare!" Canglan thought for a while and said seriously.

Xue Qianxun’s mouth twitched!


Xue Qianxun covered her mouth and smiled.

"Let's not talk about this topic anymore. Let's drink and talk about other things." Qin Chuan smiled awkwardly.

"You have turned the Demon Sect upside down." Cang Lan smiled.

"I have no idea about the Demon Gate. What about you, do you want to take down the Demon Gate?" Qin Chuan said.

"We will definitely take it, but if we take it now, the casualties will be too great," Cang Lan said.

"A man should be cruel to himself and be patient. Some opportunities are gone once they are lost. The master of the Demon Sect must know that you have evil intentions and may be preparing for it. It will not be good for you to delay it." Qin Chuan said.

"I know, but if I do it now, both sides will suffer. Even if I win in the end, there are many forces around me who are eyeing them. The Demon Sect may disappear by then." Cang Lan shook his head.

"Do you need me to help you?" Qin Chuan said.

"No, I can do it myself, up to three months." Canglan thought for a while and said.

"Then I'll wait for your good news. When you become the master of the Demon Sect, we will have a good discussion." Qin Chuan said with a smile.


Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun left. Xue Qianxun looked at Qin Chuan strangely: "Are you tired like this? Are you an enemy or a friend?"

"Some people have been fighting for their whole lives, and they are enemies, but they are also friends. In fact, sometimes it is hard to distinguish between friends and enemies. Many worldly and spiritual shackles cannot be opened, and they cannot be opened. Once they are opened, they may not be enemies. We can't be friends, we are fine now, why are we tired?" Qin Chuan smiled.

"That's true. By the way, did you really steal his fiancée?" Xue Qianxun asked with shining eyes.

Qin Chuan held her in his arms and looked at her with a smile: "Come on, give me a kiss!"

Xue Qianxun blushed and stepped on Qin Chuan's foot.

But she still reached out and kissed Qin Chuan's face gently.

It was like a dragonfly tapping water. It felt really good and heart-warming. Qin Chuan happily moved forward and kissed him hard on his snow-white jade cheek.

The sound was too loud.

Xue Qianxun looked at Qin Chuan speechlessly, that subtle feeling completely destroyed by him.

Boundary City seemed to be at peace, and Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun also lived a peaceful and happy life.

But today, two people came.

Came to see Qin Chuan.

As soon as Qin Chuan saw the two people, he quickly walked over with a smile.

"Old man, brother Ouyang!"

It was Ouyang Junge and his father who came.

Ouyang Junge and Qin Chuan hugged each other: "Brother, you came to Boundary City, why don't you come to the temple?"

After speaking, Ouyang Junge asked curiously.

Qin Chuan smiled and said nothing, pulling Xue Qianxun along: "This is my woman."

"Hello Snow Fairy!" Ouyang Junge greeted quickly.

It seems that Ouyang Junge still knows Xue Qianxun, which makes Qin Chuan a little unhappy, but he has no right to ask others to do anything. After all, they have nothing to do with Xue Qianxun, and he doesn't know what his relationship is with Xue Qianxun. .

"Brother, I didn't know you had such a relationship with Snow Fairy." Ouyang Junge obviously knew what happened before and said a little embarrassedly.

"Nothing, let's go, please come inside!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Hey, I understand, brother, but I don't know what happened. The young master of the temple knows about you and will probably come to find you soon." Ouyang Junge said.

The reason why he said this was that he saw that Qin Chuan would not join the temple, so he wanted to tell Qin Chuan in advance. He did not tell Qin Chuan his identity to the young master of the temple.

"It's okay!" Qin Chuan smiled.

They have all forgotten the purpose of the temple, or have not forgotten it. Because they have not forgotten it, Ouyang Junge feels a little uncomfortable here. It seems that there is a crack in the friendship between them. It is very shallow, but the crack appears when it appears.

Ouyang Junge left, and Qin Chuan sent them off. Although they were still very cordial, they knew very well that if something changed, everything would change, just like a broken mirror that cannot be reconciled.

Qin Chuan sighed.

"Why are you sighing? Is it because of me? Because the temple didn't help me?" Xue Qianxun asked with a gentle smile.

"Not entirely. Even if it's not you, you should still help. They have forgotten the purpose of the temple, not to mention the other party is the Demon Sect." Qin Chuan shook his head.

"Actually, sometimes things are not that simple. Everyone has their own difficulties. This is especially true for such a large sect. Many things must be done without considering the gains and losses. Otherwise, the sect will have disappeared long ago. It is not advisable to act based on one's own will and the courage of an ordinary man. "Xue Qianxun said.

"Well, our little Xunxun is still a beauty with great vision!" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

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