Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,427 Langyuan parents, baby dragon is born...

The big sects are just different.

Qin Chuan can definitely feel that it is not that the sect occupies a large area or has tall buildings. These are not the main things. The main thing is the aura and heritage accumulated over the years.

This is something that cannot be seen or touched but is real.

The main gate of the Holy Gate is not on the mountain, but in the center of the Holy City. However, when it was built, the location was much higher, and the existence of the Holy Gate can be seen from a distance.

The long stone steps, wide but low in height, lead directly to the gate of the Holy Gate.

At this time, people from the main gate of the Holy Gate also came to greet the people from the branch gates of the Holy Gate.

Everyone came from the same family, and they seemed to be very cordial when they met and talked.

But whether this is really the case can only be understood in the heart. We have no family ties, and it is not uncommon for the royal family and our fathers and sons to kill each other.

Not to mention that these are just people from the same school, and they are all independent.

What happened in Langtong and Langjing can explain a lot. For the sake of profit and one's own ambition, anything can be done.

All other branches were warmly received.

But no one cares about the Langyuan Holy Gate.

Everyone else has been assigned to the small courtyard, but no one has arranged it for the Holy Sect of Langyuan. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye will know what is going on. This is someone deliberately targeting the Holy Sect of Langyuan, just to make the Holy Sect of Langyuan lose face and make the Holy Sect of Langyuan embarrassed. The door is uncomfortable.

Langtong also looked ugly. He walked up and stopped a responsible man: "We have been waiting for so long, where do we live?"

The man in charge looked at Langtong and smiled: "I'm busy here. Wait a minute and you can find someone else."

After the man finished speaking, he smiled and went to arrange for others.

Qin Chuan smiled and said to his uncle: "Don't panic, let's take a rest."

Qin Chuan took out the wooden house and got in to rest.

Others followed suit.

Suddenly dozens of cabins stood here.

They say that kid is difficult to deal with.

But they also knew that someone must have said hello, otherwise these people would not be so bold.

No one but the Son would do this.

But this is a sect and we cannot take action. Taking action here implies that we are seeking death. If we take action, we will fall into the trap of the Holy Son.

What would it be like to have so many wooden houses here in Langtong? If this continues, Jingdong’s senior management will soon be there, so a man left in a hurry.

"What, put down the wooden house?" The Holy Son looked ugly.


"Forget it, go ahead and arrange them!" Shengzi said, rubbing his head.

Qin Chuan and others were arranged, but this time nothing happened.

Arrangements will be made today for everyone to have free time, and registration will begin tomorrow. Anyone who participates in the martial arts competition must register.

Langyuan felt restless.

Because Langyuan's parents were imprisoned here as expected, but they didn't know where they were imprisoned.

Qin Chuan thought: "Let's go, I'll take you to see your uncle and aunt."

Langyuan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course, let's go!" Qin Chuan smiled.

Directly summoned the Earth Golden Dragon Bear and entered the earth.

Now that the Earth Golden Dragon Bear has reached the realm of a powerful person, its abilities are even more powerful. It is the darling of the earth. Now its earth abilities are even more powerful, and it can travel under the earth like a fish in water.

Qin Chuan used the Golden Eyes to scan the Holy Gate before. With his current strength and the terror of the Golden Eyes, he is not too worried about scanning some strong people. Even if he does, he can still escape from the divine consciousness.

This sweep really caught him.

This is a secret room, a basement, made of special metal, with special talismans on the outside.

This location is to the northwest.

The reason why they are sure to be Langyuan's parents is because of their looks. If the middle-aged couple were not Langyuan's parents, then he would really hit a wall.

The two people headed towards their destination.

The journey was smooth.

Qin Chuan must rescue Langyuan's parents. Langyuan's father was once the Holy Son, so he naturally has such great strength, but now his cultivation may have been abolished. The Holy Son won by insidious means, so naturally Langyuan's father cannot be allowed to live well.

Don't be afraid of being crippled, Qin Chuan has terrifying medical skills and can recover.

Then I can feel more relaxed.

He would rather stand behind the giant than rush to the front, which would be too tiring.

Fu Zhuan is easy.

It’s just that this special material can’t seem to be opened!

Qin Chuan asked the precious beast King Kong Rat to bite him, but it didn't work either.

This is the precious beast Vajra Rat. Needless to say, the power of its teeth is terrifying, but it is not enough.

Suddenly Qin Chuan's eyes lit up.

Summoned the baby dragon.

The golden light flashed on the baby dragon's body. After receiving Qin Chuan's instructions, he naively went over. What surprised Qin Chuan was that the metal of the treasure beast King Kong Rat was helpless. The baby dragon ate it directly...

A big hole was eaten in a while, and Qinchuan and Langyuan naturally saw Langyuan's parents.

The baby dragon is still eating.

But Langyuan rushed over excitedly: "Father, mother!"

In fact, the middle-aged couple also saw Langyuan at this time and were stunned in disbelief.

The beautiful woman from the middle-aged couple hugged their daughter excitedly: "Yuan'er, why are you here?"

"Mother, mother, are you okay!" Langyuan burst into tears.

Qin Chuan stood aside, and at this time the middle-aged man looked at Qin Chuan and smiled: "You are Qin Chuan!"

"Uncle, hello, my name is Qin Chuan!" Qin Chuan scratched his head and greeted a little shyly.

"very good!"

At this time, when the man saw the baby dragon eating this mysterious metal, he looked at Qin Chuan with a strange expression: "Is this yours?"

Qin Chuan: "Yes, my pet."

"Yuan'er, uncle and aunt, let's leave here first." Qin Chuan said.


The baby dragon has already finished eating the cage at this time...

He patted his belly and hung on Qin Chuan's body to sleep with a cute look.

Langyuan's eyes also lit up. It was the first time he saw such a cute guy. The four of them took the Earth Golden Dragon Bear back to the small courtyard where they lived.

The man's cultivation was ruined.

But there was no trace of disappointment at all. He was very happy to see his daughter and Qin Chuan.

"Qin Chuan, thank you for taking care of our girl." The man smiled.

"Uncle, you're welcome, Yuan'er is my beloved, I can do anything for her," Qin Chuan said.

Langyuan blushed: "Qin Chuan!"

"When I get back, I will propose marriage to my uncle and aunt." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The middle-aged couple just looked at Qin Chuan and Langyuan with smiles and did not speak.

At the same time, the Holy Son appeared in the underground secret room, and then looked at it with great surprise that it was empty, with no face cage...

This is a prison cage made of golden dragon fine iron...

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't imagine that this was the case. Who knew that he had imprisoned Langji here?

Who has such great magical power to rescue Langji?

However, thinking that Langji had been destroyed by him, he felt a little better, but he had to check, he had to check, the other party probably wasn't far away, but he also knew that it would be too difficult to find out.

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