Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1393: Meeting and getting rid of the seal of death

Unknowingly, Xue Qianxun walked out of the room.

Then she found that the taste was getting stronger and stronger, because she suddenly realized that the taste was so familiar, and only he could make it.

Her heart beat faster, she was hoping for something.

She didn't go to Qin Chuan, not because she didn't miss him or because she didn't love him, but because she loved him too deeply.

Sometimes people are very contradictory, especially women, so contradictory that she doesn't even know why. She doesn't want Qin Chuan to come to her, but she also wants Qin Chuan to come to her.

She heard a gurgle at the door.

I also smelled the fragrance coming from the door of my courtyard.

The scent is very familiar.

She seemed to realize something and walked over tremblingly.

Opened the door of his small courtyard.

She saw the man whom she had been dreaming about, and he was looking at her warmly. His loving eyes made her unable to control herself any longer, and she ran over to him and threw herself into his arms.

Qin Chuan saw that the long snow-white hair was very beautiful, and it was even more breathtaking in this snow-capped mountain city.

But Qin Chuan still likes her appearance with black hair, because she originally had black hair.

Qin Chuan hugged her tightly: "I'm going to punish you soon to see if you still dare to run away."

"Qin Chuan, I miss you so much, I miss you so much."

Xue Qianxun hugged Qin Chuan's waist tightly and leaned into his arms. The longing and uneasiness in her heart slowly calmed down at this time.

"I miss you too, so much that I go crazy." Qin Chuan said softly.

Gu Gu!

Xue Qianxun's face turned red and she was hungry. She was a warrior, so if she was hungry, it didn't mean she hadn't eaten for a day or two.

"Are you hungry? Let's eat first, and then you can eat me after eating. That will give you strength." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Bad thing!"

Qin Chuan moved the tables, chairs and the meat that was being stewed into the room in the small courtyard.

It's snowy outside, but it's warm as spring inside.

Qin Chuan held Xue Qianxun and let her sit in his arms. The two of them ate together and fed each other.

In the past, Xue Qianxun would have felt unbearable, but now she didn't have long to live, so she looked away from many of them and accepted them naturally.

Xue Qianxun was extremely happy while eating.

After eating, he lay comfortably in Qin Chuan's arms.

But Qin Chuan smiled: "Do you want to eat me?"

"Don't eat!"

"You really don't want to eat?" Qin Chuan blew into her ear and climbed up the top of the mountain with one hand. She was a nine-yin body, and Qin Chuan's yin and yang power was automatically exerted.

Xue Qianxun suddenly became emotional.

Naturally, there was a lot of nonsense next. Xue Qianxun looked at it a lot. There were not many days like this, so she took the initiative and tried many different ways of transposing yin and yang, trying them one by one.

Heaven and earth are harmonious, yin and yang merge, heaven and earth rotate, yin and yang interchange.

By the time the room became quiet, it was already evening.

Xue Qianxun lazily huddled in Qin Chuan's arms. The amorous feelings at this moment were indescribable, and even her radiant face was not enough to describe.


Qin Chuan's hand fell on Xue Qianxun's snow-white plumpness.


"I said I would spank you when I found you. This is your punishment for leaving without saying goodbye." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Xue Qianxun hugged Qin Chuan and said softly: "Don't be angry, or stop fighting!"

Qin Chuan's hand came up, not to hit her, but to rub her. The previous blow was neither light nor heavy, which was a sign of love and care.

"Okay, I can remove the seal of death from your body. This is your punishment for not trusting your man." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Xue Qianxun was stunned: "Can we get rid of it?"

"Of course, you are my woman. Even if I go to heaven or earth, I will save you, but you don't believe me and run away. How do you think I will punish you?" Qin Chuan said angrily.

A happy and intoxicating smile appeared on Xue Qianxun's face. These words were the best and most touching words she had ever heard.

"You can punish me however you want." Xue Qianxun hugged Qin Chuan and whispered in her ear.

A magnetic and elegant voice, a bit hoarse and enchanting.

Now that Qin Chuan has the ability to get rid of the seal of death, he will naturally do it without any delay.

It only took a stick of incense to remove the mark of death, and the long snow-white hair slowly returned to a bright black color.

Bright and beautiful, Xue Qianxun happily held Qin Chuan's hand: "Go shopping with me."

"Okay, you can go wherever you want and don't leave without saying a word." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"I was wrong, I was petty!" Xue Qianxun stood on tiptoes and kissed Qin Chuan, then pulled Qin Chuan out of the courtyard.

The night view of Snow Mountain City is beautiful. It faces the huge snow mountain and there are many people on the street. This is a city that never sleeps. There is a snack street nearby. Hu Tianhai has almost consumed all the food he had eaten before.

Because of the weather, the food here tends to be spicy.

Smoke filled, barbecue, soup pot, steaming...

Xue Qianxun has never been here since she came here. Now that Qin Chuan is with her, her mood is naturally different. The death aura has been removed, which can be regarded as untying the biggest knot in her heart.

"Qin Chuan, I want to eat this."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll buy it!"

"And this, this..."

Along the way, Xue Qianxun was like a little girl. For her, it was not just a rebirth, but many of the most precious things that she couldn't let go of came back.

I have been playing here for three to five days and looked around the area.

Qin Chuancai said: "Let's go back to Boundary City and thank the person who told me where you are."

"Okay, let's go wherever you say!" Xue Qianxun looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

"Well, that's right. This is called husband singing and wife following." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You are so beautiful!" Xue Qianxun smiled.

It was already a few days later that the two people returned to Boundary City on the colorful dragon bird.

Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun returned to Jie Cheng Mansion.

Yi Tianyun, his wife and the little girl were naturally happy to see Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun.

Knowing that Qin Chuan had found the woman he was looking for.

"Uncle, uncle..."

Qin Chuan picked up the little girl, and the little girl nuzzled Qin Chuan affectionately with her little nose. Her cute little touch made people indescribably happy. This kind of happiness is human nature and deep in the soul.

"Xun'er, this is eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law. This is eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law's daughter."

Qin Chuan introduced them to them.

"Brothers and sisters, no wonder Brother Qinchuan is obsessed with you. You are truly a beauty. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Yi Tianyun's wife walked to Xue Qianxun and smiled.

"Brother, sister-in-law, thank you." Xue Qianxun knew that they could meet so quickly, and they could meet now because of Yi Tianyun.

"Brothers and sisters, if you want to say thank you, it will really slap us in the face. Don't say thank you." Yi Tianyun said quickly.

Everything about him, including the entire Yi family, can be said to have been saved by Qin Chuan.

After being polite, everyone walked towards the hall together.

"Qin Chuan, she is so cute!" Xue Qianxun looked at the little girl and smiled.

"Aunt, you are so beautiful." The little girl's innocent voice was pure.

Xue Qianxun smiled: "You are also very beautiful. You will be more beautiful than your aunt when you grow up."

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