Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1425: Holy Son, Quasi-Holy Son, Holy Sect...

In the end, it was Langtong who came to preside over the Langyuan Holy Sect. Qinchuan and Langyuan were also here, and the Lang family returned here again.

At the same time, word spread about what happened here, and one person naturally knew about it.

That is the Son!

"What? Langjing is dead?" asked a man who looked elegant and handsome.

"Yes!" The man bowed and said.

"Well, this Langtong still has some tricks. If that's the case, let's have fun with your Lang family." The man smiled.

"Holy Son, Langyuan is here too," the man said.

"Oh, Langyuan is here, are you sure?" The man's eyes lit up.

"Sure, it's at the Langyuan Holy Gate." The man replied.

"Well, I got it, let's get down!" The man waved his hand and said calmly.

"Yes!" The man withdrew respectfully.

This man is the Holy Son, and he has always been a rival to Langyuan's father. Both parties were once quasi-Holy Sons, but now he has become the Holy Son, and Langyuan's father has become a prisoner.

"Qinchuan, there will be a martial arts meeting held by the Holy Sect in half a month, and all the Holy Sects in this area will participate." Langtong found Qinchuan that day and said.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "What's the benefit?"

"Through discussion and exchange, there is a chance to become a quasi-holy son." Langtong said.

Qin Chuan was not interested at first, but was slightly startled when he heard about this quasi-sage.

Langtong said at this time: "Only the Quasi-Saint Son is qualified to fight with the Holy Son, otherwise there is no way to compete. The Holy Sect is a huge existence, and the Holy Son has a very high status. Only by becoming a Quasi-Saint Son, and also very powerful Only the quasi-Holy Son can shake the Holy Son, and the girl’s father was the Holy Son before.”

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up: "Okay, then we will go and participate."

The matter was decided in this way. Dragon City, Langyuan City and many surrounding cities would all go to the main gate.

Holy city!

The main gate of the Holy Gate is in the Holy City,

This area all falls within the scope of the Holy City.

Each city has a teleportation array to the Holy City, so although the distance is far, there is no need to go in advance. You can just go two days before the game.

Now Qin Chuan practices hard every day, and even goes to Langyuan to visit Langyuan City when he has nothing to do.

Let's see if we can find something suitable.

For example, Immortal Crystal Stone, Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill, and Tianxing Silver.

When it came to Tianxing Silver, Qin Chuan suddenly forgot that he could use the death-free silver medal to exchange for something special.

What do you need?

The Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill is definitely one, whether it is the several positions he has awakened or the last two positions that have not been awakened.

It's a pity that there are too few such things, so you can't search for them deliberately. Then you may not be able to find one even if you search for ten or dozens of years.

Immortal Crystal Stone, now that I have reached the realm of a powerful person, the treasure can be upgraded again as expected, but the Immortal Crystal Stone is not enough.

Although fairy crystals are also good things, they are relatively easy to collect, so Qin Chuan decided to go to the auction house with Langyuan to publicize and hold an auction. A silver medal to avoid death would be auctioned using fairy crystals.

The base price is either Thousand Fast Immortal Crystals or Tianxing Silver. Tianxing Silver must be able to produce at least fifteen death-free silver medals.

This was what Qin Chuan negotiated with the people at the Xuanwu Auction House.

This is a beautiful woman, a enchanting and dazzling woman.

Although her appearance is only inferior to Langyuan's, her style, beauty and maturity are the best Qin Chuan has ever seen. Overall, she is a woman who can make men die under the peony blossoms.

A pair of enchanting bright eyes, misty and misty, making one look trapped and unable to get out.

But Qin Chuan could tell that this woman's strength was higher than that of Lang Jing and others, and even Qin Chuan was not sure what her strength was.

And this woman's eyes lit up when she saw Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan's physique attracted her. In addition, Qin Chuan took out three death-free silver medals at once.

You must know that at this level, the silver medal for immunity from death is absolutely extremely precious. With the silver medal for immunity from death, you can try to break through the calamity of life and death, and you can greatly improve your strength. Strength is everything.

This young man auctioned off the death-free silver medal in exchange for Immortal Crystal Stone or Tianxing Silver.

Then it is almost certain that this young man has the means to make a silver medal to avoid death. It seems that his elders should be able to do it.

"What do you call me sir?" the woman said with a smile.

Her voice was low and slightly hoarse, but it sounded so good that it made people feel like their bones would fall off when they heard it.

"My surname is Qin!"

"Hello, Mr. Qin, can I buy a piece directly and you give me a fixed price," the woman said.

Qin Chuan thought for a while: "You want to use fairy crystal to buy it."

"Well, I have saved some over the years, so I should be able to buy one." The woman smiled.

"Actually, I can sell them all to you, but I don't know how many fairy crystals you have, boss?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Five thousand yuan!" the woman said.

The base price of the auction is one thousand yuan, but this is only the base price. You must know that some people are willing to go bankrupt for a silver medal to avoid death, so one thousand yuan is really worth a lot, but apart from upgrading the treasure, there is no Too big an effect.

There are naturally not many fairy crystals, but they are not very few, because strong men of similar strength all have one or two pieces, and some people even have ten, twenty, or hundreds of pieces, but it is not easy to collect. To collect, the price you have to pay will be higher.

However, since a woman is the owner of Xuanwu Auction House, it is naturally different.

Qin Chuan was shocked when he said five thousand pieces. It would be really difficult for Qin Chuan to get five thousand pieces of immortal crystals.

"The deal is five thousand yuan," Qin Chuan said.

The woman was stunned: "Then how many silver medals are you going to give me to avoid death?"

"How many do you want?" Qin Chuan smiled.

"Let's take two. In fact, if you auction it, I feel that it would be difficult to auction two fairy crystals for five thousand yuan, mainly because few people can get them together." The woman said.

"I will give you three, but I hope the boss will help me pay attention to the Tianxing Silver. I will not miss the benefits for you. As long as you reach the level of Tianxing Silver that can make fifteen death-free silver medals, I can give you a death-free silver medal. A commission." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

The woman's eyes lit up. He was an auction house here, and it was the largest auction house. It was not particularly difficult to collect Tianxing Silver, not to mention that she was collecting it for him, so he would naturally pay the price.

"Thank you so much, little lady, Mr. Qin." The woman said happily, her beautiful eyes curved into crescent moons, and her charming and fairy eyes became more and more alluring.

Qin Chuan calmly avoided her. Don't be curious or provoke such a woman. She can't afford to provoke her. It's too dangerous. This is a truly dangerous woman.

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