Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1362: Young Master Red Wolf, the incarnation of Red Wolf...

The man walked like a dragon and a tiger, with his head held high and his chest held high, coming slowly!

His face is like a crown jewel, his eyes are like stars, his complexion is very white, he is elegant and calm, and paired with the red military robe, he has an enchanting charm.

In Tianlang City, the young master of the Red Wolf family, Red Wolf.

At this time, he looked at Tantai Huangqing. Although Qin Chuan and Tantai Huangqing were next to each other, the Red Wolf young master did not seem to see Qin Chuan.

"I, Young Master Red Wolf, came here today to propose marriage to Fairy Tantai. From now on, you will be my first wife, and I promise you will always be so. No matter how many women I have in the future, the position of first wife will always be yours." "Yes." Young Master Red Wolf looked at Tantai Huang Qing and said gently.

The surroundings were deathly quiet, no one spoke, Qin Chuan was also dumbfounded, looking at Young Master Red Wolf as if he was seeing an idiot.

In fact, many people around me don't think it's ridiculous. The foundation of the Red Wolf family in Tianlang City is really too strong. The young master Red Wolf's family background is so prominent that people don't even have the idea of ​​envy. The gap is too big, not to mention the Red Wolf family. The young master himself is also a talented person.

Tantai Huangqing didn't speak. After glancing at him from the beginning, he didn't look at him again. Instead, he looked at Qin Chuan with a smile on his face.

It was only at this time that Qin Chuan spoke up and said, "Where are you from, fool? He's playing with eggs, his head is filled with water, and his mouth is full of shit."

As soon as Qin Chuan spoke, the originally quiet surroundings became even quieter, so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop.

Then the surroundings suddenly became lively. In fact, what no one wanted to see was that Young Master Red Wolf successfully succeeded. That would be boring. They wanted to see the collision between Qin Chuan and Young Master Red Wolf.

Young Master Red Wolf was also stunned. At this time, he looked at Qin Chuan and asked seriously: "Are you talking about me?"

"Yes, I'm talking about you, you idiot." Qin Chuan nodded and said seriously.

"Interesting, do you know who I am?" Young Master Red Wolf asked with a smile.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I'm not interested in men."

"I am the young master of the Red Wolf family in Tianlang City!" the young master of the Red Wolf family said.

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Qin Chuan asked.

"If you say it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If you say it does, it means it does. If someone from the Red Wolf family kills you, your death will be in vain. I don't like killing people, so I hope you stay away from me." Young Master Red Wolf said calmly.

"I'm really curious how you survived until now. If you had met me earlier, I would probably beat you to death." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"You are very humorous!" Young Master Red Wolf said.

"I don't care who you are, please don't look for trouble here, or don't cry when the time comes."

"You are the deputy master of Xuanmen, right? When Fairy Tantai and I get married, we will be friends. Although you were rude to me today, I won't hold you accountable." Young Master Chilang said magnanimously.

Qin Chuan felt powerless again. When encountering such a narcissistic person, it was useless to say anything.

So Qin Chuan took action directly.

The people around were shocked again. Qin Chuan took action on Young Master Red Wolf first.

You must know that everyone felt that Young Master Red Wolf must have taken the initiative. It was good that Qin Chuan could fight back. But what they didn't expect was that Qin Chuan took the initiative and attacked first.

Everyone's faces were surprised and their eyes were shining. Young Master Red Wolf is a genius, and so is Qin Chuan's performance. I don't know what the outcome will be of the fight between the two geniuses.

In fact, most people don't think highly of Qin Chuan. No matter how good you are, it's ridiculous compared to the long-standing heritage of his family.

Diamond Dragon Claw!


Young Master Red Wolf was shocked when he saw Qin Chuan's attack. His figure jumped away ghostly and struck out with a palm at the same time.

Wolf claws!

Red wolf seal!

The huge red wolf claws and the golden dragon claws collided violently.

The heavenly wolf claws and the red wolf seal shattered.

The Vajra Divine Dragon Claw is indestructible. Qin Chuan is not surprised by this result, but it is unacceptable to Young Master Red Wolf. In martial arts, he has excellent talent and is a rare talent seen in a century, so he has absolute confidence in himself.

For so many years, I have rarely encountered opponents among the younger generation. I didn't expect that the young man in front of me could fight against me head-on.

The eyes of the people around him became brighter, because everyone could see that Qin Chuan seemed to have the upper hand.

However, some strong people know that this is just the first move. Having the upper hand does not mean that you are stronger than the opponent, but it is always a good start.

This is a test, which is very important. If you overwhelm the opponent with the first move, your confidence will greatly increase.

Qin Chuan didn't feel anything at all. This Red Wolf Young Master was very strong, but he really didn't take it seriously. In the holy realm, Qin Chuan was definitely the most special existence.

Young Master Red Wolf looked at Qin Chuan and smiled: "Interesting!"

Red wolf incarnation!

A huge red wolf shadow appeared clearly, majestic and majestic, shrouding the young master of the red wolf. This huge red wolf shadow was connected to the blood of the young master of the red wolf, which greatly increased his strength, but it increased a lot.

Wolf claws!

Red wolf seal!

The same move, but this time the power is very different. Not only that, following his attack, two red wolf shadows appeared around him, about ten meters in size, looking more solid, accompanied by the Heavenly Wolf Claws He rushed towards Qinchuan with Red Wolf Seal.

When Qin Chuan saw it, he thought of his own wolf-shaped deification and shot it directly.

Deified in wolf form!


Dozens of dragon and wolf beasts roared and rushed over.

The scene was huge, there were roars, and the battle really began at this time.

Young Master Red Wolf was secretly shocked. He just started to fight, but the opponent suppressed him step by step.


With a roar, Young Master Red Wolf directly transformed into a huge red wolf. The huge red wolf seemed to be the previous huge red wolf phantom becoming real.

The aura surged again, and the strength increased several times again.

This is a terrifying ability, which increases the strength several times. This Jedi is a combat skill that is proud of the world. No wonder the Red Wolf family can achieve what it is today. This is a terrifying inherited combat skill.

This is a inheritance. Even if the Red Wolf family is not a demon clan, with this inheritance, it can actually be regarded as a demon clan, but it can also be said to be a human clan.

Qin Chuan doesn't care whether he is a demon or a human, his current seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower has an effect on him.

Suppress 10% of all strength.

If that's the case, then let's suppress it, this disgusting young master of Red Wolf is disgusting.

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The wrath of the divine pupil!

Chaos means!

This is Qinchuan's meaning of chaos, which is fused with the golden magic sword.

The Golden Divine Sword cannot be blocked, and can only be resisted with mental power, or the same mental power combat skills can be used to resist.

Five Elements Divine Buddha Seal!

Ice Flame God Buddha!

The huge ice-blue Buddha glanced out from the sky with ice-colored flames, and the entire sky turned blue, and a bone-eroding cold breath spread.

The Ice Flame Buddha carries a mysterious aura and terrifying Buddha power.

The huge body of Young Master Red Wolf suddenly raised his head and roared, and his body was filled with red light.

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