Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1391 Chaos Beast Essence Blood Stone

Qin Chuan understands the thoughts of these people, but more than 99% of those useless weird things are useless and simply waste. Otherwise, everyone in this world will have them, and someone will always find them to be good things.

Just like gold will shine wherever it is, the same goes for treasures. Even if the pearl is covered in dust, it is only temporary. It is difficult to find out and requires skill. You can't find it, but others can, just like Qin Chuan's golden eyes.

But even so, there are still many restrictions. For example, if Qin Chuan is here by chance, he will try it here, and he will leave here in the future.

The value of a set of psychic seals and talismans is inestimable, and it attracts many people to come with strange things.

Most of them said the same thing, a family heirloom was once a treasure, but now they don't know how to use it.

Some people say that they found it on a treasure hunt, and even had it appraised by experts. They can only say that it is a treasure, but they don’t know what its specific use is.

There are many theories, so Qin Chuan will naturally not believe them, but he is still used to asking.

Qin Chuan only spares half an hour every day to do this. After all, you can tell at a glance whether it is a good thing or not.

"Old man, please come here!" Qin Chuan invited an old man in.

This old man is a martial arts practitioner, but his cultivation level is very low. How should I put it, he is a little stronger than ordinary people. Strictly speaking, he is not a martial artist. In fact, there are the most such people in the world, accounting for 90% of them. above.

Although martial arts is prevalent, there are only a few people who are truly suitable for cultivation.

What the old man took out was a dark sculpture with no luster, but it looked very old.

It was carved in the shape of a round little beast, with no legs, no eyes, only a big mouth, and a big round head that took up almost one-third of the body.

If you look closely, you can see that it’s not blind, it’s very small, it actually has facial features, and it’s actually very cute if you look closely.

There is no spiritual energy fluctuation, it just looks like a stone, and the workmanship is not even fine.

This thing is more like a child's plaything.

The golden pupil looked over and was stunned.

Chaos Beast Essence Bloodstone.

Can be used to upgrade some similar treasures.

How to use: Connect with essence and blood.

This should be a good thing. Qin Chuan frowned. He definitely couldn't try it now.

"Master Qin, you don't have to force yourself." The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Old man, this thing of yours is a good thing." Qin Chuan said seriously.

The old man waved his hand quickly: "I've seen it all, Master Qin, you don't have to do this."

"Seriously, although you don't know how good your stuff is, there is nothing wrong with it being good. I won't let myself suffer. There is no problem in carving talismans and seals for you, but you won't be able to use them! "

In fact, Qin Chuan was not afraid that the old man would not be able to use it, but was afraid that it would cause death to the old man.

"I'm just an ordinary person. It's useless to ask for anything. I just heard here that I can confirm the weird things. I just suddenly wanted to come and see if it is a good thing. It doesn't matter. Since Master Qin said it is a good thing, I will give it to you. ." The old man said happily.

"That's not possible, old man, please wait a moment." Qin Chuan called to the old man.

At the same time, Qin Chuan called his brother.

After knowing what happened, Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Okay, brother, don't worry, the old gentleman and his family will ensure their prosperity as long as the Yi family is here."

Next, a fat man came.

This is a fat man who doesn't look very likable, with a kind of businessman's philistine attitude. When he saw Qin Chuan, he was particularly affectionate: "Master Qin, hello, hello!"

But in Qin Chuan's opinion, this enthusiasm was really fake.

The fat man is the Park family, a large family in Jiecheng.

It can be regarded as a big family in Boundary City. It is not the top one, but it is still a respectable person.

Qin Chuan said hello casually and looked at him.

Then the fat man carefully took out a brocade box and opened it. Inside was a jade box. After carefully opening the jade box, he saw the contents inside.

This is a small blood-red human bone, only half a foot in size. It is exquisite and lifelike, as if the human skeleton has been shrunk.

But it was blood red and looked a bit oozing.

Qin Chuan trembled when he saw the skeleton, and the fat man smiled when he saw Qin Chuan's reaction.

"This little skeleton was originally snow-white, but for some reason it turned red little by little. Master Qin, what do you think of this thing?" the fat man said happily.

In Fatty's opinion, this thing is really good.

Qin Chuan already knew about this thing. This is the Blood Emperor Bone, which belongs to evil spirits. The reason why it turns red is because it comes into contact with too many people from the outside world. It is devouring people. Qin Chuan frowned and didn't know what to say to him. .

"Does Master Qin also think this is an ominous thing?" Fatty said with a smile.

Qin Chuan knew from the look on Fatty's face that the other party wouldn't believe anything he said, but if this continued, sooner or later, it would even lead to a catastrophe soon.

"I know you don't believe it, but I still want to tell you that this is the Blood Emperor Bone, an evil spirit thing. The reason why it turns red is because it is absorbing the blood essence of the people around it. When the time is right, maybe he will come back to life. Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"Master Qin is joking!" Fatty said.

Qin Chuan shook his head and did not speak, because he was not sure whether he would be able to come back to life, let alone the time when he would come back to life.

So Qin Chuan decided to forget it and said what needed to be said. Whether he listened or not was not his business.

"Master Qin, I'll give this to you, can you help me carve more talismans and seals." The fat man said cautiously.

In fact, Qin Chuan originally thought that he would study it if he could get it.

But now this fat man came to negotiate terms. Qin Chuan didn't like it and shook his head: "This thing is of no use to me. You should keep it for yourself. Remember not to be careless."

Qin Chuan didn't want it, but the fat man panicked. She actually just wanted to come here to get more talismans and seals. Now that she was fine, she couldn't get a set.

"Master Qin, Master Qin, one set, one set, okay?" the fat man said begging.

Qin Chuan hesitated.

He didn't like this fat man, but this Blood Emperor Bone was a treasure. Although he was an evil spirit, Qin Chuan had seen before that he had a way to resolve it.

If you get it, you can resolve a disaster and give yourself a powerful boost.

So Qin Chuan nodded.

This time, the fat man quickly put the Blood Emperor's bones in the jade box and handed them to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan put it away and started carving talismans and seals for the fat man.

It takes half an hour to carve out a set of talisman seals. If the talisman seal masters outside knew that Qin Chuan could carve psychic realm talisman seals at this speed, they would definitely lose their eyes.

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