Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,355: Earth Listening Insect

"If you cry, you'll know whether it's annoying or not." The man yelled impatiently.

"God damn it, you are the master of Xuanmen. You can't even protect your own son. What qualifications do you have to yell at me, my poor son!" The woman got mad at the man, shouting and crying at the same time.

The man was extremely depressed, his son was killed and his brother was slapped.

Although he knew that this must be his son's problem. There is no better way to know a son than a father. His son was very good, but he also knew his son's character very well. If he hadn't done something outrageous, no one would kill him.

But even if he does something outrageous, he is the master of Xuanmen after all, so he should give himself some face.

But the other party didn't, and still killed his son, and his younger brother went to argue on his behalf, representing himself, but he was still slapped by the old guy.

"You, the master of Xuanmen, are so shameful." The woman shouted loudly.

"Shut up and ask me to kill you again." Tiansha shouted directly.

This time the woman calmed down, she knew that this man really dared to do that, because he had done it once before, killing an unreasonable woman, and she became the wife of the Xuanmen master.

"Brother!" Tianyangzi shouted at this time.

The woman left, leaving the two brothers alone in the room.

"Second brother, if you don't get rid of the old guy, I, the Xuanmen Sect Master, will be just a decoration. I will feel aggrieved. But it is too difficult to get rid of that old guy. It is unimaginable." The Xuanmen Sect Master said.

Tianyangzi also frowned. He didn't know that he really regretted being so arrogant before. Now it's better. He got a big slap in the face and was humiliated. He wanted to tear the old thing into pieces, but he couldn't help but lend him some courage. dare.

"Brother, if you want to get rid of the old guy, you must unite with the Yun family. There is a lot of hatred between the Yun family and the old guy." Tianyangzi said with his eyes shining.

"Yes, the most proud and talented son of the old man of the Yun family was killed by the old man. Killing a son is like killing his father. This hatred is irreconcilable, and the Yun family has always wanted revenge." The door owner's eyes also lit up.

"This matter needs to be discussed carefully. The old man's cultivation is very strong."

"My cultivation level is very strong, but I'm not invincible yet. In fact, if we work together with the old man of the Yun family, we can definitely defeat him.

It's just that the old guy has a very high status in Xuanmen, and the other sects won't let us join forces to deal with the old guy. "The Xuanmen Sect Master frowned.

"This is not difficult. First contact the Yun family and the Presbyterian Council, and then slowly start to convince other branches. There are only a few people in the old guy's Fuzhuan Sect, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, I know that there are several branches that have already looked at the old man. Things are not pleasing to the eye, we can start with these people." Tianyangzi said resentfully.

"Okay, you do this. Remember to test it first, and then take action when you are sure." The Xuanmen Sect Master thought for a while and said.

"I know, don't worry, brother!" Tianyangzi nodded.

Qinchuan is very peaceful here. Xin Xiangshen, Fatty, Zhugan and others have a good relationship with Qinchuan. However, Lu Guang was imprisoned and Bai Shou became low-key. He did not reconcile with Qinchuan, but he also did not Come and provoke Qin Chuan again.

The old man looked at Qin Chuan and Tantai Huang with bright eyes and smiled.

Tantai Huangqing suddenly blushed: "Old man!"

This was a bit self-inflicted. Tantai Huangqing's appearance as a shy little girl made the old man laugh. He felt very funny and seemed very happy.

"Girl, after so many years, I have never seen you with such a side. When you grow up, Qin Chuan is good. Chuan'er, treat the girl well. It's hard to find such a girl with a lantern." The old man said it from the bottom of his heart. happy.

"Old man, don't worry, I will definitely treat her well." Qin Chuan said seriously.

I didn't say anything too exaggerated, but this sentence is more convincing. This is the feeling.

"Okay, Chuan'er, girl, come with me." The old man took the lead and walked into the room.

Bai Shou's eyes flashed and he released a green insect.

If anyone knew it, they would be surprised.

This bug is called a ground bug. It burrows into the ground and allows its owner to hear other people's conversations.

Apart from this function, it has no function, but this thing can be used to gather information. If it is cultivated with drugs or something, it can break through the genes and become more useful, but most people will not tame such a thing.

This kind of thing has a low IQ and is slow. It can't be used at a long distance. People may have finished talking about it long ago, so it is said to be too limited.

This Bai Shou actually had one, and it was very close to the room, so the ground bug quickly reached its target.

"Qin Chuan, girl, I have something to tell you." The old man sighed slightly.

"Sir, tell me." Qin Chuan had a bad feeling.

"In two days, when you and the girl leave, the Xuanmen Sect Master will deal with me this time." The old man sighed and said.

"We're not leaving!" Tantai Huangqing said firmly.

"Silly girl, old man, I've lived to this age and ignored everything. Don't you even agree to this last request?" the old man said.

"It's not that bad." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"No, this time is very bad. The ten sects of Xuanmen, except Fuzhuan sect, formation method sect, and medicine sect, plus one or two neutrals, the rest, including the Presbyterian Council and the Yun family, will come to deal with me. ." The old man said slowly.

"Why?" Qin Chuan asked puzzledly.

"This is a grudge that has been accumulated for many years. I killed a genius from the Yun family. He was a scum, but he was the one with the best talent and qualifications. I have offended too many people. Although those people deserve to be killed, every circle has rules. , and I broke the rules, so I will never marry or have children in my life, just for this reason." The old man was very cheerful.

Bai Shou was also shocked at this time. He didn't expect Fuzhuan Sect to have reached this level. He must not harm Chi Yu. Suddenly, he turned his eyes and left quickly, heading for the master of Xuanmen.

But as soon as he left, the conversation in Qin Chuan also changed.

"Old man, don't worry, it won't matter how many people come this time." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Oh?" The old man looked at Qin Chuan curiously.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, and just used the Eleven Flower Goddess on the old man.

The old man was stunned for a while. It took him a while to come back to his senses and smiled: "Okay!"

The old man didn't say anything more about asking Qin Chuan and Tantai Huangqing to leave. With this Eleven Flower God's position, they don't have to be afraid of anything and can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

At the same time, Bai Shou arrived at the mansion of the Xuanmen Sect Master.

"I have something important to see the sect master!" Bai Shou said.

There are two guards here, but knowing that Bai Shou is a disciple of Fuzhuan Sect and his status is much higher than that of ordinary disciples, he hesitated for a moment: "Wait a minute, I will report it."

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