Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,429 Sword Willow City, Fuliu Divine Sword

The Son is among them.

Naturally, those who can sit anywhere on the judges' bench are people with extraordinary status.

The status of the Holy Son is very high in the Holy Sect. Even the elders and others do not dare to neglect the Holy Son. After all, this person has great hope of becoming the sect leader in the future.

However, there are also other situations. For example, if the holy word is very unbearable, it will only be a matter of time before it is replaced. Naturally, some capable people will not compromise everywhere.

The distance between the Holy Son and the sect master is very long, so far that it is unimaginable. The main reason is that it takes too long, and any number of variables may happen as time goes by.

Unless they are some geniuses and unimaginable sons of monsters, such a person might be able to rise to power early and force the sect leader to step down.

"Now it's a single-player battle, a free battle. The rules have been stated. Let's start now." After the man said that, he went down.

After a brief silence, a man walked up.

"I'm King Yixu of Sunny Sky City, which brother comes up to give me some advice? I'm not a master, so if you're a master, let's raise your hand and let's have a close match!" The man clasped his fists around him.

There was laughter all around. What Wang Yixu said was good, but some people just liked to contradict him.

"I come!"

As the voice fell, a young man walked up.

"This is the young master of Yufeng City, he is very powerful."

"It must be powerful. Yufeng City is one of the top five cities in the Holy City. If you don't see anyone on the judges' table, there is someone from Yufeng City."

"This young master from Yufeng City is so powerful, why do you want to go up? Didn't the other party say that there is someone evenly matched?"

"Are you sick? Whatever he says is what he says. Then the person he said comes up asks you to admit defeat. Do you want to admit defeat?"

Wang Yixu's face turned livid when he saw the man coming up, but there was nothing he could do. He was not on the same level at all. There was no suspense in the battle. Just admit defeat. It would be shameful for a warrior to surrender without fighting.

"Are you going to admit defeat or fight? I won't say anything with my fists and kicks. Don't be offended if I hurt you." The young master of Yufeng City said with a smile.

This is a threat.

Wang Yixu's face looked ugly. This young master from Yufeng City had a bad reputation. He was a playboy, but even if he was a playboy, he was still much more powerful than him.

"I am a warrior, and I cannot retreat even if I die in battle." Wang Yixu said with his head held high.

The young master of Yufeng City laughed out loud: "Okay, you have the guts, I hope you won't give in for a while!"


The battle begins.


With one move, Wang Yixu was sent flying backwards, his whole body was like a gourd rolling on the ground, and the corners of his mouth were bloody.

Wang Yixu also felt bitter in his heart. He was a bitch himself. Why did he say that? Why not just fight directly? Then he could admit defeat now. After all, the battle was very different. There was a huge difference in strength. It would not be shameful to admit defeat, and his mood would not be affected. Influence.

It's a bit difficult to get off now.

Many people below couldn't stand it. In the end, Wang Yixu was beaten until he was unconscious, but the little prince of Yufeng City didn't stop and was finally stopped by drinking.

"If I am strong enough, I must go up and teach him a lesson."

"Forget it, there is a reason why the young master of Yufeng City is so arrogant."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"He's a Son man and this time he's here to knock some people off."

"Come on, Anjin, let's compete." A man walked up.

"Haha, there's something good to watch."

"What's wrong?" someone asked curiously.

"Do you know who is on stage?"

"The sword cry of Jianliu City."

"Yes, then you should know one of the Quasi-Holy Sons."

"Oh, I understand, Sword Demon, the existence that is said to be very likely to replace the Holy Son."

"Yes, this Jian Ming and Jian Yao are both members of the Jianliu City Jian Family."

An Jin, the little prince of Yufeng City, looked at Jian Ming, with a sneer on his face, and walked down: "I just finished fighting, I don't have time to pay attention to you."

"Coward, just bully the weak, be weird early, what the hell." Jian Ming's disdainful sneer spread to the surroundings.

Naturally, no man can bear An Jin's foot slap. No one wants to be called a coward. Why did Wang Yixu grit his teeth before? He just didn't want to be called a coward.

Not to mention Anjin, he belongs to a big family, and if he remains indifferent to being called a coward, he will probably be punished when he returns home.

So Quiet stopped.

Being beaten does not matter. Among warriors, there is no shame in being defeated or injured, but the most shameful thing is not daring to fight, not even daring to fight when being scolded, swallowing one's anger and being a coward.

If you are being chased by someone and there is a huge disparity in strength, it is natural to run for your life.

For this kind of challenge, the relative gap is not particularly huge. It is a situation where the status of the two companies is almost the same. It would be a shame to not accept the challenge.

An Jin gritted his teeth and could only fight.

The face of the Holy Son at the judges' table remained the same, but deep in his eyes was a cold expression.

The battle began, and Jian Ming's long sword emerged from the sea like a dragon, with an astonishing speed, but with a mysterious melody.

The swordsmen of Jianliu City are famous for their swords, and they practice the Holy Sect Fuliu Divine Sword.

Fuliu Divine Sword focuses on speed, then moves, and finally a little strength.

Anjin couldn't resist it at all.


When the long sword comes out, it is as graceful as a dragon, as powerful as a rainbow, as fast as lightning, and as sharp as a soaring dragon.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up when he saw it. This Jian Ming had very good attainments in kendo.

The Forged God Sword Hammer can be said to be a sword or a hammer. Qin Chuan's eyes lit up when he looked at the man's swordsmanship here.

The sword is like a swimming dragon, and it also has speed, mysterious moves, and strength.

Qin Chuan has all these, and Qin Chuan thinks he can use them better than him.

I just didn't think about it before, but now I can fuse it in this way and then merge it into the Yin-Yang Forged Divine Hammer.

That power cannot be underestimated, and Qin Chuan was a little excited just thinking about it.

It is also beneficial to watch others fight. Even if you watch people who are not as strong as yourself fight, you can sometimes get a lot of inspiration from them.

An Jin was stabbed by Jian Ming's long sword and bled continuously.

There was no way to fight back.

"I give up!" Jing Jing gave up.

When the two sides fight, they actually want to force the other side to admit defeat.

"Okay, good fight, well done Jian Ming!"

"It's so cool. That Anjin really deserves to be beaten to death and then crippled."

Jianming was declared the winner.

At this time, someone else walked up.

Everyone's expressions were wonderful when they saw it.

This is a big man, a vicious-looking fat man, half taller than a normal person, and his thick body is round and round like a huge water tank.

What he held in his hand was a huge sword.

This sword is really big, often three meters long, one foot wide, and as thick as a punch.

"This is the person who settled down in Yufeng City."

"The An family and the Jian family are facing each other."

"What's so strange about this? It's like this every time, but can this big fat man defeat Jian Ming?"

"Jian Ming is extremely flexible. This big fat man looks very bulky and should be no match for him."

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